Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I'm Not Okay, I Promise

I (forever and ever) do (and ever and ever and ever!!!)

by imnotokay 0 reviews

Sigh, a lovely wedding, at first...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2006-06-10 - Updated: 2006-06-10 - 559 words

Bob,frank, mikey, and ray: a black suit with a red tie

gerard: a black suit with a red tie, and an MCR arm band

You: an absolutely amazing black sphagetti strap dress with a short skirt spattered with red paint ( you look so lovely ) your hair is back in a bun with a few peices in the front


as you walk down the isle,you are looking at Gerard, and he's looking at you, he has the most loving look on his face, and so do you. once you get there, the priest gives his words, you say your vows, then comes the part you've always dreamed of:
"do you take this man to be your lawful wedded husband'till death do you part?"
"I do!"
"do you Gerard Way, take this woman to be your lawful wedded wife 'till death do you part?"
"I do!"
"then, you may kiss the bride"
gerard then puts one hand on your face and he puts his other arm around you and kisses you so sweetly and so lovingly it just seems to say
'i will love you untill the day i die'


() and what they're wearing(>))

bob: is nowhere to be seen

Frank:trying to pick up some random girl (in a red and white shirt with some black pants)

Mikey:trying to get the DJ to play some good songs ( with a greyish-black sweater over a red shirt with jeans)

Ray: yet again passed out (Black shirt and black pants with a red tie)

you ( all black dress with MCR on the front) and gerard (all black with a red MCR arm band):
slow dancing together somewhere in the crowd your head on his shoulder, and he's holding you close

then you hear the music stop, and everyone looks up wondering 'what happened?' then out of nowhere your dad's voice floats up above the crowd
"where the hell is my daughter"
everyone looks around wondering something like
'who let this nut in here' or
'who's his daughter'
then he yells again
"where is she?!?!?"
well, what else are you going to do?
"here dad" he pushes his way towards you
"who told you you could run off and get married with some... some... punk that i don't even know?"
"dad, i'm 21, i can make my own rules now!!"
"you're such an ungrateful child! after all i did for you!!"
"What did you do? you were always gone!!!"
"and it's your fault your mother's dead, you little brat!!
you fall into gerard's arms and cry, he just rocks you and tries to calm you down.
frank and mikey grab your dad and drag him off, but his voice carries on to you
with that gerard picks you up and carries you to his car,
he sets you gently in the passenger side, drives to the tour bus, gets your and his already packed suitcases and you drive to the airport, for a very early stop to go on your honeymoon.
when you get to the airport, you are 4 hours early, so he sits down in a chair and puts you in his lap and you sleep until it's time to board.
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