Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Tell Me Where We Go From Here

Tell Me Where We Go From Here

by adrenalinerevolver 1 review

The past makes us who we are today

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2011-09-17 - Updated: 2011-09-17 - 633 words

Tell Me Where We Go From Here
Chapter 1

September 11, 2011
Present Day

A woman walked slowly with a little girl in hand.

The little girl did not know what exactly was going on and her mind was racing with millions of questions but she kept quiet because she knew something really sad happened there at that place. It was a beautiful place really, full of young trees blowing in the breeze with the leaves bristling against each other making soft yet peaceful noise.

They were surrounded by tall buildings that scraped the sky with their tips. The little girl wondered what lies inside those buildings but was forbidden to go into any building that tall, her mother was terrified of them and would never let her go in one.

They started to come towards a huge marble square, it looked like, with so many scribbles on it that almost the whole surface was covered in the little markings on the stone. She knew that those scribbles formed letters which made words but did not know what they said.

There were people huddled around the big square crying and huddling towards each other for support. Almost everyone was dabbing at their eyes while they gazed at the rock like it had the answer to their questions.

If you got close enough to the square you saw that inside of it was a beautiful fountain that emptied into another square at the bottom of the pool. On the sides it poured water to create waterfalls that reflected the people gazing into it. She wondered if mommy gazed into the water she would see gramma and grampa in it smiling and waving up at her.

The girl looked around curiously to see another square just like the one she and her mother were at exactly diagonal from them with even more people huddling around painfully gripping the stone with glassy eyes.

She was finally satisfied with observing her surroundings and looked up to her mother who too had teary eyes but a nervous frown on her face. Her mother put her hand out to touch the stone in front of them and scraped her fingernails along a scribble towards the top, then dragged her hand down to the left and did the same to another but shorter scribble.

The little girl finally asked “Mommy? What does the rock say?”

The mother seemed to be pulled out of deep thought but smiled down at her daughter and said “ They are names sweetie, of very nice people who went to heaven”

The girl frowned in thought, knowing that she heard that word before
“Heaven? The place gramma and grampa went to right? With all the clouds?”

“Yes sweetie” her mother said with tears finally brimming over her eyes, “The place with the clouds”
“Mommy... I wish I could see them” the little girl replied.
“ I wish you could see them too, I wish they could be here but they have to stay in the clouds to watch us and protect us” The mother replied with sorrow in her voice.

“Can I put the pretty flower on this time??” the girl asked rather excidedly
The mother laughed at her eager expression but as quickly as the happiness came it went as well, and said “Of course you can”

She pulled out a beautiful, blood red rose out of the inside of her coat and gave it to the little girl who laid it on the marble in between the two scribbles she saw her mother touch. The polished black marble reflected the rose and the sky so it seemed as if the rose was in the clouds.

“See mommy” she told her mother “Now gramma and grampa can have the rose”

xo marisa
please tell me if I should continue
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