Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I Will Be With You. I Will Be With You?...

Chapter Six

by freakishMCR 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2011-10-12 - Updated: 2011-10-12 - 553 words

It was getting cold and dark now, the freezing air making me shiver.

"Don't you have a jacket or something? You look really cold..."

Concern crossed his face as he edged closer, I could still hear his heavy breathing, still as irregular and ciggarette tinged, yet soft, comforting. He lit up his lighter and held it down, attempting to warm me up.

"Here, have a ciggarette..."

He looked around in his pockets, flicking the lighter in confusion.

"Frank, I've smoked so much today, I'm fine seriously!"

He looked up, scratched his head, and laughed.

"You know, I'll probably have to go soon..."

His eyes widened and his face fell.

"Oh, yeah... I kinda forgot how fast time was going. Hey, what d'ya know, it's raining..."

He looked up as perfect drops of water fell onto the top of his black, messy spikes. And he smiled; I couldn't stop looking.

"See, it's weird, it seems like we've been sat up here forever, like, never ending forever. I never really thought about it ever ending up here. The whole time I've been with you I've not been bothered about the future. Just the moment, the time... Reality seemed so far away."

I laughed. His views on things had been making me smile all day, yet I agreed. I couldn't describe, or put into words the way I felt. It just seemed, right. It made perfect sense though, the whole day it seemed like nothing else mattered apart from the moment. But there had been something I'd been meaning to say all day, it had been bugging me so much. I needed to know.



His face was close to mine now, his perfect, oval shaped eyes staring into my face.

"Could this ever... Mean something more than just conversation, understanding, relating... I've spent my whole life having people hide things from me, I've trusted people and had it all thrown back in my face..."

Frank was staring into at my trouser pocket, I suddenly realised why. My phone was softly vibrating. I knew who it would be, mom, frantic, panicing.

"You should probably answer it."

He spoke softly. The same tone of voice he'd used last night, deep in thought, like something was on his mind.

I answered reluctantly, climbed down from the tree... and just as I'd expected, the familiar voice on the other end greeted me.

"Gerard? Gerard, is that you? I thought we were over this! Come home, we need to talk about this, I've had calls from school, and I told myself that you wouldn't do this, that you were over the ditching. You have let me down so much, where have you been all day? Why would you do this-"

"Mom, seriously I'm fine, I'll explain when I got back, don't worry it's fine..."

Wait? I turned my head to one side, the whole time my mom had been talking I'd been staring at Frank in the tree, flicking leaves, noticing how his face looked... Distant. Where was he?

I hung up mid-sentence.


No reply. I ran around the tree, the whole area looking. No sign. Not even a trace.


Did I seriously just say-

I loved him.

I loved him.

But he wasn't here to hear me say.
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