Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Old Walls Crumble

Seven Weeks and a Millennium

by cearrae 3 reviews

A year without magic in the Muggle world - A year of changes in the Magic world.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Angst, Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Arthur Weasley, Draco, Hermione, Lupin, Molly Weasley, Ron, Snape, Other - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-06-17 - Updated: 2006-06-17 - 5561 words

This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark or infringement is intended.

A year passes in this chapter; a very ordinary year without fighting. But, extraordinary things are about to happen for the Wizarding World. A back story I won't go into here is happening - perhaps another story to be written - who knows. Does Severus adapt? Well, read on. A nice review or rating wouldn't go amiss!


Seven weeks, that's all that had passed. Seven weeks to turn a world on its ear and set feet on paths to new destinies. Seven weeks to remove a legacy and begin history anew. Seven weeks; had that really been all the time elapsed since the walls started to come down?

"Severus, you all right?" asked Jenny. She stood watching him looking at the new demolition site that was once Spinner's End. "Are you sad or upset?"

Severus shook his head slowly, "No, not really. It was inevitable. I'd kept it hidden longer than I ever should."

"How?" she asked.

Severus snorted, "A special charm that rendered the street invisible unless you knew where to look. Who brought them?" he asked, wondering how his secret had been revealed.

"Lucius brought Arthur Weasley and Tonks. They were looking for evidence for your case. It looks like someone followed. They went through the house and took possession of anything magical. Arthur said some had been impounded by your Ministry."

He nodded his head, "Most likely Moody brought the wards down, the resentful git." He pulled her along as he left the site. "It's not that I have many good memories of the house; I don't. It's just the fact that the decision to let go was taken away from me."

"You've got to go to the building society. They're holding the money from the Council in escrow. The forms are in the envelope Arthur gave you. I have the rest of your stuff at my house."

She looked up at him, seeing him nod. He looked so different now. His hair was longer; he'd lost weight and looked as if he'd aged five years.

"Talk to me Severus. I can see so many things just mucking around in your mind. Tell me what it is, if it's not the house?" she asked, wanting to help him move on.

Severus looked at the sky and took a deep breath, "Do you smell it, Jenny? Do you know what that heady fragrance is?" he asked, mysteriously.

"Car exhaust, I should think," she teased, but then asked seriously, "Tell me?"

"Freedom; freedom to live where I want, speak to whoever I want, about any subject. To work where I want, at any job I please. That, Jenny my love, is what I smell. It's just beyond my grasp, but perhaps one day."

"You have lots of opportunity now," she replied.

He shook his head. "Too many walls still standing."

Jenny cocked her head, indicating he should keep talking.

He shared a small smile and pulled her closer. "For years I have carefully erected walls about me; to keep me safe, to keep people from getting too close. These past months, I have seen the bricks start to tumble to my feet. I was thinking how appropriate it was to see the old house demolished; the old walls crumbling away."

"The old walls come down and a new building is built, strong and bright. They're building for the future, Severus, just as you are. It will be better for all the lessons learned from the mistakes made in the old construction. The doors will be open to new ideas and the rooms more welcoming. The past is past and now, tomorrow is waiting. I think it's exciting."

"When did you become so wise?" he asked, amused at her metaphors.

"I spent a few hours talking to your Albus back in London. For some reason, he thought I had a lot of common sense; at least that's what he told me. He also told me he was a very smart man."

She leaned her head on his shoulder as they walked back to her house. As they entered, the phone was ringing. Jenny rushed to answer.

"Hello? Speaking...." Jenny looked at Severus, her face showing an anxious expectancy. "Of course, I understand." She bit her lips and clenched her left hand into a fist. "When ever you give the word, I'm ready...Monday, really? Oh, that's wonderful. Thank you ever so much for giving me this chance. I'll be there bright and early. Bye-bye."

"Well?" asked Severus.

"Library Tech two; I start work at my old Uni on Monday," she exclaimed in joy, before jumping into his arms for a hug.

Severus was genuinely happy for her, but it left him feeling a little uncomfortable. Was he to become a burden to her; he'd never permit that. He had to find his own path and soon.


"Draco, come along, it's time to leave....Draco...Come on son you can go home."

Lucius looked at his only child standing in the corner under cover of a shadow. He understood why; it was best not to be noticed in Azkaban.

"It's over, Draco," said Lucius, trying to get his attention.

Draco shook his head, "Another trick...they hurt you when you get hopeful. Just wait."

Lucius looked back over his shoulder. Minerva McGonagall was standing at the door of the holding cell in the Ministry. She approached Lucius and patted his arm.

"Mr. Malfoy," she began, in her best professorial voice, "You will cease your dilly-dallying and come along. We don't have all day to pander to the whims of a little boy. Now, step lively, Malfoy."

Draco frowned at the sound of her voice; it was familiar and far removed from his time in Azkaban.

"Professor, why are you here? You don't work for them, do you?" He peered out of his corner, seeing only his father and professor in the room.

"No, Draco. I'm still working at Hogwarts. That's why I'm here. Now, listen to your father and come along. We've no time to waste. We need to get to work on rebuilding."

Minerva gave him her patented McGonagall look-down-her nose glare, before turning away. She showed Lucius her crossed fingers as she passed him, leaving the room.

Draco looked at his father finally, " it true?"

Lucius smiled. "Yes, son, it's true. We can go home now. It's over."

Draco's chin quivered as he stumbled forward into his fathers arms, "I was afraid all the time. They said they were going to do things to me...they said I was pretty and that they could get money and they..."

Lucius pulled his son into his arms and held him tightly, "Come on, Draco, we can go home. Mrs Weasley has made a pot of soup and some Summer Pudding for you. Some of the elves came back and your old room is being cleaned as we speak." He led his sobbing son out, half carrying him. They walked past the Aurors to the lifts. Tonks held one open for them. Lucius looked at no one as he left, his head held high, while his own tears flowed freely down his cheeks.

Severus walked to the shops with the list Jenny had left him with. It had been almost a month since he'd returned to Manchester but he still had no luck at finding a job. Standing in line at Tesco's, he recalled the conversation of a fortnight prior...


..."What's wrong, Severus?" asked Jenny.

He threw aside the newspaper he was reading in disdain, "I visited two bed-sits and a Bed and breakfast today. The B and B was taken, one flat had more vermin than Pettigrew at his worst and the other wouldn't accept me as I was not employed." He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Severus, don't take this the wrong way but..." Jenny was interrupted as Severus jumped up.

"I know, Jenny. I can't continue living like this. You've been more than generous. I'll see if there's a shelter or something. The YMCA used to have beds..."

"You're doing it again! Just stop and listen," she yelled. "Your bloody pride and snooty manners are mucking everything up. Now, SHUT UP AND LISTEN!"

Severus sat back down. Jenny had never spoken to him this way before.

"All right, Jenny, what is it?"

"I never asked you to move out. I never said you wouldn't have a place to stay as long as you needed...or wanted to." She paused and sat facing him. "If you want to live somewhere else, I'll understand. I...I have no reason to think there might be more than what we had before all this started."

Looking up into the dark eyes that were her haven of peace, she decided to go for broke. "I'd hoped that, maybe, you'd want to stay with me; the weeks without you were impossibly lonely. If you want, that is. I mean, you could pay some of the bills if you want...Oh Severus don't go, I want you to stay!"

He'd knelt in front of her and lifted her head, "Jenny, I don't want to be a burden. I'll find a job, even if it's just sweeping floors. But, if you want me to, I couldn't think of anywhere I'd rather be." He shared one of his rare smiles with her, "I do recall making a declaration of love to you."

Jenny smiled back at him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, "I love you too, you irritating snob." She pulled back and cupped his face. "A job will come, I know it will."

"Your confidence in an unemployed wizard is inspiring; now, just one question. How does one learn how to jerk pork, without being obscene?"....


...He sighed and took another step forward to unload the shopping for the cashier to tally. There had still been no hint of a job after three weeks. The money from the house was helping but it wasn't a fortune.

"Twenty pound, fourteen," announced the clerk.

He pulled out his wallet and paid the girl then grabbed the two bags and left. His gloomy mood surrounded him like a cloud, such that he almost missed the small shop window with a position vacant sign. He stopped and looked at the shop sign above the window. The grandiose title of 'Ye Olde Apothecary Shoppe' was emblazoned on the old board. Curious, Severus peered through the window and saw what appeared to be an herbalist shop within. He sniffed and entered. A bell tinkled in the back, signalling his presence. An ancient man came out, wiping his mouth on a towel.

"How can I help you sir? Is there something you are seeking?" he asked, looking at Snape over the rims of his glasses.

"Indeed, sir - a job."


September came in dry and mild. Jenny watched from the kitchen window as Severus paced the back garden, to and fro, pausing occasionally to rub his chin. She pulled on a cardigan and joined him.

"What you up to then, Severus?' she asked.

"I want to put in some winter plants; there are a few concoctions that would sell well back at the shop." He began taking measured strides again.

"Are they legal?" Jenny asked.

He turned and glared at her. "As in magical?"


"They are perfectly legal, madam. Besides, old Archie said he'd give me a bonus if they sold."

Jenny snorted, "Old Archie's a cheap old fart, if you ask me." She folded her arms.

Severus came towards her and tipped her face up for a kiss. "Old Archie gave me a job. Come, I've been waiting all day for you."

He turned her around and placed a sharp smack on her backside. Jenny jumped in shock then felt his lips at her ear. "I've been waiting for a starter for my dinner. I think we should do something to work up an appetite, don't you?" He pulled her into the kitchen and closed the door before pulling her into his arms.

Jenny pulled back, "Severus Snape, you're never the man I met in Tesco's last year, are you?"

"No, not at all. He was an ugly, taciturn bastard. No woman would ever have looked twice at him." He took her hand and led her to the bedroom where he began undressing her.

"Now, for my starter I think I'll have, a lovely Manchester Lass on a bed...," he whispered into her ear.

"On a bed of what?" she asked, closing her eyes as he dropped kisses onto her neck.

He turned her around and pushed her back gently, making her lie on the bed.

"Just on a bed." He leaned over her and kissed her deeply, wiping all other thoughts from their heads.


September 30, 1999

Malfoy Manor - A Hogwarts Annex.

"Did you ever wonder what was down here before?" whispered Ron to Hermione who was fingering the necklace Ron had given her for Valentines Day.

"Wine," answered a voice from behind them. "It was my father's wine cellar, Weasley. It was never a dungeon or a torture chamber." Draco sneered and shook his head.

"Well, it was generous of your father to let us have seventh year classes here," Hermione told him.

Draco shrugged, "He needed some income and the fees worked out just fine."

"Well, he could become a teacher at Hogwarts, you know..."

"Miss Granger, have you completed the assigned reading? Are you ready to begin?" Remus Lupin strode up beside her.

"Uhm, yes sir." She smiled at him.

"Good, I want you to help Neville. He's having a dickens of a time dismembering his beetles." He strode away to another table.

"Snape would have had a fit if you'd have helped Neville with his potions," said Harry.

"I wish he was back," whispered Hermione.

"Here, here," said Draco, starting his potion assignment.


It had started out as a horrendous riot, as the children attempted to run roughshod over Jenny. When Severus stood and faced them, they stopped in shock.

"Your aunt has graciously agreed to be your caregiver this evening. She is, by nature, a kind and generous lady. I, however, am neither generous nor kind. What might even be more important to you is that I am not forgiving." He watched as the children tried to make sense of what they were hearing.

"Let me make it easy for you, if you behave, you can watch television, play on the computer or use the Game-thing to your hearts content. If not, you will be in bed, to stay." He watched for their reaction. They began to laugh.

"Very well," he pulled out his cell phone and dialled.

"What're you doin" asked the oldest boy.

"I'm calling your father," he told them, calmly holding the phone to his ear.

"Severus, you can't do that, it's their anniversary," hissed Jenny.

He merely raised his eyebrow and shook his head.

The children looked at each other. "Sir," said the oldest again, "Don't do that, my Dad hates when people do that."

"Someone called him before?" he asked, knowing what he'd been told by the man before he left.

"Our other childminder called him and when he came home, he took away everything for a week. Said we had upset mummy," said the youngest, her bottom lip trembling.

Severus sighed and disconnected, "Well?"

The children talked among themselves.

"They want to see A Bugs Life; I'll check out what's happening on the computer," said the oldest.

"Very well, I will monitor you - there will be no forbidden content available, I should hope." He turned back to Jenny and shared a knowing smile.

The rest of the evening was peaceful.


October 31, 1999

Severus answered the door to a familiar threesome.

"Oh, it's you lot again," he said disdainfully.

"You're still here?" asked the girl.

"Obviously; so, what are you supposed to be this year?" he asked the child who'd dressed as a fairy the year before.

"I'm a beautiful Mermaid. Look at my lovely hair and shiny scales. See, I can even make my tail move." She proudly spun to show off her costume.

Severus sniffed, "I've met a mermaid and you look nothing like one. Your tail is pointing in the wrong direction and your hair is blond. A mermaid's hair is green and their lips are not bright red but shaped like a fish and tinted a sickly shade of olive. They are just as disagreeable to be around as you are, however, so you get one point for that."

"You're still a mean man and I still hate you," she declared.

"Ditto and thank you, you've made my day," he told her.

"Severus," exclaimed Jenny, grabbing the bowl and dispensing sweets and sending the children away.

"She started it," he said petulantly.

"Just give out the sweets," Jenny told him, pushing his hair from his brow.

The door bell rang once more. Severus opened it to a surly looking adolescent, who was dressed in his everyday clothes.

"And you are supposed to be?' he asked.

"I am pretending to be a discontented youth, protesting the commercial exploitation of a traditional holiday to boost the profits of companies selling tripe to Britain's children."

"Pretending, hmm?" asked Severus. The boy nodded.

Severus scooped up a handful of Air and directed it into the boy's bag.

"Oi, what you playing at?" exclaimed the youth.

"I'm supporting your protest by giving you pretend sweets, you pathetic, over-aged, dunderhead. Goodnight." He slammed the door in the boy's face.

"Severus!" exclaimed Jenny. Hearing a noise coming from her window, she turned and looked, "Oh, great. We've been egged again."

"Bugger them all, let's keep the sweets for ourselves," he decided, popping a piece of chocolate into his mouth.


November 5, 1999

"There has to be a change, I tell you. As long as the old guard holds all the power, we'll never progress beyond were we are."
Lucius was addressing the former members of the Order of the Phoenix and several other interested witches and wizards. He looked more like the Lucius of old as he stood before them. Power fairly radiating from his presence.

"Who are you suggesting for Minister then, Malfoy; yourself?" asked a voice from the back.

"At one time, I would have jumped at the chance. Now, I want only peace and quiet but I won't settle for a government that allows our children to be abused and put in danger. They ignored, nay damn near encouraged the circumstances that led to the Final Conflict. If we don't have change then we are doomed to repeat the same stupid mistakes. I for one know the cost of that idiocy."

"How much change are you suggesting, Lucius?" asked Tonks.

"Parliamentary reform in the Ministry of Magic; free and open elections, equal representation of Pure blood, Half blood and Muggle born. A proper Assembly of equals," he stated.

"What will happen then?" asked Ginny, in awe of the moment.

McGonagall stood and faced the audience. "Lucius and I have discussed this at length and have consulted others for their opinion." She paused and looked at Harry, Hermione and Ron. "I believe that within another generation, we will see the reunification of Magic and Muggle society. Muggles need not fear our power any longer, for theirs is as great as if not greater than ours. We now must prepare ourselves to live in their world."

A loud murmur passed around the room, as the idea Minerva had sparked, inflamed their imaginations.

Kingsley Shacklebolt stood, "I believe we should demand an election. I believe we should demand our rights as British subjects, to choose our leaders." He paused as the group applauded, "I also believe we have a candidate worthy of our support in that election. I nominate - Arthur Weasley for Minister of Magic."

Arthur sat, dumbfounded at the declaration, while everyone around him clapped and cheered.

Minerva and Lucius actually shared a secret High Five, explained to them by Draco, as a Muggle way of celebrating a well executed plan. There was much to be done, but they had started and, if Lucius had his way, they would succeed.


December 25, 1999

Jenny flopped down on the sofa and kicked off her shoes. Severus sat beside her and rested his head on the back of the couch.

"What sins have you committed, that you put yourself through that penance every year?" he asked solemnly.

Jenny giggled, "You were very sweet to wear the paper hat from the cracker, but really, losing a game of Electronic Battleship to an eight year old is hardly a reason to pout."

"I was not pouting. I thought offering a rematch was a sporting thing to do," he retorted.

"Severus, you lost all four times."

"He didn't place his ships logically."

"He's eight years old, for heavens sake and that's the point of the game anyways."

"He stuck his tongue out at me, horrid little brat."

"You put on a petted lip when he didn't want to play any more. You look very sexy when you sulk."

"What would you do if I were to pout now?"

"Take you to bed and shag you senseless."

"Perhaps the trip to Purgatory for Christmas dinner had some saving graces after all."


December 31, 1999 - Manchester

"Jenny, are you quite finished packing? We're only going for two days," Severus yelled down the hall.

"It's New Years Eve; I want to make sure I've packed my special clothes so they won't get wrinkled."

Severus was about to say something but paused. His unspoken offer to spell out the wrinkles when they arrived was a disturbing thought. Six months gone and he'd almost forgotten his sentence. "I'm calling the taxi to take us to the station," came out instead.

"Alright," said Jenny, coming out of the bedroom, case in hand. "Hope the hotel's nice."

Severus nodded, "It's near enough to the docks to walk. There'll be no chance of a taxi tonight."

"They say the Millennium Dome is pretty amazing and that the fireworks on the Thames will be so bright, you'd be able to see the lights from outer space." She grinned like a school girl at his frown.

"Do you ever stop researching, Jenny?" he asked rhetorically.

"Do you Severus?" she retorted, then laughed at his disdainful sniff.

December 31, 1999 - London

They arrived in London in time for a late lunch when they booked into their hotel. After the obligatory sight seeing, Jenny took them both to see a picture, released around Christmastime - Galaxy Quest. Jenny thought the story very funny and laughed her way through it. Severus snorted occasionally and coughed frequently.

"Who was that actor with the makeup on his head? Doctor Lazarus? What a pompous ass the character was," Severus opined.

"He was funny, Severus. That was Alan Rickman again, my favourite actor."

"You really must get over these school girl fantasies, Jenny."

As midnight approached, Jenny and Severus stood among the crowds along the banks of the Thames to watch the fireworks display. When HRH Queen Elizabeth II stepped out of the Millennium Dome, the masses waited for the year 2000 to be rung in by Big Ben. The clock rung out true and the world cheered around them.

"Happy New Year, Severus love,"

"Happy New Year, Jenny, I love you," whispered Severus, pulling her into his arms for a New Years kiss.

Severus stood behind Jenny, with his arms wrapped about her to keep her close, as they watched the fireworks explode overhead. At the conclusion, they strolled along the bank on their way back to the hotel. A crowd of boisterous young people were making their way in front of them. Their laughter and antics brought a scolding from an older woman.

"That's quite enough from you all. We've only got half an hour to get to the port key and we'll miss it if you keep mucking about. I've got to get home and get started on the dinner for our guests tomorrow. They are staunch supporters of your father's campaign."

"We're coming mum, keep your hair on," teased a familiar voice. "George would have loved this."

Molly Weasley stopped and turned to her son, "I know Fred. I was thinking about him the entire time. Merlin!" she gasped, looking past Fred's shoulder.

Severus and Jenny stopped and looked back at Molly and the others who were now looking at them as well.

"Happy New Year," said Jenny, who was not restricted from speaking to them.

"Happy New Year," replied Harry for the others.

"Well, time goes by so quickly, it'll be summer before you know it," said Hermione; her voice offering a forced cheerfulness.

"Of course," said Molly, "The holidays just go by so fast, it's hard to keep up. It's always nice to meet old friends though, even if you have to wait for half a year."

"You had a portkey to catch," said Jenny, holding Severus' arm tightly when she felt him trembling.

"Yes, Happy New Year, to you both," called Molly, shepherding the others along.

"Happy New Year," whispered Severus, to the wind.


April 16, 2000, one week before Easter Sunday.

Severus had fallen into a second job, when he complained about the quality of writing in current magazines he had read. While attending a reception for Information Specialists with Jenny, he was challenged to apply for and accept the position of proof reader for a local publisher. He was hired.

"Bloody awful writing; atrocious spelling," muttered Snape to himself, "Dunderheads the lot of them." He slashed at the page he was proof reading with a blue editing pencil.

"Severus, the bulbs are ready," called Jenny from the attic.

He rose and walked to the ladder leading up to the ceiling panel and climbed. He took the plant pots from Jenny and descended. Jenny followed him down, with a box of children's books in her arms.

"I'll get these planted," he decided, going to change into work clothes.

"It'll be nice to have flowers for Easter," said Jenny as she sorted through the old annuals and picture books.

He walked outside with the garden tools and knelt in front of the flower bed beneath the front window he'd prepared earlier. As he was planting the hyacinths, tulips and jonquils, he heard a young girl's voice.

"Won't they die in the cold?" she asked.

He turned and saw it was his annual Halloween nemesis.

"These plants are meant to be planted in the spring. They like this weather. Haven't you ever planted tulips in your garden?" he asked.

"We don't got one. I live in the flats with me mum. My gran's garden, down there, is all paved over," she replied with a resigned voice.

"Would you like to see?" he asked, understanding what it was like to grow up without living things about you.

"Are you a mean man really? Do you hurt little girls?" she asked.

He shook his head, "No. I used to be a teacher. I was very strict and I could say mean things but I never ever hurt my students."

The young girl approached him. "Okay then, what do I do?"

"Make a hole like this," he demonstrated, "then place the bulb with the roots down into the hole." He showed her the entire process and watched as she repeated it. He was struck by a notion and stood up.

"I'll be back in a minute, don't go away," he told her, before entering the house.

Severus returned with a large plant pot and a plastic shopping bag.

"Here, take the pot and put some stones from the path in the bottom." He watched as she obeyed. "Very good, now put some of the soil in the pot and then take this bulb and place it just like you did in the ground."

The girl did as she was told and covered the bulb with more soil.

"What are you going to do with this one, mister?" She pushed her hair off of her face, streaking dirt across her brow.

"Ah well, this hyacinth is very special. It has to be grown apart from the others and needs someone to look after it." He looked at her innocent face, "I don't suppose you would mind doing that, would you? I'm ever so busy with work."

"You want me to look after the flower?" she asked in amazement.

"Can you?" he asked, stifling a smile at her look of surprise.

She nodded vigorously.

"It needs sun and a small cup of water every day. Soon, you'll have a lovely pink hyacinth. Can you do that for me?"

She smiled and nodded again, standing and starting to walk away with her potted plant.

"Wait," called Severus, "This is for you." He passed her the shopping bag which held an Easter egg.

"Thanks. Maybe you're not so mean after all," she told him, smiling once more.

"What's your name?" he called to her back.

She turned to face him once more and smiled knowingly at him, "Lily."


June 1, 2000

Severus poured tea while he waited for the toast to pop. He yawned as he reached for the milk.

"I'm getting the first post," called Jenny from the hall.

"Your tea's out," he called back, pulling the toast out to butter it.

He sat at the table, placing a plate of toast and his own tea on it. Jenny came into the kitchen with the morning post. She flipped through the envelopes quickly but paused when an unfamiliar return address caught her eye.

"Severus, we each have one of these." She passed over his letter.

The address in the corner read Ministry of Magic, Office of Law Enforcement. They were each called to the Ministry on June 14, 2000; an Auror would come to Manchester to escort them.

"Severus, what is it?" asked Jenny, when she saw a look of uncertainty cross his face.

"Jenny, what would you say if I didn't want to go back to that world?"

"Severus, do you understand what you're saying? I know the things that happened after all you had sacrificed were unjust - even to me, I think. Honestly though, can you just ignore that part of you?" She reached out and took his hand. "I love you, Severus. Not just the Muggle part; the wizard as well. If you hadn't experienced the things you had in your life, I would likely have never met you. I can't help but be grateful for that, regardless of the circumstances."

"Then, we go once more to London to be judged. I may yet be banished for life."

"I think they know of your value, Severus. You have a role to play in that world."

He shook his head, "My old role will be forever an albatross about my neck. I know that. There are other hurdles to be jumped. I'm not sure I have the desire any longer."

Jenny smiled at him, "You are one of the strongest men I've ever met. You will succeed."

"I wish I had your confidence in me, Jenny. I'm not sure I do."


June 8, 2000

The headlines in the Daily Prophet flashed in bold letters, WEASLEY WINS! LANDSLIDE VICTORY! A picture of Arthur being carried on the shoulders of his supporters showed the entire Weasley clan sporting Gryffindor colours, cheering their husband and father on.

"What do think, Harry? Can we get things changed?" asked Hermione, as she read the paper while eating breakfast.

"Griselda Marchbanks and Tiberius Ogden were both elected along with Amos Diggory. I'd say their support will help move things through. People already trust them." He continued to shovel Owl Crunch cereal into his mouth.

"I can't believe how much the Malfoy's and Weasley's have done to change things. Who'd have thought it a year ago?" Hermione got up to pour more tea.

"A year ago...he's due to come back," realized Harry.

"Yeah, I wonder what he's going to do?" wondered Hermione.

"We're still short staffed at the school aren't we?" he asked, knowing how much work he had to do.

Several of the seventh years had become assistant teachers at Hogwarts. The school had moved to a Semester format for its school year, to cope with the influx of the students starting after almost two years of no school. The number of students returning had increased as well. Only the elves seemed happier than ever, as they had year round heavy duties to keep the school running. The staff, though increased in number, was being pushed to their limits.

"He might not want to come back, what with the circumstances and all," said Hermione.

"We could use him," Harry admitted, though it galled him a little.


June 14, 2000

"Severus Tobias Snape."

Severus stood in the hearing room he'd been brought to, by the Auror that had come to Manchester to fetch him. He waited to hear his ultimate fate. His mouth was dry and his palms were wet.

"The Wizengamot has reviewed your case and we have noted a possible infraction...."

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