Categories > Original > Drama > The Midnight Beast fanfic


by JamieFIZZY_TMB 0 reviews

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2011-11-17 - Updated: 2011-11-17 - 194 words

“Dress, Flowers, Church, Bridesmaids, Guests, Cars, Suits, Honeymoon, Catering, After Party venue, Oh God…” Martha ran her fingers through her hair. There was so much to organise. It was stressful.
“Babe, calm down. We can do this,” Dru reassured her, holding her hands, “Most important thing would be the Church. There’s a nice one down the road, ‘St. Johns’ my mum knows the vicar, and he says it will cost us £500. That includes a choir.” Martha nodded.
“Okay, the girls and I want to go dress shopping next Saturday. How much should that cost?” Dru looked at his laptop, and keyed a few words into Google.
“Average price for a new wedding dress is about two grand. I’ll get that for you on Friday, and you can go and get something on Saturday.” Martha stopped and looked up at her future husband.
“Are you sure we’re ready?” She asked quietly. She had always been doubtful of herself. She never thought she was ready.
“I’ve never been surer of anything in my whole life. We’re ready. We’ve been a couple since Junior School,” Martha nodded.
“I trust you, Dru,”
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