Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Old Walls Crumble

Tomorrow Without Walls

by cearrae 2 reviews

Severus learns of his ultimate fate and Jenny ponders a future alone. Will love win out over all?

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Angst, Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Arthur Weasley, Percy, Snape - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-06-25 - Updated: 2006-06-25 - 3873 words


This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark or infringement is intended.

This was to be the last chapter but I need one more to finish - hope this doesn't disappoint. Severus' speech at the end is blatantly paraphrased from Jane Austen who did it best.

June 14, 2000

"Severus Tobias Snape."

Severus stood in the hearing room he'd been brought to by the Auror that had come to Manchester to fetch him. He waited to hear his ultimate fate. His mouth was dry and his palms were wet.

"The Wizengamot has reviewed your case, and we have noted a possible infraction in your compliance with the conditions surrounding your banishment from Wizarding society." Griselda Marchbanks looked at the slender wizard standing before the panel. "Do you know of the incident of which I speak?"

"I believe you are referring to the early morning hours of January 1st, 2000, when I, unintentionally, had the misfortune to be taking the same path as the Weasley family," he replied in a monotone.

This was it, he thought, they'd pull his wand from storage and snap it in front of him, before drumming his skinny arse out of the Ministry. He looked at the wall behind the panel of elders, studiously avoiding their eyes.

"Why did you take a path which would lead you past the Wizarding enclave for the Millennium celebrations?" asked an ancient witch Severus didn't know.

"I was hardly privy to the provisions for security, made by the Ministry, for Witches and Wizards to attend the event. That path, along the bank of the Thames, led to my hotel. It was but co-incidence they were on the same path at the same time. There was no restriction to stay away from London." Again he kept his voice steady, already convinced of his fate.

"Your statement of events matches that given by Molly Weasley and the others. They further stated you made no effort to communicate with them." Elder Marchbanks again looked at him. "It must have been very tempting."

"On with it, Madam Marchbanks, I've a luncheon engagement," grumbled another elderly wizard Severus didn't recognize.

"Very well; Severus Tobias Snape, this panel has reviewed your files and we have found you to have complied with all the requirements of your sentence. To wit, you are to be reinstated as a full practising Wizard with all the rights and responsibilities that entails. You will be permitted to apply for and, if qualified, receive all certifications and licences revoked due to the sentence afore mentioned." Madam Marchbanks sat back in her chair and smiled at him.

"Welcome back, Mr. Snape. You'll find there has been a lot of changes since you've been gone," said Tiberius Ogden. "Now, there are a few people waiting to meet you through that door I believe. There's someone there to get you organized." He pointed to a door to the side, different from the one through which Severus had entered.

"This panel is adjourned," said Madam Marchbanks, as she stood and left the room.

Severus stood dumbfounded. It was finally over. He had been freed to follow his own devices. He started when the Auror assigned to him touched his shoulder and pointed to the side door.
Still in a haze, he walked in the direction indicated and opened the door. A bright flash momentarily blinded him, as someone took a picture. As his sight cleared, he saw a smiling Jenny in front of him. He walked towards her, oblivious to whoever else was around, and pulled her into his arms.

"Can you feel it, Jenny?" he whispered.

"Your arms around me?" she asked, knowing full well he meant something else.

"The walls have gone. All the old walls have crumbled away and I'm free." He pulled back and looked into her eyes. "It's over."

"Well, who's this charming lady, Severus? The source and reason for your repentance and redemption; or perhaps the balm that soothed the tortured soul of a double agent seeking to find a way to survive, Hmm?"

Severus looked up and found himself in the presence of none other than a beaming Rita Skeeter, her Quick Quotes Quill fluttering nearby.

"Madam, remove your self from my presence. There is nothing that I could possibly have to say that would interest you." Severus turned his attention away from her and looked for who was to meet him.

"On the contrary, Severus; my readers are desperate to know all about your activities during your time with the vanquished Dark Lord. How did you come to have the skill to let Harry Potter live?" She paused and adopted a phoney look of compassion, "Was it a hard choice to decide who should survive; The Boy Who Lived or Lord Voldemort?"

Severus looked over at the quill jotting away on a note pad, quite unattended.

"What rubbish are you writing?"

He grabbed the note pad and read, 'Severus Snape emerged from his final hearing, utterly consumed by his unrelenting guilt and grief. His Muggle lover consoled him; as she must have, while he lived in exile, banished from our world. Her plain features and dowdy...'. Severus tore the paper from the pad and ripped it to shreds.

"I'll not be fodder for the rabble that reads the tripe you write, Rita. If I see one letter of this...this..."

"Severus, I'm so sorry, I was delayed." Arthur Weasley hurried to join Severus and Jenny, who both looked as if they might assault the reporter at any moment. He grabbed Snape's hand and shook it vigorously then repeated his action with Jenny.

"Arthur, what is she doing here?" Severus asked.

"Well, frankly, she came to cover your return to our society," Arthur replied. "She was not invited to do an expose' on your...well let's just say you need answer no questions you choose not to." He looked at Skeeter, offering her a glare worthy of his wife, before turning back to Snape with a tight smile. He pulled both Severus and Jenny along to an office Severus recognized.

"I've no desire to meet with Scrimgeour," declared Snape.

Arthur smiled, "That shouldn't pose a problem," he said, as he opened the door.

Severus looked at the name plate declaring Arthur Weasley as Minister of Magic. He was barely aware of Skeeter and her photographer following them in. Arthur brought the couple up to date finally presenting Severus with his wand, ceremoniously, for a picture. Arthur advised Rita he expected to see it on the front page in the morning then dismissed her.

"Severus, I can't tell you how happy I am to have you back with us. We need you more than ever," said Arthur, sharing a genuine smile with both of them. A rap came to his door. He granted admittance to his son, Percy.

"Father, the timetable; Mr. Snape has several appointments," said Percy, in his usually snooty manner.

"Of course, of course," replied Arthur. "We'll talk later; go and get your life in order, Severus."

Jenny followed them out, walking beside her lover.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Doulton, you can't come with us," Percy told her, "It will take the better part of today to get things put to right."

"Oh," replied Jenny, "So, where should I go?"

"Come along, Jenny, Tonks is waiting for you," Arthur told her, offering his arm for her to take.

Jenny turned back to Severus and asked, "What happens now? Where will you go after everything's been sorted?"

Snape turned back to her, took her hands and rested his forehead on hers, "I'm not sure, Jenny. The options are wide open. I can only tell you this, I will return to the world I belong in and I will become whole again."

Jenny nodded, and with a tight smile said, "Of course you will. That's only right. You need to be the man you were meant to be."

Severus smiled in return. "I knew you'd understand."

Jenny watched as Severus was hustled down the hall, Percy gesturing, as he explained what
needed to be accomplished.

"Jenny, Tonks can see you home," said Arthur, pulling her along.

She looked back at his receding form. "Goodbye Severus, my love," whispered Jenny, "I hope you'll be happy now."

Tonks took Jenny in hand and apparated her home. Jenny showered and changed before brewing some tea. She cleaned up the dishes they'd left from breakfast, and then sat at the kitchen table. Her world was empty without Severus, his wit, sarcasm and snarling presence were gone and she felt more alone then ever. The day passed into night before she realized it, leaving her sitting in the dark staring at the chair he usually occupied.

"Please my love; be happy. I'll love you forever," whispered Jenny into the darkness, just before climbing into bed alone. She pulled his pillow to her chest, burrowing her nose in the softness that held his scent.

"BUGGER!" exclaimed Severus, sitting up suddenly from his sleep. He'd just realized Jenny had thought he'd decided to return to the Wizarding World, leaving her behind. He had one last appointment, to get his apparition license back, first thing in the morning. He was resolute on his path immediately after. Jenny might be at work but it didn't matter. He'd find her and she would know what he meant, in no uncertain terms.


Draco, Harry and Hermione sat at the end of the High Table, a long morning of tutoring behind them. Ron sidled up and dropped into the chair beside Hermione and began ladling food onto his plate. Neville joined them, mud still covering his boots.

"I think I understand now," said Hermione, to no one in particular.

"What revelation is this, then?" asked Malfoy.

"I understand why all the teachers look like they'd like to wring people's necks at the end of the day."

"Oh Merlin, look who's coming," muttered Harry, over a mouthful of pork loin.

Hermione sighed and looked away, "Where ever did they find her?"

"Singapore," replied Draco, stabbing his haricot vert, as if they were Devil's Snare about to attack him.

"Singapore? Why on earth did she leave there? The weather's a paradise compared to here." wondered Ron, as he poured gravy over his potatoes.

"It was leave or go to prison for leaving a noxious substance on Wizarding Public Property." Draco was always a splendid source of gossip and general knowledge about the Wizarding world; Daddy was superbly talkative.

"Wow, I didn't realize the Muggle laws were extended into the Wizarding world anywhere," said Hermione, as she watched the spindly little woman seat herself beside Sprout and select food to pick at.

"Professor Ubika's not your common citizen of Singapore. She is an Englishwoman, who married a Wizard who was studying here, and returned to his homeland when they wed. She's widowed and a bit eccentric; she liked disorder. That's against the law in Wizarding Singapore." Draco turned back to his dinner, "I wish he'd consider it," he muttered to himself.

"Who and what?" asked Neville.

"Snape and Potions...anything."


June 15, 2000

Jenny woke with the alarm and rose as usual. She made her ablutions and wandered to the kitchen. No tea was made, no lashings of toast decorated her table, but worst of all was the silence. She felt the beginnings of grief begin to settle in her chest, much as it had when her mother had passed. Determined to be in control, she found her handbag and keys, and then fled the kitchen. Grabbing her umbrella by habit, Jenny left the house for her job. She knew while there, she could immerse herself in books and information; a temporary placebo for a breaking heart. It was her lifeline, her anchor to the world which seemed to want her to shrivel away.

Severus woke with a start. He had a mission and was anxious to be about it.

Harry Potter had offered to let him stay at Grimmauld Place overnight, so that he might be close to the Ministry for his test in the morning. He showered and made his way down to the kitchen. When he entered, he was greeted by a cook sporting sea foam green hair. She turned and smiled at him.

"Whatcha' Severus? Have a good sleep then?" asked Tonks.

"You're doing the kitchen duties this morning?" he asked, thinking of his gastric wellbeing.

"Not like you'll find anyone else who's going to," she replied with a mischievous smile.

Severus cleared his throat, "Your pardon, Nymphadora, but one never had regarded you as a domestic goddess." Severus knew she hated her name.

"Ah well then, you don't know about the latest addition to the kitchen, Sev," she replied, knowing he hated the abbreviation. "We've got ourselves a Microwave."

Severus frowned. "It works here?" He approached the modern Muggle appliance, expecting an explosion.

"Yeah, Harry wants lecky installed in the house; says he hates gas light." Tonks laughed at his look of disgust. "Hermione made this work," said Tonks, pointing to the Microwave oven.

Severus shook his head and asked, "Where's Percy? I've an appointment."

"I know, Sev, it's still early. You're to come with me," replied Tonks, "He'll meet up with us."

"My name is Severus or Snape. There is no contraction, as I believe I had told you several years ago, Miss Tonks."

"Up your arse, Snape," retorted Tonks, with a smile.

They ate microwave cooked bacon on sandwiches, and then floo'd to the Ministry. Severus made his way through the security checks and waited for Percy in the atrium. When they met, Percy handed him a leaflet to read.

"Sorry," he said, "I should have given this to you last night. I'm sure you're a quick study though."

Severus frowned, "What the bloody hell is this, The Learners Apparation Manual? I don't need to learn, boy, I just need to re-take the test!"

Percy had the grace to look embarrassed, "Uhm, well you see, there's been some changes to the licensing procedures. You take a written test, then, if you pass, you can book the practical."

"Book the practical?" asked Snape, wearing a dangerous look in his eye. "There had better be a place in line for me for the practical test this morning or you'll find the toe of my boot up someone's arse. Guess whose?"

Percy edged away, "The test room is in the same area as the practical experience booths. I'm sure you remember where they're located. I'll just see if I can speed up the process, shall I?" He smiled and jogged away, thinking he needed his dad to pull some strings to keep a large, dragon-leather clad toe out of his arse.

At the end of it all, Severus found himself in line with a pack of pimply-faced teens and a pair of degenerate sots. All were waiting to take their Apparation Licensing exam.

"What in the name of Merlin are you doing here?" asked Snape of the foul smelling man before him.

"Not any choice, mate. New law fer those who splinch themselves. Had a few too many and cut off me right arm. The ministry bloke's comes along and says,' You've been apparatin' under the influence an' your licence is suspended." The man coughed and spat, causing Snape to grimace. He continued his tale, "Put a charm on me, they did, so's I couldn't apparate again. Said I had to retake the test."

"Really," said Snape, watching as three others were taken from the front of the line. He now was in second place.

"So, what's your excuse then?" asked the same sot.

Severus looked at him and smiled, "Murder."

Snape passed the practical exam with ease. He floo'd to Diagon Alley and made his way to Gringott's. His vault had been released and his key was reissued. He rode down with his goblin escort and handed over the key. When the door opened, he entered and retrieved a few stacks of money and one jewellery case. Returning to the cart, he started to rehearse what he wanted to say when he next met Jenny.

He was about to return to the Leaky Cauldron when the sign for Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes caught his eye. Without conscious thought, he found his feet carrying him towards the shop. When he entered, Severus found himself in a wonderland of mischief-making mania. He almost grinned, thinking of deducted Hogwarts House points versus the inventory in stock around him. Shaking his head to clear the thought away, Severus turned to look for the owner.

"It's good to see you, Professor," said a feminine voice behind him.

Severus turned and faced Luna Lovegood.

"I'm no longer a professor, Miss Lovegood." He looked at her clothes, "Do you work here?" he asked.

She nodded, "It started out as a favour to Fred, but I like it here and he likes me being here."

"Is Mr. Weasley around?" he asked

"Which one?" she enquired quite seriously.


"Just here, Professor Snape," said the Weasley in question, coming from the back.

"I'm not a..." began Severus.

Fred held his hand up, "I know, I know, you're not a professor anymore." He held out his hand and took Snape's. "Thank you for all you've done. I'm glad you'll be back with us again."

Severus shook his hand, "Thank you. However belated it is, I came to pay my respects on the loss of your brother. He was a remarkable and spirited young are you, of course."

Fred grinned, "I'll bet anything that's not what you thought when we were at school."

"Yes, well...You have, at least, put your particular talents to productive use," said Snape, avoiding the issue neatly.

"Yeah but it's harder now. I have to do all the thinking for myself. We always worked as a team, you see."

"And Miss Lovegood?" Severus asked, with an arched eyebrow.

"Luna showed up one day and never went away. It works." He smiled at the back of the girl tending the counter. "She's got some good ideas."

"Well, I'd best go; continued success." Severus nodded and quickly left the shop, thinking the announcement of an engagement might soon be forthcoming.

Severus had apparated to the back garden of Jenny's house. Using his wand, he unlocked the back door and entered. She wasn't there. He looked down at his usual attire, realizing his belongings he'd been instructed to bring with him, were still in London. Transfigured clothing never really looked right.

Taking a deep breath, he came to a decision. In for a Knut; in for a Galleon, he thought to himself, as he apparated to the back of the library where Jenny worked, hoping it would be deserted. It was. This was it; he'd committed himself to be embarrassed for her sake.

He strode into the main atrium and approached the desk. "I need to speak with Miss Jenny Doulton on a most urgent matter," he told the receptionist.

She eyed his clothes strangely; it wasn't everyday you saw someone walk out of the pages of Jane Austen and appear at your desk.

"Is she expecting you?" asked the girl.

"No," he replied, "It is of the utmost importance I see her now, though."

"Just a moment." The girl turned away and dialled a number on her phone.

Jenny had started early, to work on the incoming volumes. She pushed around the cart with the books and concentrated on the system rather than her thoughts. She felt the pager at her waist vibrate and saw the number of the main desk appear. She went to the nearest phone and called.

"Jenny here, what is it?" she asked when the receptionist answered. "To see me? Alright I'll be right down." Jenny hung up, knowing a man had asked to see her, but she hadn't gotten a name nor had the receptionist passed along the details of his dress.

She made her way down using the central stair case that ended at the front desk. As she went, she brushed the book dust from her clothes. Just as she started down the final flight, Jenny looked up and saw a man wearing the signature frock coat of a certain gentleman wizard of her acquaintance. She halted her descent and stared.

"Severus," she whispered.

At that moment, Severus turned and looked up the stairs, almost as though he'd heard her. He walked slowly to the foot of the staircase and waited for her. He didn't notice the small crowd gathering to watch.

On with the show, he thought and grabbed a breath, "Jenny, I have come to put right that notion which I had left you with yesterday. I suffered, as must have you, last night, with the ambiguity of my last words. I must put my feelings before you, in front of witness's, if need be."

Jenny descended to meet him, "Severus, what are you doing?" she asked quietly, a small smile on her lips.

"You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you, Jenny Doulton. You taught me a lesson, hard indeed at first, but most advantageous. What do I not owe you! Your kindness and gentle hearted soul have tempered a spirit once locked in an iron cage of my own devising. You have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love you. I never wish to be parted from you from this day on."

Jenny watched as he conjured a single red rose from the air and handed it to her. Others watching would have thought it a magicians trick, but she knew otherwise. Suddenly, Severus dropped to one knee before her. Her heart started to pound. He was speaking again.

"Jenny, I beg you, please accept my proposal of matrimony. Say you will marry me and that we shall be together for the rest of our lives for I will not...can not envision a future without you." He looked into her eyes and waited for her reply.

"Oh my," she exclaimed breathlessly.

"Come on, Jenny," called a voice from over head, "How can you refuse an offer like that?"

Jenny looked up and saw her co-workers and supervisor watching from the gallery. She looked back down at the man kneeling before her, reaching out to stroke the hair from his face.

"Of course I'll marry you, you silly romantic fool. Who else would I share my computer with?" She smiled at the look of relief on his face while the onlookers cheered and applauded around them.

Severus stood and pulled out a small bag from an inside pocket. Opening it, he shook out a ring with three sparkling diamonds mounted on it. He took her hand and slipped the ring onto the appropriate finger of her left hand. Jenny gasped as it adjusted itself to fit her.

"It's magical," she whispered, as Severus pulled her into his arms.

"Yes, love always was a very special kind of magic." He smiled and kissed her, letting the crowd cheer on.
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