Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I Will Be With You. I Will Be With You?...

Chapter Seven

by freakishMCR 3 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2011-10-13 - Updated: 2011-10-13 - 698 words

The rain pelted my skin and shirt, soaking my hair and face as my shoes began to absurb the ground. I stood there in the freezing cold, shaking, not knowing what to do for well over half an hour. I didn't want to move from the same place. I was in an almost trance like position.

I'd looked everywhere. But the park was now empty. I swung open the main entrance gate, and thought back to this morning.

It didn't seem real. It seemed like so long ago.

I felt like crying as I sat on the side of the road. I could see my house, all the lights still on.

I imagined my mom planning my punishment, pacing the hall way, shouting about me at the top of her voice to my dad, who would be in kitchen smoking, head in a book. Mikey would be in his room, probably with Alicia. His tall, dark haired bassist girlfriend. My mom can't stand her, it's pretty hilarious.

And then there's me.

Ususally, I'd also be in my room, my music loud, drawing. Sometimes I'd go down and talk to my dad about the news, books, everything...

I've never really had friends, people to talk to.

This was so new to me.

Maybe that's why I had obviously expected more than the reality.

I had made such a fool out of myself.

The side-walk just seemed to wetter. The cars speeded past faster each time, the street lamps were getting brighter. My vision became blurred.

I choked back what seemed like tears.


I heard his voice from behind me. His voice.

"Run away with me Gee. Tonight. You and me"

The rain still pelted. My fingers still frozen to the core. My head was spinning, round and round, almost as if my brain was being bashed against the edges of my skull. His words were being repeated over and over inside of me. A million things crossed my thoughts. A million worries, issues. I still didn't turn around. I wanted to digest the words first. I wanted to make sure I wasn't imagining things.

But I did turn around and he was standing there. Dripping wet, helpless look on his face. His eyes the only thing lighting him up.

"Frank? Is that you? Where did you go?"

I stood up and wiped the rain away from his cheeks and hair.

He whispered, never breaking eye contact.

"I'm so sorry. But I can't just let this turn into nothing. Run away with me Gerard. Forget everything else. Fuck them. We'll find somewhere. Even if we don't, I'll have you, and that's all that matters. I'm being serious. We'll run away from it all. You wanted to know what this means, I'm telling you. I've never been more serious about anything in my life. I'm sorry I left, I'm sorry I'm giving you mixed emotions, I'm sorry I change, I'm sorry I can't give you straight answers. All I know is the way I feel when I'm with you. The three major moments I've spent in your world may as well of been forever."

"Shh... It's okay Frank..."

I hugged him close, his whole body was freezing and shaking, his breath warm on my neck as he spoke.

"We could make this work, I've never been so sure of anything in my life. I remember every single moment of Saturday night, I know you probably don't, but I do, and nothing has ever felt more right. Spending the day with you confirmed this, I'm so sorry but I can't go on without you."

The whole time he spoke all I could do was stare into my bedroom window.

Across the street, the lights had been turned on, the curtains drawn.

I could see figures walking around. My parents, who knew I hadn't been in school today and were probably worried sick about where I was.

Could I do that to them? Maybe if I explained to them exactly what was going to happen, maybe that would make it easier?

But running away...


He studied my face for a second, blinking, chewing his lip.

"Tonight, we'll leave tonight."
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