Categories > Original > Drama > Growing Up Together

She's Three Now.... AWWWWWWWWWW

by CarsynTMB 0 reviews

AWWWW Jade :') Oh and sorry I haven't been uploading chapters for the past two or three days... My aunt had been home :)

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor,Romance - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2011-12-04 - Updated: 2011-12-04 - 1020 words - Complete

Stefan stood up with Jade in his arms, and carried her upstairs to her cradle. He laid her in bed, and smiled. She was born June 19th. Stefan loved it that she was born the 19th because his birthday is February 19th. He kissed his tiny daughter, and closed the door as he left her room...


Stefan turned around onto his side in bed, and his arm wrapped around Amy, and he felt her snuggle closer to him. He smiled and hugged her. Amy's eyes fluttered open to a screaming Jade. "Common Stef, I bet it's another bug." Stefan laughed and got out of bed. He scratched his head and yawned before standing up. Amy had jumped up and ran to Jade's bedroom. The room was now Disney princesses... so Stefan loved it even more than before. Amy was screaming and laughing as she was in Jade's room. Stefan rushed to the room and saw Amy tickling Jade and Jade trying to tickle her back. Jade saw Stefan and ran out of Amy's arms. "Daddy!" "Morning Jadie." She frowned. "Thewre's a cweepy cwaly in hewre..." Stefan smiled at how she said her r's. "Where is it Jade?" She pointed and scampered into his arms. Stefan followed her gaze, and saw a small, black spider sitting on a princess's dress. He smiled and flicked it off the wall, and stepped on it. Jade smiled. "Thank you Daddy." He nodded and kissed her forehead. She had barely changed. Her hair was below her shoulders and it was extremely curly, and had turned even darker black. Her eyes where the same golden-brown as Stefan's. When Stefan looked into her eyes, he saw himself in her eyes, and her smile. Jade hugged Stefan and yawned. He looked at a smiling Amy, and remembered what was so special about today. It was Jade's 3rd birthday. "Hey Jadie-kins, d'you know what today is?" She shook her curly black hair. "It's your birthday!!!" She squealed in excitement. Amy smiled and ran over to Jade, and picked her up. Jade was laughing really loud now. And when Jade laughs, it's almost impossible to get her quiet again. "Mummy!!!" Amy smiled and gave her Eskimo kisses. "That tickles Mummy!!! Stop it!!!" Amy laid her on the floor, and started to tickle her stomach. Stefan saw this as a non-miss-able moment, and joined in. Jade was gasping for her breath, but kept giggling with all her might. Jade's cheeks were turning a rosy red, and her eyes were watering. Stefan kissed her little belly, and stopped tickling her so she could catch her breath. Stefan scooped her under his arm, and walked downstairs. He sat a laughing, giggling Jade on the couch. Amy had gotten the camera, and Jade was smiling next to Stefan. Amy snapped a few pictures and kissed Jade's forehead, and Stefan on the lips. Jade groaned. "EWWWY Mummy!!! That's gross!!!" Amy smiled and Stefan blushed a little, but laughed anyways. Amy walked back into the room with a box, and a small box on top of it. She handed Stefan the smaller box, and he sat next to Jade. He gave Jade the small, rectangular box. She smiled at it and un-knotted the bow on it. She gasped at the contents of the box. "Daddy I love it!!!" She bounced and took out a small necklace. She handed it to Stefan, and he put it onto her small neck. The necklace had three small charms on it, one for each year of her life. One charm was a star, and carefully painted on it was, Jade. The next one was a Mickey Mouse one, for obvious reasons. And the last one was a small guitar, and it opened. Jade easily opened the guitar locket with her small fingers,and grinned at the picture inside of it. "Daddy, is this me and you and Mummy?" Stefan nodded and smiled. "I was so... tiny!!!" Amy and Stefan laughed. "You weren't really that small, Jadie. You were a big baby." Jade frowned at Amy's response. "Mummy, I am not a big baby." Amy smiled at her daughter. "I didn't mean it like that Jade. I'm sorry." Jade's eyes lit up again, and she continued bouncing on the couch. Amy carefully handed her the box she was holding, and Jade smiled. She started to rip and tear off the princess wrappings, and throw them on the ground. She finally had ripped off enough paper to open the box. She tried to open it, but it was tapped, with holes poked into every side of it. She looked at Stefan, and he slid over to her, and helped her with the tape. "Thank you Daddy." He nodded, anxious for her to open the box. She reached her arm into the box and felt something lick her little pink polished hand. She screeched, and a small puppy pounced out of the box. "PUPPY!!!" She smiled and started to chase after the little fluffy puppy. Stefan laughed and Amy sat by him on the couch. She leaned onto his shoulder, and he hugged her. "Wow... our baby girl is three. She's so grown up already though." Amy cried. Stefan looked at her in shock. "It's ok Ams. She's supposed to grow and change! She's only three." Amy smiled again. "I know but... she's growing up too fast. I miss the little baby with colic." "I don't miss the colic part... that sucked." Amy laughed and wiped her eyes just as Jade was chasing the puppy into the room. "Mummy... awre you ok?" Amy laughed and nodded. She reached for Jade, and hugged her tightly, the puppy closely following. "Did you find a name for the puppy?" Jade smirked and laughed. "PLUTO!!!" Stefan smiled, he fucking loved Pluto. "Nice choice, Jade." Jade straightened herself to make herself look taller. Stefan laughed as Pluto licked Jade's face. She frowned. "YUCK." Amy giggled. Jade wiped her face with the back of her hand. "Pluto... that was yucky." Stefan let himself laugh even harder. He was grabbing his stomach, trying to catch his breath.
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