Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > IM Chat Re-write

Chapter Two

by MCR_Vampire_321 1 review

Frankie has a little crush:)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2011-11-02 - Updated: 2011-11-02 - 443 words

NotOkay - Hey Tierney, reckon you could do me a favour?
T-Monster - Depends. What?
NotOkay - Could you ask Memory to back off a little?
T-Monster - What do you mean?
NotOkay - Well she's been practically stalking me all day... And then when I was talking to Nickie, she ran over and slapped me!
T-Monster - Well. Memory's a bit possesive
NotOkay - Could you not have warned me before I asked her out?
PenceyPrep - Are you gonna dump her?
T-Monster - How long have you been on here?
PenceyPrep - ALL night... I've been waiting for someone to come online...
NotOkay - Why didn't you say anything sooner?
PenceyPrep - It was more fun this way ;D
T-Monster - Uhh back to the point... Gerard, please don't dump her!
NotOkay - Why not?
T-Monster - It'll really upset her
PenceyPrep - So?
NotOkay - Frank, even I realise how mean that comment sounded
T-Monster - Oh, dinner's ready. See ya later!
[*-T-Monster is now offline-

[*PenceyPrep - Can I tell you something?

NotOkay - Is it something dumb?
PenceyPrep - No, it's kinda important... In a weird way... Can I just tell you please?
NotOkay - Go for it
PenceyPrep - Well it's just... I have a huge crush on Nickie
NotOkay - YOU have a huge crush on Nickie?
PenceyPrep - What's that supposed to mean?
NotOkay - You don't know how to love anyone
PenceyPrep - :O That's not true!
NotOkay - Prove me wrong. Ask her out
PenceyPrep - Can't... She's not online...
[*-SkakeBites is now online-

[*SkakeBites - Hi guys ;D

PenceyPrep - Who are you?
SkakeBites - It's me Nickie :)
PenceyPrep - ...
NotOkay - ... Ha... I'm gonna go...
[*-NotOkay is now offline-

[*SkakeBites - What's up with him?

PenceyPrep - Dunno. So, anything interesting happen recently?
SkakeBites - OMG yeah! Bert asked me out at lunch!
PenceyPrep - Oh... And what did you say?
SkakeBites - I said yes
PenceyPrep - ... But why?
SkakeBites - 'Cause he asked me out and I think he's kinda cute...
PenceyPrep - But he's a JERK
SkakeBites - How would you know?
PenceyPrep - Because I used to be BFO's with him
SkakeBites - BFO's?
PenceyPrep - Best Friends Obviously -.-
SkakeBites - I like him. Isn't that enough for you?
PenceyPrep - I guess it isn't. I guess it isn't
SkakeBites - Wow. Then I guess that makes you a bit of a jerk too
PenceyPrep - I don't wanna get into an argument
SkakeBites - Well too late
[*-SkakeBites is now offline-

[*Bob - You did the wrong thing mate

PenceyPrep - Shut up Bob...
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