Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Dirty Little Secret...

Never Coming Home

by yorgismorgi 7 reviews

Read it! xo

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2011-10-23 - Updated: 2011-10-23 - 562 words

Author's Note: If you haven't read the last chapter, you won't understand this one.

I looked out the car window and Frank was still smirking from the outside. What the heck am I supposed to do now?! I climbed into the back seat and got out my cell phone and started dialing 911. Frank lost the smirk, and was getting something out of his pocket. I squeezed my eyes shut. I wanted this to be over!

I was in the middle of calling the cops when I heard someone lightly tapping on the back left window. I opened my eyes and looked to the window and saw Frank with a knife tapping on the window. "Unlock the car, get out, and don't call anyone." He said from the other side. Was I going to listen? Of course not, I was perfectly safe locked in my car with a phone. At least I thought I was safe.

A voice came on the other end of the phone. "911, what's your emergency?" A girl said on the other end.
I breathed in to say something, when Frank pulled the knife back and stuck it into the window, a deafening smash pierced the air and shattered the glass everywhere. I was so stunned, I dropped my phone and scrambled to get to the door. I pulled on the handle, desperate to get out when I realized i had done something stupid. Pulling on the handle unlocks the car...

I couldn't think straight, everything happened in seconds. Frank opened the back left door where he had smashed the window and climbed into the car, and grabbed my cellphone off the floor and cancelled the 911 call. Meanwhile, I was pushing on the other back door desperate to get out, but it wouldn't open. "It's duct taped shut. I think you should give up now." Frank whispered.

I didn't have much choice, I turned to face him. I saw he had forgotten to shut the door he came through. This was my chance, I broke the silence by climbing over Frank to get out the door but I was too slow. He made a grab for my waist and pulled me back as I kicked and yelled for him to let me go, but he had a sure grip.

I kept kicking, yelling, and thrashing until I felt something metal and cold against my neck. I remained quiet when I realized it was the knife. "If you make a sound or try to fight, this goes in your neck. Got it?" Frank whispered. I nodded. He took a death grip on my wrist and pulled me out the car and walked towards a black Honda Civic with tinted windows. He unlocked it and motioned for me to get inside.
I could run, but he had hold of my wrist and he had a knife. Reluctantly, I got in.

He sat next to me and opened a tool box and pulled out duct tape, and a rope. I was pretty sure what that was gonna be used for. I had no choice but to sit there while he duct-taped my ankles, taped my hands behind my back, and taped my mouth and then he took the rope and repeated the same for my hands and ankles. Without a word, he jumped into the driver's seat and started the car.
I'm screwed.
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