Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Human Wreckage


by swordfish_goddess 1 review

well he is older now and studying at college. again, i'm pretty sure its more interesting then it sounds... i didn't know whether i should post it because it is a fair step ahead of the previous ch...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-11-03 - Updated: 2011-11-03 - 1058 words

The train clattered along the track. People sat, heads bowed, waiting for their stop. I recognised a few people who were also students from the college I attended but I think they were in their later years of study.
This was my second year studying graphic design. When I left high school Gerard was nearing the end of his study at arts school and was looking for work in comic book design. I loved comic books and if Gerard can do it I can, so I decided to study graphic design in college and see were it takes me. I guess it's fun, for a college course anyway.
The train rattled to a halt, the inaudible voice on the loudspeaker told us where we were and the doors opened. I waited for the bulk of the crowd to leave before I tried to exit. I stepped off the train and made my way to a little coffee shop hidden amongst the tall buildings on the main street. It was still early and I have to have coffee otherwise my brain goes mushy and I melt. Ok maybe that was a bit extreme but you get the idea.
I finished ordering a white chocolate latte and chose a table in the corner. I flopped down into a chair and dropped my backpack on the seat beside me. In the centre of the table was a pile of magazines. I decided to flick through a few while I waited for my latte. They weren't particularly interesting, although one story did catch my eye. It was an article in a girls magazine on hot band members. I was shocked to find that one of them was someone I had seen walking around college as a student! "Eddee Shaw" the article read. It made him seem so average. These girls are going absolutely crazy over one average dude. I guess you don't have to have some form of special gift to 'make it' in music, maybe you could be anyone. Maybe you could be me... My train of thought was broken when a guy I recognised from college walked over to my table.
"Is this seat taken?" He asked shyly and he smiled awkwardly. His eyes were warm and welcoming. He was of an average height and his hair was dark brown, short and very curly. He was wearing a Metallica t-shirt and a pair of washed out black jeans. He He was carrying a large blue backpack on his back, a huge sports bag that seemed to weigh a tonne on his shoulder and what I presumed was a guitar case in his hand. I felt sorry for him, having to lug such heavy gear around and he was a little awkward. Maybe he was like me.
"Umm, nup. Its all yours!" I added a little too enthusiastically.
"Ah, thanks!" He replied as he dropped into the chair. His bags and case neatly thumping to the floor. "I'm Ray."
He held out his hand and I shook it heartily. "Good to meet you Ray! I'm Michael."
There was an awkward silence for a minute so I decided to go back to my Teengirl™ magazine. Making conversation wasn't really my thing.
"Nice choice of magazine, that Eddee guy is S-M-O-K-I-N'!" Ray joked.
"Oh yeah!" I agreed sarcastically. "he is one hot piece of meat!"
"Hahaha! Its so disgusting how young girls magazines talk about those things. They just exploit the poor things! But I'm shocked at how we go to college with that guy. It makes him seem so normal, like anyone can be famous. Like even we could do it. I mean I don't know if I want to be famous-"
"-but it would be cool to be in a band performing to a bunch of loving fans." I finished.
"Yeah! It would be pretty awe- Oh, thankyou." Ray was cut of as the waitress had appeared with our coffees and was asking whose was whose.
"Mines the takeaway one!" he chimed excited to see coffee.
"Haha, and mines the white chocolate latte." I said almost to myself as I watched her place my cup on the table. She was surprisingly beautiful, her long black hair flowing down her delicate frame.
"Here you go." She said pleasantly. I didn't reply, I just nodded awkwardly in a thankyou.
As the waitress walked away Ray muttered "Wow, she was gorgeous!" I looked up and watched her serving another table. She was, she was something else.
"Yeah." I muttered.
"As I was saying, it would be awesome... Do you play an instrument?" Ray asked with almost creepy intrigue.
"Ah, yep, I play a little bass I guess. I haven't picked it up in a LONG time."
"Haha, yeah, this 'life' thing gets in the way a bit."
"Hahaha! Yeah..." I let myself get lost in thought again and was jolted back to reality when Ray spoke again.
"So, I better get going, there's probably a few people waiting for me by now. But I'll give you my number-" He pulled a napkin out of the tin and a black texta out of his pocket and scribbled a mobile number down. "-we should get together again sometime, yeah?"
"Um.. Yeah, sure." I said with a smile and pocketed the napkin.
Ray gathered up his bags, grabbed his coffee and half jogged to the door before turning around waving goodbye and running up the street towards the college. I sat for a moment smiling stupidly thinking of how fun that meeting was. The people you meet in coffee shops.
The beautiful waitress came over again and asked if I had finished with my cup. I nodded hastily then stopped abruptly realising how stupid I must have looked. As she turned to leave a thought came over me.
"Um..." I called.
"Yes?" She said as she turned around. My eyes flicked to her nametag then back to her face. Ji.
"Ah.." I was at a loss. I didn't plan this far ahead. "Nothing." I almost whispered.
She turned and walked away, exasperated. I regretted that move as soon as I did it. At least I know her name. I tried telling myself. Doesn't make it less embarrassing.
I got up, slung my back on to my shoulder and looked down at my watch. 8:45am. Fuck! I'm late...
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