Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > 30 Kisses

KHz (kilohertz) [Kiss #17]

by kirayasha 0 reviews

A series of related short stories based on Live Journal's 30 Kisses

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Inuyasha, Sesshoumaru, Other - Published: 2006-06-13 - Updated: 2006-06-14 - 1778 words

KHz (kilohertz) (kiss#17)

By kira

Author's notes: Another kiss based on Live Journal's 30 kisses challenge. My pairing is Inutaisho & Izayoi. This time they are there in spirit because I didn't want to create an anachronism due to the subject matter of this kiss.

Note #2: the definition of "hertz" was taken from Miriam Webster Online:

"KHz, kilohertz. One thousand hertz," Kagome muttered out loud as she read over her notes. "A hertz is one unit of frequency equal to one cycle per second..."

Inuyasha peered over her shoulder. "What nonsense are you babbling about now?"

Kagome sighed loudly in irritation. "I'm studying for a science test if you must know. It's to see if I'd do better if I took earth science or chemistry next year. And tomorrow I need to go home to take the first part which is on earth science. Now if you don't mind..." She peered up at him over the top of her notebook and silently pleaded with him to go away and leave her alone.

"Keh!" he huffed and bounded off towards the others.

"Inuyasha! I'd better not hear you've been torturing Shippo-chan again, or else!" she called out to him before sighing again. "Why do I even bother?" she asked no one in particular before going back to her studies. "Where was I again?"

"You were talking about something called a kilohertz, Kagome-chan," Sango said helpfully. "And don't worry; I'll keep Shippo-chan entertained so Inuyasha won't have an excuse to bother him." She smiled and headed off in the same direction the hanyou disappeared in.

"Electromagnetic radiation is measured in hertz...Ouch!" Kagome slapped her cheek. "Myouga-jiijii, what are you doing here?" She asked the crumpled flea youkai who rested in her hand.

A minute later he plumped up to normal size. "Ohayou, Kagome-sama. I came by to have a word with Inuyasha-sama, and you looked so tasty there..."

She glared at him. "You sound like Miroku-sama..." she said dryly. "Gomen, Myouga-jijii, but I need to study. If you're looking for Inuyasha, he went that way." She held her hand up in said direction and ignoring the flea demon she went back to studying. "Electromagnetic radiation is measured in hertz..."

"Electro-what? Kagome-sama, what are you talking about?"

"I told you I'm studying. Besides, I thought you wanted to find Inuyasha?"

"Hai! Well I'll just be going then..." and with that he hopped off her finger and left her in peace.


"Oi! Inuyasha-sama! Where are you?" The tiny flea called. "Ah, Kirara, would you be so kind as to help me find him?"

"Mew." The little firecat replied. After Myouga hopped on her back, she slunk off towards the gingko tree where everyone rested.

"Has anyone seen Inuyasha-sama?" the little flea asked.

"He took off into the woods after speaking to Kagome-chan, why?" Sango asked.

"I had something I wanted to tell him...oh well, I suppose it could wait."

"Hai, if you say so..." she replied.

They sat there, watching the clouds drift by, until Miroku mentioned that the largest one looked like a beautiful woman. Just before a fight about his perverted ways could erupt, Myouga agreed with him. What was startling about the agreement was that he said the cloud reminded him of Izayoi-hime.

"Izayoi-hime? Really? What was she like?" Miroku asked.

"Houshi-sama..." Sango said a warning to drop the matter clearly heard in her voice.

Myouga chose to ignore it and launched in a story about the hanyou's parents. "Ahh... Izayoi-hime was very beautiful for a human woman and the okugata-sama was very jealous of her."

"The okugata-sama? Gomen, but wasn't Izayoi-hime the okugata-sama?" Miroku asked.

"Iie, the okugata-sama was Sesshomaru-sama's mother. She too was a beautiful woman, but an unhappy one."

"Who wouldn't be with Sesshomaru for a son," Miroku joked. "All kidding aside, why was she so unhappy?"

"The reason she was so unhappy was this, Inutaisho-sama, besides being a great warrior, had one weakness; he had an eye for the ladies."

"Sounds like someone I know..." Sango muttered and Shippo laughed.

"Anyway, things were never easy between the two women, as he flitted between one and the other, although the human woman was much more genteel about it," he paused; lost in thought. "But that could have been because was merely a beloved concubine rather than his wife."

"So what was Izayoi-hime like, besides being so gentle and cultured?" Miroku asked and got thumped on the head by Sango.

"My dear Sango, there's no need for violence, I'm just curious as Inuyasha never talks about her," Miroku said as he grabbed her hands.

"Uh hunh..." she replied dryly as she deftly disentangled her hands from his. "But do go on, Myouga-jiijii."

"Hai...Well she was also the dog general's mate, which was odd as the okugata-sama should have been it, but Inutaisho-sama apparently didn't love her enough or perhaps he felt she was able to take of herself without his protection. Whatever it was, he never felt the need to make her his mate, even though he took her as his wife and they had many children together, although only Sesshomaru-sama survived. But enough of the okugata-sama, this story is about Izayoi-hime and Inutaisho-sama." He sighed; lost in pleasant memories.

"Go on, Myouga-jiijii, tell us more!" Shippo urged.

"Hai! I want to hear too." Sango said as she gently stroked Kirara's fur.

"What's going on?" Kagome asked as she came over and sat down.

"Myouga-jiijii was telling us about Inuyasha's and Sesshomaru's parents. But why aren't you studying, Kagome-chan? Are we disturbing you?" Sango asked her friend.

"Iie, I'm just tired of reading about kilohertz and radiation and sound waves and anything else connected with science. I'm just going to have to hope I do better with chemistry..." she moaned and rubbed her eyes. "Gomen nasai, Jii-chan, I've interrupted you."

"Where was I?" the old flea youkai asked.

"You were about to tell us about the time the okugata-sama caught Inuyasha's parents kissing..." Miroku said nonchantly.

"Hai!" Myouga started to clear his throat when Sango exclaimed, "He was not!"

"Well, if you don't mind, I would like to tell that story as it was a good one." Myouga and the others looked pleadingly at the taijiya, and shrugging, she told him to tell it.

"It was a beautiful summer day like this one and the ladies of the court were out enjoying the sunshine and picking wildflowers. You see, they were all out enjoying a picnic in the far orchard near the old tea house, where the waka-sama liked to play as a child. Anyway, Izayoi had gone off by herself as she was still a young girl and she was very nervous and ill at ease at being the only human living amongst the youkai. So she walked around the abandoned garden that surrounded the tea house, probably thinking about how nice it would be to fix it up again or whatever young girls like to think about." He paused as Miroku chuckled softly to himself.

"Well it would seem that Inutaisho panicked because she was out of his line of sight. She had been newly made his mate, so he wasn't that used to being far from her side. Anyway, the dono-sama went off in search of her and he happened to find her sitting in the garden pulling a few weeds." The old flea laughed. "Everyone who later heard the story thought it was strange, but then they figured it was a human thing to do. Poor Uekiya was beside himself until the dono-sama explained that he wasn't going to be replaced as head gardener. But I digress..."

Everyone laughed and the flea demon looked rather pleased with himself. "Anyway, when Inutaisho-sama finally found her he was amused rather than angry and he even helped her pull a few weeds before he coaxed her back to the others. Well, to make a long story short, they had been gone for quite awhile and the okugata-sama became worried. So she went in search of them and she eventually found them around the back of the old tea house. What she wasn't expecting to find, was her husband standing there, kissing another girl. And to make matters worse in the okugata-sama's eyes, he was kissing a human! Well, she stood there silently fuming until she was noticed by the young lovers and then all hell broke lose! It was not a pretty sight to say the least." He sighed. "It was a long time before anyone became remotely friendly towards Izayoi, who the whole palace now called 'Ningen-hime' except for the dono-sama of course. The only time they actually did mange to heal their differences was when Inuyasha-sama was born. But that is another story." He laughed.

Sango and Kagome looked at each other and sighed. "That's so sad," Kagome said softly.

"Hai, and what's worse, is that Izayoi-hime was a good person who tried very hard to push the dono-sama in his wife's arms," the flea said, "and in her bed," he added softly.

"Oi! Myouga-jiijii! What shit are you telling everyone?" Inuyasha demanded as he leapt neatly down from the tree tops where he had been hiding.


"Inuyasha..." Kagome warned. "He didn't do anything other than tell us a little story about your parents to pass the time. There's no need to get all upset about it."


"But nothing! Your mother was a good person and I'm sure Sesshomaru's was too, it's just circumstances prevented the two of them from being friends." Like me and Kikyou...

"Keh!" Inuyasha mad a face at her and she laughed.

"You know, I wish I could have known her."


"Hai," she said softly before a panicked look spread across her face. "Shoot! I've totally forgotten everything I was studying before!" She shot him a pained looked. "A kilohertz is a thousand hertz, which is a measurement of frequency...Gomen, Inuyasha, but I think I'd better go home to study. Bye!" She pulled him close and kissed his cheek before running off.

"Kagome!" he shouted, and after giving his laughing friends a death glare worthy of Sesshomaru, he bounded off after her.

"So now that he's gone, Myouga-jiijii, do you know any other stories about them...Ouch! What was that for, Sango-chan?" Miroku said as he rubbed his head.

"Nothing! It's just that...well it's just that you make it sound so perverted when you ask!"

Myouga laughed. "You two remind me of the okugata-sama and the dono-sama. Perhaps I should tell you a story about them?"

Sango glared at the little flea.

"Maybe I'd better not..." he said before hopping away.
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