Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Exterminate Me

The Kobra Kid

by reinventlove152 1 review

"I don’t go by that anymore. That name is my past.”

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] [V] - Published: 2011-11-13 - Updated: 2011-11-13 - 929 words


My eyes slowly opened, the world around me coming into sharp focus quickly as my programming and the medication took over. Mikey was sitting on a crudely fashioned chair nearby, staring anxiously. I gave him a reassuring smile.

“Mikey, I’m fine. Really.” He laughed. “No, Dallas. I don’t go by that anymore. That name is my past.” I frowned.

“So you’re one of them, Mikes? The rebel alliance?” He snorted.

“Rebel Alliance? Good God, Dallas. What happened? Did BLI put that word in your head?” I shrugged. He shook his head. “What are you, Dall? A civilian?” I shrugged.

“You could say that,” I murmured wryly.

Mikey stared in disbelief. "Dallas. Stay out here with us! The Killjoys are accepting, someone will take you in."

My eyes narrowed and my gun hand twitched involuntarily at the word. Mikey continued on, oblivious to my reaction.

"You could probably come with us. Ghoul doesn't trust you yet, but he'll come around. Poison remembers you, of course. And Jet.... Well, he's Jet. He's pretty easy going."

I suddenly became very, very angry and that anger terrified me. "Mikey?"I asked, fists clenched. He smiled.

"I told you I don't go by that anymore." I winced.

"And what do you go by?" I asked. He beamed proudly.

"Kobra Kid, although I'm generally called Kobes. It's who I-" he stopped suddenly as I shoved my gun in his face. My programming and training had kicked in and I was about to kill my best friend because of it. But I didn't want to. That was why Mikey, er, Kobra Kid- right hand man to Party Poison, member of the Fabulous Four, leader of the rebellion against my people- was not dead yet.

That was when I realized I was different. The other Dracs, they didn't remember. They didn't feel anything other than hate and rage. They didn't hesitate. I was fighting my programming and it was scalding my brain. The programming was pissed that I was resisting and it felt like it was trying to fry my brain to get me to obey it. I dropped my gun, pressing my hands into my temples. Mikey kicked my gun away then came and wrapped his arms around me.

"It's okay. It's gonna be okay. I'm going to tie you down and then I'm going to go call for Poison. He'll know what to do. He always does."

I flinched again, fists curling at the name of their leader. Mikey gently pushed me into the chair behind me, tying me down with a dusty blanket. He crossed to the other side of the room, picking up a small transmitter. He looked at a piece of paper and snorted. "Flamer, come in. Flamer." he giggled. I heard a switch click and a deep sigh rush though the speaker. There was raucous laughter in the background.

"Ghoul, that is the last time you're allowed to pick our cover names for the week."

"Oh come on, Poison. Why do we even need cover names?"

"Do you want to be exterminated? I'm trying to protect us, Ghoul. I only want to protect us."

Mikey shook his head. "Poison, I need you at base. We've got a bit of a situation."

I heard Gerard swear loudly and I smiled as I realized that some things about him would never change.

"Did that bald son of a bitch find us again?" he growled. Mikey laughed. "No. He didn't. But I need you here. Now."

I heard an engine roar in protest as it was pushed faster. "I just hit the red line. I'll be there soon." Mikey smiled and shut the transmitter down.

Within a few minutes, Mikey was joined by the other three 'Joys within minutes. Poison beamed at me. "Dallas! Finally got away from the oppressor we call BLI, eh?" I glared at him. The burning in my head eased up and I sighed in relief.

Mikey put his hand on Gerard's shoulder. "Poison.... He's not Dallas. Well, he is. But not fully."

Gerard frowned as he came towards me. He knelt down and put his hand on my shoulder. I was torn between the urge to hug him and the urge to rip his head off with my teeth. He looked into my eyes. "What are you?" he asked.

I sighed. Korse was going to exterminate me if he ever found out I did this. "I am a Draculoid. Number 17 to be exact. We are the first generation of them, but there will be many more soon. We are Korse's creation, a group designed to exterminate the Rebel Alliance and to protect the civilians. We are the hope for a Better tomorrow."

Mikey scratched his neck. "He could have killed me, Poison. But he didn't. He resisted and it looked like it was painful for him to do so."

I nodded. "The others are not like me. They do not remember their past. We are programmed to follow Korse's orders only. I... I'm different. I remember. I know that Mikey was... is... my best friend. And I don't want to hurt him. Or you. Or you. Or you." I said, looking at each of them in turn.

Gerard stared at me, jaw slack. "They took ordinary people and 'programmed' them to do their bidding?" he whispered. I nodded hesitantly, never having thought of it like that before. Gerard shook his head, looking sick. The one they called Jet Star, tall and muscular, stared at me thoughtfully for a moment before smiling. "Guys. I have an idea."
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