Categories > Original > Drama > Growing Up Together

Hospital/ One Year Later

by CarsynTMB 0 reviews

Again? OMG YES!!!

Category: Drama - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-11-18 - Updated: 2011-11-19 - 368 words - Complete

Amy was rushed to the hospital. Her wrist was stitched up. Stefan and Amanda arrived after she was stitched up. "Is-is she ok?" It was Stefan. Stefan was asking the questions her mother should be. Amanda was shocked that he was asking the questions, and not her. "She'll be fine, but keep her away from sharp objects such as knives, paper clips, things along that line." The nurse was being kind, but she was still concerned about Amy, even though she never met her. "Thank you." Amanda and Stefan said it in unison...

"Hey, Amy?" Stefan and Amy were even better friends now. "Yeah, Stef?" Amy was in a great mood today, she had got her braces off. "I was wond'ring if... I was wond'ring if you wanted to go see a movie with me." Stefan looked really nervous. Amy was in shock. "Like... like a... date?" Amy was embarrassed to ask that. Stefan didn't look surprised at all. "Yeah... a date." Stefan was smiling a little now. She still had to reply. "Yeah. Yeah totally I'll go." Amy smiled the largest smile she had ever smiled before. Stefan did the same. He hugged her tightly. "I'm glad to hear that... Hey can I tell you something?" "Of course Stef, anything." "I've always kinda had a crush on you..." Amy looked shocked. But... happy. "You know what Stefan? Me too... I hvae liked you for a long time..." Stefan smiled a huge smile. He looked at her closely... She looked back. He leaned closer to her face. She leaned closer to him, too. He caressed he face with his hands, and kissed her gently. Her eyes widened and so did Stefan's. Amy had just KISSED her best friend. He slowly pulled away, letting his lips linger on hers. Stefan and Amy's eyes were closed. They slowly opened her eyes and stared at each other. They smiled. They kissed again, and stood up. They walked to the movie theater and Stefan bought tickets to Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. They took their seats in the theater and Stefan took Amy's hand. They smiled at each other and kissed. This was going to be awkward...
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