Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > IM Chat Re-write

IM Chat Re-write

by MCR_Vampire_321 4 reviews

Re-write of the original.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-10-29 - Updated: 2011-10-29 - 545 words

T-Monster - Hey Gerard!
NotOkay - Is Frank online!?
T-Monster - No, don't think so. Why?
NotOkay - He's dead! He said something to Lexie that she wasn't too happy about...
T-Monster - What did he say?
NotOkay - He called her a pale bitch with no life
T-Monster - Well he coulda said worse
NotOkay - He also said that her hair was stupid and greasy and that she needed a bath
T-Monster - When will Frank learn to keep his mouth shut?
PenceyPrep - I know how to keep my mouth shut, thank you Tierney!
NotOkay - Clearly -.-
PenceyPrep - I was MEANT to be annoying her, it was the aim of the game
NotOkay - What game?
PenceyPrep - The one me and Ray were playing
NotOkay - Which was?
PenceyPrep - Truth or Dare. I chose dare and he said go piss off Lexie
T-Monster - And you listened to him!?
NotOkay - Nobody listens to Ray!
T-Monster - HE'S RAY!
PenceyPrep - Well I didnt want to lose the dare:( Is Lexie REALLY mad at me?
[*-theskyisNOTblue is now online-

[*NotOkay - I guess we're about to find out...

theskyisNOTblue - Frank online?
T-Monster - Yeah he is...
theskyisNOTblue - FRANK!
PenceyPrep - Yes Lexie dear?
theskyisNOTblue - You're gonna regret what you said to me today
PenceyPrep - I only did it as a dare!
theskyisNOTblue - Am I s'posed to care!?
PenceyPrep - Awww c'mon, you gotta kill Ray for this then as well!
theskyisNOTblue - No
PenceyPrep - Why not?
theskyisNOTblue - You were the one that said the stuff
PenceyPrep - Because Ray made me!
T-Monster - This is a little awkward...
theskyisNOTblue - Well you didn't have to do it!
NotOkay - Yeah, just a little...
PenceyPrep - Yeah I did, I couldn't back out of a dare!
theskyisNOTblue - You're gonna wish you hadn't DARED to tease me today -.-
[*-theskyisNOTblue is now offline-

[*PenceyPrep - Someone tell Ray to get his butt online so I can have a go at him for this?

T-Monster - Okay... I will if Gerard does me a favour...
NotOkay - Depends. What?
T-Monster - My friend Memory. I was wondering... Would you ask her out?
NotOkay - Why?
T-Monster - She hasn't had a boyfriend in a while and she's feeling a little insecure
NotOkay - Sure, get her to come online
PenceyPrep - Asking her out online? How cheap
NotOkay - Shut up Frank
T-Monster - Okay I've text Ray + Memory to come online
NotOkay - They'd better hurry up
PenceyPrep - Have you ever wandered how often Gerard showers?
T-Monster - Oh I already know how often
PenceyPrep - Really?
T-Monster - Yeah, once every decade
PenceyPrep - LOL
[*-Memobook is now online-

[*NotOkay - Bitch -.-

Memobook - :'(
NotOkay - No! Not you! Something that Tierney said!
Memobook - Oh :D Okay
PenceyPrep - +coughs+
NotOkay - So... Memory... Would you wanna be my girlfriend?
Memobook - REALLY!? :D
NotOkay - Yeah
[*-RayRayRay is now online-

[*PenceyPrep - Fuck you Man! Fuck you!

RayRayRay - Kay
[*-RayRayRay is now offline-

[A/N] - Not as good as the original ;/
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