Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Exterminate Me

The Pills I Ate

by reinventlove152 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-11-20 - Updated: 2011-11-21 - 1312 words

A/N: enjoy the new chappie :) don't forge to R&R! Xoxo, K.

Gerard questioned me for a long time, mostly about my feelings before and after my "awakening," as he called it. We determined that my programming was still there and I still had Draculoid urges, but I had more control over them now. I had a tiny bit of my own free will. Mikey and Gerard had been my friends and because of that, I didn't want to kill them. That allowed me to fight the urge to exterminate them. It burned my brain to do that, which concerned Gerard. He was afraid that I was suffering brain damage by doing that to myself. I laughed for a long time at that one. I explained to the confused group that all the pills I ate prevented that sort of thing.They didn’t get the joke.
     Jet Star’s idea was actually a fairly decent one. None of us knew if it would actually work or not, but we had hope that it would. I was delighted by that little feeling. Hope. How something that was seemingly so insignificant would mean so much to me. It was absolutely thrilling and it gave me the willpower to try out this plan.
     I was to become a double agent. Korse would know a part of this, but he would think that I was still working for BLI, when in actuality; I would be helping the Killjoys. It would be hard. I knew that. I told Gerard that too. I told him that if this were to work, when I was ordered to exterminate a ‘Joy, I would have to do it. He was grim faced as he nodded his understanding.
     I would also still need to supply Korse with information. What I told him would need to be mostly true. Because I was a Draculoid, Better Living didn’t give us the Truth Pills that they gave civilians. A slip of the tongue during a mission could be fatal to the entire unit, so they kept us off of that. But Korse seemed to know when he was being fed false information. I’d seen it first hand when Number Twelve had tried it and it would have been terrifying if I’d held the capability of feeling fear then.
   I told Gerard of my current mission, how I’d been sent out to discover their true identities. After much deliberating, he decided to give them to me, not seeing how it could hurt them that much. Mikey informed me that they’d thought Korse already had that information, so it wasn’t that much to give up. The one called Fun Ghoul, however, was not thrilled. He fought with Gerard for a long time over it, until Gerard pulled his ray gun on him and told him to sit down and shut up. He remained standing, arms crossed over his chest and a defiant expression on his face, but didn’t say anything more.
   I already knew Gerard and Mikey, but had them give me their full names anyway. Party Poison, the fearless leader of the Killjoys, was Gerard Arthur Way. Kobra Kid, his second in command, was also his brother Michael James Way. The short, defiant and somewhat hostile mechanic was Franklin Anthony Iero Jr. And lastly was the man who kept the peace between them and kept things running as smoothly as things could in a desert full of radiation, Raymond Manuel Toro-Ortiz.
          Together, the four of them made up The Fabulous Killjoys. Although they hadn’t been the first rebels to arrive, they’d managed to survive for the longest without any major injuries or fatalities. It had started out as just Gerard and Mikey but they’d adopted Frank and Ray into their group within a few months of their initial escape into the desert. The four had quickly become the father figures of the Rebel Alliance, the men that kept the hope running alive and strong in the others. Everyone knew who they were, though few had actually met them.
     There was apparently another who held greater power than them, but they refused to give me his name or any details about him. The only thing they’d say is that he and his assistant were an “underground” group and preferred to stay that way. Only the Fab Four had ever met him in person. To the others, he was little more than a guiding voice. Without him, no one would have survived this long. With that, Gerard stopped talking and refused to give me any more information. I didn’t press him for anymore. Mikey came over and gave me a tight hug, whispering that he’d see me soon. Gerard tied a blindfold around my eyes and led me out to a car. He drove for a while before taking it off. There was absolutely no landmarks around us, just a worn down road and the desert. He smiled.
     “I always wondered what happened to you,” he said quietly. “I still feel incredibly guilty for leaving you behind that night. But the raids made it impossible to get to you. We were going to take you with us, Mikey and I. I’d made arrangements to get out that night, to escape into the desert and keep running until the war stopped and it was safe for us to come out. Of course, I couldn’t tell anyone about that. Not even you. I never got a chance. There were always people around and it wasn’t safe. No one was safe back then either.
     “We were going to come knock on your window that night, have you steal away with us. Your mother would've had no idea, which would have kept her safe. But the raids kept that from happening. I'd prepared a little homemade bomb surprise in preparation for something like that, which bought us just enough time to climb out my bedroom window and run. Mikey wanted to try and get you anyway, but I wouldn't let him. Keeping him safe was my priority. It still is. 

     "The first time I managed to steal back into Battery City, I checked the civilian roster. I was going to come save you. But their was no such citizen as 'Dallas Ballato.' Hell, there was nobody named Dallas for that matter. I refused to believe that you'd been exterminated, so I got an inside man to start looking for you I thought that maybe you changed your name. He never got any strong leads though. I was getting ready to just give up my hope and accept the fact that Mikey was going to hate me forever because I allowed his best friend to die. And then you magically turned up."

     He turned towards me, grinning. "You're going to have to pick a better Killjoy name if you don't want people to grow suspicious of you. The one you told Ghoul is probably the worst I've heard yet." He regarded me thoughtfully. 

"How good are you with your gun?" he asked. I smirked. "I've been in my fair share of duels and I haven't been hit yet," I grinned. Gerard slammed on his breaks. "See that bottle out there?" he asked, gesturing towards a shiny glass Coca-Cola bottle in the distance. I nodded. "Try and hit it." I smiled, pulling my gun from it's holster and aiming carefully. I fired and the faint sound of breaking glass resounded in the dry air. Gerard grinned. "I dub thee Blasta Cola. Cola for short." I laughed. "I like it," I told him as he gunned his car forward. I smiled to myself, my new name rolling around in my head.

     I now worked for Better Living Industries' most wanted rebel group and it felt good.
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