Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > IM Chat Re-write

Chapter Three

by MCR_Vampire_321 4 reviews

If I don't get reviews, I'm gonna stop updating ;)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2011-11-03 - Updated: 2011-11-03 - 410 words

T-Monster - Hey, I was wondering, could you do me a favour?
Memobook - Sure, what?
T-Monster - Well I was wondering if you could back off Gerard a bit, he needs some personal space
Memobook - Jeez, why don't you get a life?
T-Monster - I'm sorry, what?
Memobook - It's pretty obvious that you have a crush on my boyfriend!
T-Monster - Excuse me!?
Memobook - I'm just saying. Why don't YOU back off. Because he's mine, okay?

-Memobook is now offline-

T-Monster - Jeez, what a demon.
T-Monster - I'm online by myself.
T-Monster - Pffft.....

-MikeyWayisCool is now online-

T-Monster - Thank christ!
MikeyWayisCool - Hi Tierney!
T-Monster - You have such a sad username
MikeyWayisCool - I do not!
T-Monster - Yeah you do, it's not cool to announce your cool all the time...
MikeyWayisCool - You're just jealous of how cool I am

-NotOkay is now online-

MikeyWayisCool - HI GERARD :D
NotOkay - Hello Mikey
MikeyWayisCool - I told you I'd beat you online!
NotOkay - Yes. Yes you did
T-Monster - You two are weird...
MikeyWayisCool - Like I said, you're jealous
NotOkay - Has he been annoying you?
T-Monster - No, not really
MikeyWayisCool - :D
NotOkay - Mikey, why don't you go play with your barbies?
MikeyWayisCool - Gerard!
T-Monster - You have barbies?
MikeyWayisCool - No, Gerard's being stupid...
NotOkay - So you wouldn't mind if I went into your room and cut the hair off of 'Alexis'?

-MikeyWayisCool is now offline-

NotOkay - 'Tis what I thought
T-Monster - ... He has barbies?
NotOkay - Yeah but don't tell anyone
T-Monster - Okay. I did what you asked by the way
NotOkay - Oh great!
T-Monster - Apparently I fancy you now :L
NotOkay - ... Oh dear...
T-Monster - Yeah that was kinda like my re-action
NotOkay - Oh well...

-theskyisNOTblue is now online-

T-Monster - Hi Lexie!
NotOkay - Hi
theskyisNOTblue - Hi Tierney! Hi Loser
NotOkay - Did you kick Frank's ass?
theskyisNOTblue - Why do you think he's offline? I broke two of his fingers
NotOkay - Holy crap...
theskyisNOTblue - Yeah that's what his Mom said...
T-Monster - I don't think you shoulda broke his fingers
theskyisNOTblue - Whatever...

-NotOkay is now offline-

theskyisNOTblue - What a loser...
T-Monster - You're so mean to the guys
theskyisNOTblue - Big deal!

[A/N] - Please go back to reviewing this because it motivates me to update ;)
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