Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Dirty Little Secret...

A Plan Sure Not To Fail

by yorgismorgi 1 review

Gerard left the car at the store. Was going at 10 PM a decision that alters his life??

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2011-10-22 - Updated: 2011-10-23 - 508 words

I sat on the couch watching the news while thinking about Frank staring at me with that weird blank expression on his face earlier this morning. What did it mean? Maybe it was the fact my card was denied. Who knows! I looked at the clock on the coffee table and it was 10:45 PM.

"Okay Gerard I'm leaving, bye!" I heard Mikey say from the kitchen. Other than the grocery store Mikey works a night shift at a 24/7 gas station, So he leaves at night and comes back in the morning. "Bye." I said, as he walked out the door. Finally, I can have some time to myself! I went upstairs to my room to go grab some horror movies.

Too bad I don't have any friends to watch them with. I was never good at making friends at school when I was a kid. Oh well. Just as I came downstairs, Mikey came back in the house. He looked as if he had just seen a ghost! "Gerard..."
Mikey said quietly. "Uhhhh......where is the car?"

First I was confused, and then I thought for a minute and then-"AH DANG IT!" I said louder than necessary. I was so creeped out about Frank that I WALKED out the store to Starbucks and WALKED home...without the car. "Um, it's at the grocery store..." I said nervously. "Oh my God, Gerard since you left it, you have to go get it!" Mikey said, clearly annoyed.

I understood his point, and grabbed the keys, and headed back towards the store. Was I scared? YES! It was 10 PM and who knows what's in that creepy alley I have to pass on the way! I arrived at the store, and all the lights were off and the Open sign was flipped to Closed. I had parked my car around the back of the store,and it was pitch black except for one lamp-post standing over my car.

I heard footsteps behind me. I quickly tried to jam the keys in the car like in the movies when the victim is trying to get into the house before a zombie attack and they end up dropping the keys and well...yeah. The footsteps were right behind me now, I was ultimately fueled by adrenaline. I spun around to see who it was, and I met the eyes of Frank again.
"What brings you out here?" He says with the same blank expression. "I-I could ask y-you the same question..." I stuttered. I was absolutely terrified. I was alone 'round the back of a store with some weirdo I already knew was creepy.

I decided it was go time. I unlocked the car at lightning speed and jumped in, locking the doors and jamming the keys into the ignition. Frank stood there. Had he not gotten the message I was freaked out?? I wanted to start the car and put it in reverse and then floor it.I realized something disastrous happened. Frank's mouth curled into a smirk. The car didn't start...
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