Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > IM Chat Re-write

Chapter Four

by MCR_Vampire_321 6 reviews

Short chapter - Sorry D:

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2011-11-07 - Updated: 2011-11-07 - 270 words

NotOkay - Hey I've been meaning to ask, did you tell Nickie that you fancy her?
PenceyPrep - Nope
NotOkay - Why not?
PenceyPrep - Because you failed to tell me she has a boyfriend already!
NotOkay - How was I to know? Who's she dating?
PenceyPrep - Bert
NotOkay - Ouch. Rejected for Bert?
PenceyPrep - I was NOT rejected
NotOkay - Okay keep your boots on
PenceyPrep - -.-

-Memobook is now online-

PenceyPrep - Hey
NotOkay - Hi
Memobook - OMG HI GEE :D
NotOkay - Hi Memory...
Memobook - I was only coming on quick to say hi ;D

-PenceyPrep is now offline-

NotOkay - -.-
Memobook - :D Well at least we're alone now
NotOkay - Brilliant

-SkakeBites is now online-

Memobook - -.-
NotOkay - HI NICKIE :D
SkakeBites - Is Frank online?
NotOkay - No, why?
SkakteBites - It's just that he was right about Bert... I caught him cheating on me
Memobook - Seriously!? With who?
SkakeBites - Cheyenne -.- The little bitch... She knew I was dating Bert!
NotOkay - ... On the bright side, I know a guy who's interested in you...
Memobook - :'(
NotOkay - Frank really likes you Nickie
Memobook - Oh okay :D
SkakeBites - Really?
NotOkay - Yeah
SkakeBites - But he was going on at me like he was my Dad the other day. It irritated me -.-
NotOkay - Because he didn't want you getting hurt ;/
SkakeBites - Oh... Well maybe I'll talk to him...
Bob - I think you should
Memobook - You scare me
Bob - Good
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