Categories > Original > Drama > Growing Up Together

Am I Sure I Can Live With This... Hell?

by CarsynTMB 0 reviews

Amy enjoys the peaceful life for a while...

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-11-18 - Updated: 2011-11-19 - 856 words - Complete

Amy smiled a Stefan's letter... but then felt a pang of...GUILT? What was wrong now? Haven't I been through enough this past month? She laid herself carefully on her bed, so she wouldn't bump her broken leg. What's wrong Amy?!?! Why the fuck are you so sad? You are alive, almost well, and have tons of friends and family who have left flowers and cards? What more could you need? Amy pulled her self up and reached for her guitar. Stefan had taught her how to play and she was trying to write a song. She had to admit, she has an amazing voice, but never sings for the fear people would laugh and call her shitty. She stroked the strings. She was half-way done with a song... but the rest of the words were stuck. She started slowly on the song. "I wanted you to know, that I love the way you laugh, I wanna hold you high and steal your pain, away..." Amy loved the results of the song, but was still stumped. She didn't want to ask Stef for help because the song was supposed to be a surprise for him. She put the guitar away and felt a pin in her ribs. She hissed at the pain but kept on putting it on its stand. She shouted downstairs for help to get on the first story of her home. Ella and Amanda sprinted upstairs. They slowly let Amy rest her arms on one of their shoulders, and hop down. Ella went back up the stairs to fetch her crutches. "Want some tea, Ams?" Her mum was using careful and kind words. She had almost lost her daughter, Amy. "Yeah sure. Mum? Could you put a pillow under my leg? It needs to be elevated right so it can heal..." Amy was still unsure if her mum was ok. "Oh of course!" Amanda put a huge pillow under Amy's leg and went to get her tea. "Three sugars still, right?" Amanda didn't fancy tea, or coffee. But she did enjoy hot chocolate a lot. "Yeppers." Amy still enjoyed saying little-kid things still. Amanda smiled at Amy's response. Amanda came in with her tea and handed it to her. "Thanks." Amanda smiled. Ella came in and sat down next to Amy with her tea. "Wanna watch telly? Spongebob?" Ella and Amy still watched Spongebob even though they were both 13. But truth is, Spongebob fucking rules. "OMG YES!!!" Amy hadn't watched telly in over a month. She couldn't stay awake long enough to watch an episode. The 'Chocolate' episode came on and they both smiled. It was their favorite episode. "I LOVE YOU!" Amy tried not to laugh because it hurt her ribs. But she still smiled at Patrick's little outburst of 'I love you's'. They watched a few more episodes, and they both fell asleep on the couch. Amy had a nightmare about her almost-fatal night..."WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING TO THAT GIRL?!?!" BANG BANG BANG the man fell, dead next to Amy. She had just witnessed a man die, right before her own eyes... A man who could have saved her. He might've been on his way home to his own children. Amy was still trying to scream but she still had the choke in her mouth... Amy woke up in cold sweats. She was sobbing. Ella had woken up right then, but she heard Amy crying and was wide awake. "AMY?!?! ARE YOU OK?!?!" Ella had jumped off of the other side of the couch and was now sitting on the coffee table, rubbing Amy's arm. " I saw it again! I saw- saw-saw." She couldn't finish what she was saying, but Ella knew what she was going to say. "Shh it's ok, it's ok, it's over now, shh Amy it's ok, they're gone." Ella was now crying, too. "I'm going to go get mum, Amy. She might want to help calm you down a bit." Ella checked her phone. It was 1:30. She ran up the stairs and into her mum's room. "MUM!!! AMY NEEDS YOU!!! SHE'S CRYIN' HER EYES OUT!!!" Amanda hopped out of bed and was downstairs before Ella could say anything else. "Amy!" Amanda ran to the couch and sat down, lifted Amy's head up into her lap, and was petting her head. She was calming her down. Amy had always calmed down when her head was pet, ever since she was just a new born baby. "Muuuummm! Make it go away! This is a living Hell!!! I want it gone!!!" Amy had calmed down a little bit more. But still not enough to stop crying. "Amy, I'm trying as hard as I can to help you!!! It will go away!!! I promise!!!" Amanda wasn't only addressing Amy, but also herself. "Will them dreams go away? Amanda just realized she had never met someone who had gone through this before. "D'you promise?" Amy was now looking her mum in the eye, looking for an answer that wasn't there. Amanda needed Sally. She would help her. "I promise, Hun." Amy tried to smile, but it quickly faded away.
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