Categories > Original > Drama > Growing Up Together

Enough Of This Bullsh*t.

by CarsynTMB 0 reviews

"I'm done with this shit."

Category: Drama - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-11-18 - Updated: 2011-11-19 - 751 words - Complete

After Ella had gone upstairs to bed, and her mum had locked all the doors, Amy sat herself up. *WHY AM I STILL PUTTING UP WITH THIS!?!?!?) Amy felt around for her crutches, and stood up. She pulled herself into the toilet, and locked the door. She took off her boot, so it wouldn't get wet, and drew herself a bath. Amy kept thinking this over. Am I ready? Am I ready to die? Amy shook her head, as if to reassure herself of this drastic choice. She looked at her phone. 2:00 A.M., Sunday November 30 She let herself cry. Her birthday was the 31st of October, and Ella was 2 days older than her. It had been a month since she was raped. She opened every drawer, looking for something sharp. She almost immediately found a razor blade. She was still dressed. She started to cut. She felt the blade slice her wrist's skin. Blood. More blood filled into the tub. More slicing a cutting her wrist. Blood. The water started to turn a dark, ruby red. The water started spilling out of the tub, and onto the floor. Amy let herself slide under the water and blood. "This is it, it's all going to end..." She thought to herself.......

You know how they say you life flashes before you eyes, right before you die? Well, this happened to Amy. She saw a young version of her mother. She was massively pregnant with two twin girls. Another vision. Her mother was holding her and Ella, one in each arm. She saw a young Stefan, curiously staring at the wriggling baby girls. Another vision. She saw herself and Ella playing with barbie dolls. Another vision. Ella was being kissed by Ashley for the first time, then fainted. Another. Charlotte was kissing Dru, first time and blushing into a deep red colour and then giggling at Dru, who had blushed even brighter red. And another. She was at the park with Ash, Ella, Dru, Charlotte and Stefan. They were all laughing. They had asked a women who was also at the park to take their photo. They were laughing in the photo. Another. She was on an airplane, waiting patiently to meet her father, Mark. She got off the plane and saw a family. the boys all had raven-black hair, and the women and baby girl had blonde. Another. She was dragged into the van. She screamed. Another vision. She saw a man die, trying to save her. Another. she was on the couch, watching Spongebob with her sister. Another. She was dead, soaking in her own blood,tears and water. Another. There was a funeral. A smaller white coffin and red velvet insides. Her mother. Her mother and her sister were weeping over the coffin and placing small white roses into it. Stefan was shaking as he approached the coffin. He placed another rose into the coffin as well. She could now she who was innit. It was her. Amy. Stefan whispered something to her. He was crying as he said it, but she could still hear him. "Amy... why did you do this? I still needed to tell you something, but here-here it goes... I love you, Amy. I always have, and I will never stop loving you until the day I die." "AMY!" It was... it was Stefan. "AMY!!! OPEN THE DOOR!!! PLEASE!!!" Why was Stefan here, now? "I'M COMING IN!!!" SMASH The door had flung open. She heard him scream. She heard fast footsteps. She felt arms going under her back. AIR. She was still breathing, but not enough to provide oxygen to her brain. "AMANDA!!! GET THE FUCK IN HERE AND CALL AN AMBULANCE!!!" Amy was still wondering why she was still breathing. How did Stefan get her in time? It must've been at least,6:30? Stefan was holding her sliced wrist. She felt tears fall onto her wrist. "OH MY GOD!!!" It was her mum. She heard the phone being dialed. "nine nine nine..." She couldn't hear anything anymore. What was happening? Amanda took Amy's pants off and slipped some shorts on her so she could put the boot on her leg before it re-broke. She felt her shirt being taken off and replaced with another. Stefan was in there the whole time but Amanda could trust him. Stefan was shaking still. The door of the house opened and the emergency crew rushed into the bathroom. She was put on a stretcher and rushed out of the house.
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