Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Kids From Yesterday *Frerard and May*

This Is How I Disappear

by Psycho_Dame 3 reviews

Let's just say that Frank's conscience has arrived

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-10-30 - Updated: 2011-10-30 - 933 words

-Frank’s POV-

I wake up to see a familiar face. Well, not really her face; she was kinda asleep in a chair in the corner of the room.
Jem had been my best friend. Through everything. I know it might sound a bit bad, ‘cause of the guys, but she was. Other than Ray, Jem was the only person who knew about how I felt.
Evidently she’d had her hair dyed since I had last seen her. It was now electric blue and rested just above her shoulders. She looked really peaceful asleep. I chuckled at the thought, because damn she could be crazy. I guess that’s why we love her so much. I mean, not like THAT, but she was like our little sister. To be honest we met her at a meet and greet once. She started talking about her band and music and shit like that, so we got her up to do a special act thing. She was really good. And by that I mean amazing! She’s lead singer and plays guitar, but in her spare time she loves to draw. Bit like Gee I suppose. Jem’s really cool. We let her tour with us for a while, and last time I heard, they were doing really well and were now quite successful. It really means a lot to me that she’s here. If anyone was going to understand it was going to be her. Ray understood and all, but it just didn’t feel right talking to him about my ‘issues’. I’m so glad she’s here.

I’m still smiling to myself when I hear her suddenly take a deep breath. I turn round to see her waking up; her silvery-grey eyes sparkling in the early morning sun. “God dammit Frank… You woke me up with your laughing” she says in a very tired and non-threatening voice; which made me laugh all the more.

We spent the next few hours mindlessly chatting, when suddenly she did something COMPLETELY unexpected.
“Frankie! Why did you do it? I can’t take this idle talk anymore, like nothing’s happened! What reason is there for you doing this?!” Never in my time knowing her, have I ever heard Jem shout.
“I’m sorry Jem. But- I. Just. Don’t. Know anymore.” Before I know it, I’m sobbing and spilling my guts about everything that’s happened, everything I’ve ever felt; for Gee, for myself. Everything.
I assumed that she understood at least some things, because she pulled me into a hug; tears threatening to break free.
“Okay, Frankie.” She says smiling at me. “You know what you have to do. Don’t look at me like that! Let him know. If you do and he rejects you, then at least you’ll know that. If he says yes, then great. But if you just stay silent and let the pain of not knowing build up and lead to horrible consquences like now, then surely that’s worse, because you’ll never have closure.”
I sat there, thinking about every scenario.
Pros – closure and possibly the man of my dreams
Cons – forever to be ashamed and embarrassed if he says no…
“Jeez! What?!” I yell back at Jem “You scared the crap outta me!”
She sighs. Oh no. Not the sigh.
“Look, dude, I know what you’re thinking. But it’s only IF he says no. What’s the first thing you told me when we met?”
“You never know until you try, kid. I get it. But it’s not as simple as trying to get your band popular. This may be the rest of my life.” Those words echo in my head. The rest of my life. It’s only the rest of my life. “Okay, Jem. You win. But I’ll only talk to him when I’m fully recovered and when I feel that it’s right.” A smile plays at her lips.
“I’m not trying to force anything on you, Frank. I don’t want to interfere. You’re my friend and I just want to see you happy, ‘kay?”
I giggle slightly; not wanting to disturb my already aching body. Well, not anymore at least.
“Don’t worry, Jem. I don’t really think that you’re a crazed fan girl trying to get me and Gerard together in- wait, what do you guys call it?”
“Yeah, that. What, really? Frerard? Why ‘Fr’ first?”
“Oh, it’s ‘cause you’re on top.” She says, matter-of-factly, which causes the room to erupt with laughter. For a 16 year old, Jem’s pretty alright. She’s always there, and even though I knew that she thought the whole ‘Frerard’ thing was kinda cute, I knew that she’d always be there for me as my friend.
“But really? Frerard?”
“Yep!” Jem manages in between giggles. I look down at her hand and see 5 words that speak to me more than you can ever imagine.

So. This is me; Frank Iero, mentally preparing myself to take the biggest step in my career so far. If it goes badly, I may never again be able to say “I’m Frank Iero and we are My Chemical Romance”
Everything now rests upon Gee’s reaction. So, what’s it gonna be?

This is how I disappear

AH! I'm so sorry it's taken this long to update! School sucks and they gave me loads of homework to do over the holidays :(
Hope this makes up for it :D
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