Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Almost

(38) Don't Make This Easy, I Want You To Mean It

by XxPerfectTomorrowxX 6 reviews

We all crave a little cliche in our romances but will it be enough?

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Published: 2011-09-27 - Updated: 2011-09-28 - 2867 words - Complete

(Takes place next morning/Kacy's 18th BDAY)

"Mmm." I muttered, feeling something brushing against my cheek. I tried to shake it off but it kept touching me. "Nummu." I said, letting out noises because I couldn't quite put together words just yet.

I finally opened my eyes to see that Brendon was running his fingers over my cheek. "Morning?" I said, yawning.

He smiled and nodded, "Happy birthday morning!" He said, cheerfully.

I laughed, "It's my birthday?"

"You're officially 18." Brendon said, smiling. "It is now legal for me to have sex with my own girlfriend." He declared jokingly.

I laughed, "Well then we might just have to take advantage of that." I teased back, trying to sit up in bed. Brendon helped me sit up and then turned around, grabbing something off of his desk.

I smiled as he placed a food tray in front of me. It had eggs, sausage, bacon, toast and pancakes on it. "Aww. That's so sweet Brendon. Breakfast in bed?" That really was a sweet gesture.

"Yep. Today is your day. I'm going to treat you like a princess." Brendon said, smiling. "I even called in sick for you today." He said.

"Oh shit. School." I said, clasping my hand over my mouth. "Gosh darn it. Well okay, I'm sicked out?" I asked.

Brendon laughed and nodded, "Yeah. I'm not having you off at school on your birthday." he said, leaning against the bed.

"Well come sit next to me already. Let's eat." I said, licking my lips at the delicious food in front of my face. I decided to start with a piece of toast, sighing in delight. I was very hungry.

"How kind of you to invite me." Brendon said, sitting down and taking my fork to get himself a piece of pancake immediately. "I'm hungry. Cooking makes me hungry." Brendon complained, stuffing more food in to his mouth.

I watched him, laughing, "Cute." I said, wiping some egg off of the side of his mouth.

Brendon smiled widely and offered me a bite of pancake. "Tell me if it's good." He said, "It was my first try at making pancakes."

I opened my mouth and took the bite. It was delicious and pancake-like. "It's delicious." I told him, "You're such an awesome cook. You have to teach me some time. I'm nervous I'll mess something up in there. Burnt food is not good."

"You're a good cook. You've cooked for me before." Brendon said, taking another bite.

I shrugged and bit my lip, "I might've been good at some point in time... not anymore though." I said. Great, so along with my memory I had lost some talent. Now what did I have? Nothing.

"Well I'll teach you any time. Just ask." Brendon said, smiling as he pulled me against him. I relaxed and sighed, "Mmm any chance we can sleep a little longer?" I asked, still feeling sleepy.

"As long as you eat something more than toast." Brendon said, "Then we can go to bed for however long you want."

I nodded and took the fork from him, eating some food. Once I was done I gave him the fork back and he continued eating. He had made a lot of food. I didn't want to eat too much though because I was kind of sleepy. I didn't eat when I was sleepy.

"Back to bed?" I asked Brendon, snuggling against him. He was nice and warm, it felt so good to be up against him.

"Whatever you want princess." Brendon said, "But I have to get up for a second." He said, looking at the tray.

"Ugh." I made a noise of frustration but got off of Brendon so that he could get up. He left with the tray and I heard him rinsing it off in the kitchen.

"Brendon!" I called, whining. I was sleepy but I really wanted to cuddle with him before falling back asleep.

Brendon reappeared and smiled at me, "I'm coming!" he said, getting back in to bed next to me. I immediately snuggled against him and sighed in happiness.

Brendon laughed, "You're being awfully cuddly today. I love it." He remarked.

I didn't say anything as I clung to his body, letting myself drift off to sleep.


"Wake up." I said, shaking Brendon. He groaned and rolled away from me. I laughed and shook him again, "Brendon wake up! It's one in the afternoon. We gotta get up!"

"Do we have to?" He asked, sleepily.

"Yep." I replied. I woke up about an hour ago but had been laying next to Brendon thinking. Now we both had to get up. I didn't want to be in bed all day.

"Fine." Brendon said, sounding all grumpy. "Birthday girl gets her way." He said, sitting up slowly.

"18, yay!" I said, rubbing my eyes. "Almost done with high school... Wow. I'm growing up." I stated since that's what eighteen basically meant. Usually around eighteen people graduated from High School and had the option of doing whatever they wanted whether it be more school or work or traveling. It was the time when kids didn't have to listen to their parents anymore.

"I'm still working on that growing up thing that people talk about so much." Brendon said, groaning as he stood. "Bed seems like such a better option. Wanna grow up tomorrow?" He asked. It was so hard to get him up sometimes.

I laughed and shook my head, "We don't have to grow up today but we do have to get out of bed."

"Fine." Brendon said, still sounding grumpy as he left to the bathroom. I followed him, wanting to shower. I was having trouble waking up too so I figured a warm shower might help. Brendon beat me to it, turning the water on for a shower. He started pulling his shirt off.

"Care if I join you?" I asked.

Brendon shook his head and stepped in to the shower, leaving his clothing on the floor. That kind of bugged me sometimes. I didn't like clothes getting all wet so I ended up picking his clothes up first and putting them in the dirty clothes hamper. Once I was done with that and had put my own clothing in the hamper as well I stepped in to the shower behind Brendon. He was washing his hair already. "Can I have some water?" I asked.

He nodded and turned the shower head towards me. The warm water felt so good and definitely woke me a little. Once I was wet I started washing my hair too. Brendon and I showered in silence, enjoying the warm water. I turned and let the warm water wash over my back and I jumped in surprise when I felt Brendon's hand on my back. "Just washing it." He told me.

I nodded as his hand rubbed soap over my back. It felt nice. "Thanks." I said, turning around once he was done and the soap had rinsed off.

"My turn?" I asked him, holding my hand out for the soap. He stared at my hand for a few minutes before handing me the soap and turning around.

I got my hands soapy and then started rubbing the soap in to Brendon's back. Even his back was sexy. I was starting to find that a lot of things about Brendon turned me on. Was I going through some crazy teenage sex drive crisis? I thought about sex frequently now. Was that normal?

"Finished. I'm gonna get out now." I said, quickly getting out of the shower. I didn't want to think about sex anymore. It was a depressing and touchy subject.


"Ready?" Brendon asked from the bedroom. I was in our closet going through clothes. I didn't know what to wear. I wanted to crawl back in to bed actually. Brendon was right. Bed sounded better.

"Yeah." I called back, leaving the closet. I guess what I was wearing worked. I had just put on some jeans and a tank top. It wasn't too cold outside so it worked just fine.

We left the apartment and got in Brendon's car. I immediately started messing with his radio. We were heading to my moms to hang out since she wanted to see me for my birthday. I didn't have much time before we left for tour actually so she had been bugging us both about coming over more frequently. I would miss her. Touring sounded scary especially since I didn't directly have anything to do with the band so I would pretty much just be playing tag along. Fun.

"What's on your mind?" Brendon asked, turning the radio down.

I shrugged, "School, mom, you, this whole touring thing."

"Excited I hope?" Brendon asked, stealing a glance at me.

"I'm not sure. I mean, what use will I be? I'm thinking maybe I should stay home with my mom." I replied.

"Kacy, I thought we had this figured out." Brendon said softly, sounding disappointed.

"You had it figured out Brendon." I replied, "You're the one that made the decision for me. Telling me came after the decision had been made." So, yeah. I was still a little bitter about that. Who wouldn't be? I wasn't super angry or anything, just reminding him.

"I don't want to leave you here." Brendon said, gripping the steering wheel tightly. "What's so important about staying here?"

"What's so important about me going?" I asked.

"I'd like to think that us staying together is something you find important." Brendon said angrily.

"Are you threatening to break up with me if I don't go on tour with you?" I asked, appalled.

It took a few minutes of silence for Brendon to calm down. He slowly shook his head but kept his eyes on the road, "No, I'm not. I wouldn't do that Kacy... I just really want you to come. It's important to me."

"Then I'll go." I replied softly. If he thought it was important then I wasn't going to stay here. Brendon was important to me. I had found what a lot of girls spent their whole lives searching for, love. I wouldn't stupidly ignore that by choosing distance over being with him. I was just afraid to lose the small chance of remembering my past by being in a familiar place. I was also afraid of leaving my mother when I felt I barely knew her, it just felt wrong. Most of all... I was still terrified of screwing up my relationship with Brendon. Things were getting easier but I still felt awkward sometimes when he mentioned anything I couldn't remember, it didn't even have to directly involve me to make me uncomfortable. The entire idea of remembering made me feel uncomfortable and sad.

Brendon pulled in to my mothers drive way and came around, opening my door. I had been spaced out, thinking of touring with him and his friends. I was stuck on all the things that could go wrong. "Coming Kacy?" Brendon asked, standing holding the door as he watched me with concern. He had been concerned since last night. I didn't blame him. I was pretty concerned myself. It was so weird and for such a small pay out. All I had remembered was being called dense. How lame is that?

"Yeah." I said, shooting him a smile as I got out of the car and followed him to the front door. He knocked a few times which I found strange and then he opened the door, walking inside with me behind him. It took me a second to realize what was going on as people jumped from various places and yelled, "Surprise!"

Spencer was standing next to my mother with a goofy birthday hat on while Lisa was standing next to Ryan and Jon. They were all smiling so hugely, it was contagious and I found myself smiling as well. "Wow. Thank you guys. This is awesome." I said, smiling at the room even though I found it kind of awkward. I was slowly realizing that I wasn't the most social person alive.

Brendon went to talk with Jon, Ryan and Lisa while Spencer came up to me and started talking, "So remember anything else?" He whispered it as if it was something that had to be kept secret.

I shrugged, "Nope. I'm not sure I'll ever remember."

He shot a glance towards Brendon before replying. "Just give it time." He muttered, handing me a cup of lemonade that he had brought over. "It's kind of sour-ish but it's good."

I nodded and took a sip. Did it have any sugar in it? Wow. "So, do you have any objection to me going on tour with you guys?" I asked, finding myself wanting to check with each guy before going. I didn't want to just take Brendon's word for it and believe it was all okay. I wanted to be absolutely sure that Spencer, Ryan and Jon were okay with me coming.

"No way." Spencer said, smiling at me in a friendly way. "It's going to be awesome. Party tour, for sure." He said.

"Party. Yay." I said, taking another drink. "I'll see ya." I said, excusing myself to the kitchen where no one else was. Why was I finding it so hard to be around people? It felt as if I couldn't breath anymore. Everyone was pressing in to me, leaving me with no space. Everyone but Brendon. I just wanted to be with him somewhere alone but the world wasn't going away anytime soon.


The time for opening presents had come and I was seated on the couch with Brendon and Lisa sitting on each side of me. Ryan, Spencer, Jon, and my mother were seated across from us. I was opening Lisa's present. It ended up being a giraffe with an eye patch and what looked like a broken leg. "This is... cute." I said, searching for the right word. "Thank you Lisa!"

Lisa giggled, "I've been excited to give it to you! Remember when you first moved here and- oh." Lisa stopped abruptly when Brendon shot her a look. "Oh. Wow. I'm- I'm sorry." Lisa stuttered. "It was an inside joke. I - I should have gotten you a different present."

I breathed in deeply as if I had been punched in the stomach and needed air quickly. "It's okay... It's a wonderful present." I said, quickly. I didn't want her to see how badly it hurt me to not be able to remember because it wasn't her fault. She didn't deserve to feel guilty because I couldn't remember what had been an inside joke between us. "I love it anyway." I said, hugging her.

I moved along to the second present which happened to be Jon's. I smiled as I unwrapped a CD for Panic! At the disco. "You said you've been wanting one so that you could listen to more of our songs." Jon said, smiling.

"Aww, thanks Jon. I'll listen to this tonight." I said, smiling.

Spencer handed me his gift and I opened it to find head phones and a new ipod. "You'll need it on tour when we annoy you." He said, smiling.

I laughed, "Good idea. Thank you." That would probably come in handy.

Ryan handed me his present and I unwrapped it to find an old fashioned looking diary, "In case you ever get amnesia again you can just look in your diary." Ryan said.

That actually made me laugh. "Wow. Okay. Thoughtful. I'm going to just hope I don't forget everything again though. It would suck for the same strange rare thing to happen to me twice in a lifetime. Thank you though Ryan."

My mother gave me her present which ended up being a photo album filled with pictures of when I was a child along with an i-tunes card. "Spencer told me he was getting you the ipod so I figured you might want to put some new music on it." She said, smiling.

I smiled as I looked at the pictures in the album, "Thanks Mom. This is sweet."

"My turn." Brendon said nervously as he stood up. I set the photo album down and gave him my attention. He shifted a few times before leaving the room. I waited, curiously. A few minutes later Brendon walked back in to the room and my mother grabbed her camera. I looked at her in confusion as everyone in the room stared at me. Was there something that I was missing?

"I love you Kacy and I feel like we could make each other happy forever but there's something I have to do to make that possible. I want to make you mine officially." Brendon took a deep breath and got on one knee in front of me. I felt like my heart would beat straight out of my chest as it quickly pounded along, my breathing becoming faster. Was he really proposing?

"Will you marry me?" Brendon asked, pulling out a small black case and opening it so that I could see the beautiful ring within waiting for my finger if I agreed.
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