Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Kids From Yesterday *Frerard and May*

Thank you for the venom

by Psycho_Dame 4 reviews

Frank wakes up

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-10-15 - Updated: 2011-10-15 - 997 words

-Jem’s POV-

I skipped down the corridor until I reached the reception desk. “Hi! I heard that one of my friends have been admitted, I think they’ll probably be in intensive care, I don’t know, but I wanted to know if I could see him?” I shoot the receptionist a beaming smile; swinging my arms slightly and nervously playing with the ends of my long sleeves.
“Can you give me your friend’s name?” She shoots me a bit of an off look, but I don’t care. I get called a freak at school all the time. I can be a bit different with my boy-ish attitude and tastes, but I don’t get why people make me an outcast. Either way, I have some great friends, so I don’t really give a shit anymore.
“Yeah. Iero. Frank Iero.”

-Franks POV-

The first thing I notice? The pain. The excruciating pain. My eyes open and I squint at the bright light. I hear murmurs of “he’s awake” and “oh, thank God”. Gingerly pulling myself up into a seating position, I look around the room. The walls are painted a startling white, machines beep rhythmically in corners, I have needles sticking in my arms, but what catches my attention the most? Him. He’s holding my hand, with tears in his eyes, and suddenly he wraps his arms around my neck. Now sobbing, Gerard pulls back slightly, looks into my eyes again, and goes back to crying again. “shh, shh. Gee it’s okay. I’m alright” I’m trying my best to comfort him, but at the same time I keep thinking back to why I’m in here. Man, I hate hospitals. And I was so stupid for hurting myself like that. Would I really die without him? Would I really be willing to do that? It’s stupid that I even cut; I know that he’ll never love me, and that he never did. I was just a bit of fun.
I sigh and Mikey pulls Gerard back. It’s nice to see all of them here with me. Just then a girl walks into the room. She’s definitely not a nurse, but she’s carrying two kids. Bob and Mikey look up and smile at her and I notice my eyes widen as Mikey gives her a hug. “Jesus Mikes, what did you do?” I’m not joking. Who is this girl, why did Mikey hug her, and why does she have kids? She can’t be more that 17.
At first there’s an awkward silence, but then they burst out laughing. “No dude. We met her in the waiting room…” Mikey trailed off, looking at the girl, who looked scarily like me. She chimed in, explaining her story, kind of half-heartedly as though she felt bad about having the attention rather than me. By the end, we were all close to tears, and I reckon that the others must have heard this at least once before. I looked at her again, she was really beautiful, I wondered why anyone could hurt someone who was so nice. Her eyes shone with the tears she was obviously holding back. We eventually moved on to lighter topics and soon we were all laughing and sharing stories.
Triana (that was the girl’s name) and I actually got on really well. Everyone stayed with me for a fair few hours. After a while though, I started to get really tired, at which point they got up and left; all stopping to say goodnight.
"'Night Frankenstein!" Tri called back. I giggled; apparently she had decided to give us all nicknames. Ray was the last to leave. He sat down on the chair beside my bed, I knew he’d wanted to speak to me in private.
“Ray –”
“Wait.” He cut me off. “I know why you did it. I could tell by the way you stared at him.” I gaped at him. Was it really that obvious?
“You. Are. Talking about Gee. Right?” I asked him. Jeez, I felt so embarrassed.
“Yeah, dude. Bob spoke to me about it once, but he hasn’t really twigged. The others haven’t either” I felt a bit better, no-one else knew; only Ray and one of my other friends. But then a part of me felt sad, because if no-one else knew, that meant Gee didn’t know. He didn’t know how much I love him. How I would do anything for him. I think Ray seemed to know what I was thinking.
“It’s okay, dude. I know how you feel. I- I- ” whatever it was, it was making it difficult for him to say, I thought to myself.
“I love Mikey. I have done since I met him. He was the one I hung around with, not Gerard, my supposed ‘Best Bud’. I mean, we are best mates, but- It’s always been Mikey. It always will be. I just wanted you to know that you weren’t alone in this.” He stood up and made for the door, clearly in agony from his confession.
“Ray!” I shouted after him, he turned around. “thanks, man. It really does help. Together alone?” He nods.
“yeah, but hopefully not for too long”
I listen as he walks down the corridor and my eyes start to close.

Yeah, sorry this one isn't very good. I know how it's going to end, but getting there's a problem, plus I've had a bit of writers block. Please R&R and let me know what you think of it, even if it's a bit harsh, I've noticed that not many people have been reading :P
Well, hope you like it. And I've now introduced ChemicalKilljoy! Sorry that you're not mentioned very much, You'll start to appear more later on.
I think the story's going to give all of us a bit of a suprise xD
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