Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Half a Goddess 2: The Secrets Behind Her Smile


by Elsask 0 reviews

What will Helen's action be towards Herry?

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Romance - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-12-16 - Updated: 2011-12-16 - 1127 words

After four or five years (or more) from writing this... I'm back! haha. I thought it was terrible I didn't finish it. It is sad I can't figure out how to tab in the paragraphs. I re-read a lot of my old stuff. Many grammar errors, and kind of lacking a good story structure, so maybe I will do some editing in the future. Anyways, enjoy!

With only a few yards separating the two, Helen threw out her right arm to her side.
In her hand matured metal claws that fit snuggly into her fist. She never stopped
advancing towards Herry, their eyes locked with one another. Her face stone-cold
and unreadable.
"Helen..." Herry stammered, taking a few steps back, trying to widen the
space in between them. Helen was steadily moving forward faster than he could
back up.
Helen now stood only feet away. She looked to her right, off into the distance.
Who is this human? Something seems... awry. I do not know this feeling.... She looked
up again, her stare more potent than before. "Who are you?" She questioned, with a
tender voice, filled with confusion, taking one step forward.
"Helen." The man spoke gently, with pangs of hurt that he was not recognized
but the woman he had spent so much time with. "It's me, Herry."
With a blank expression on her face, Helen just looked at the man, studying
the features of his face, and finally made her way to his eyes. Brown eyes. It was decided. She took a step back, and her faced
turned to violent intent. Her other claw developed from the air. "I do not know a
Herry, stranger."
"Helen, why can't you see it?" Cried Herry. "You have been blinded, you are
tricked, under a spell by Cronus! This is not the real you!"
" How do you know about Cronus? I am more me than I have ever
been...Herry" She spat out his name. "I am embracing the goddess I am, human. I am
not ashamed. I am powerful!" She leaped towards him.
Dodging the strike and only missing him by a few inches, Herry jumped into a
roll dive. Knowing that he could not muster anything in himself to fight Helen, he
started to flee. Before he was able though to make a few steps, Helen was there.
"Did you think you could leave so easily?" She lunged forward at him again,
scratching the side of his arm. She hissed at him, "Stay still!"
"I can't fight you Helen!"
"I don't need you to, but it would make things more entertainer if you did."
She was without delay, swiping unceasingly at Herry, as he tried back up. Before
Herry knew it he was backed up to a tree. "Helen, you need to stop."
"Why would I listen to you, mortal?"
Herry had nowhere to run. He was pinned to the tree. He looked around
quickly and found a large branch attached to the tree that was in reach. I don't want
to do this. This seems wrong. He quickly grabbed the branch, and swung it in front of
his body, just in time to block one of Helen's blows. Helen surprisingly looked at him.
He then with her blade still stuck in the wood, pushed the branch and her
forward. Just enough time for him to escape while she recovered. Sorry, Helen.
His strength, it is not normal. What is going on? It does not matter, he is going
down. No human will stand in my way. She started running into the thick trees after
him. She could not see a trace of him. Stalking slowly through the bushes she kept
her eyes fully alert. "Come out, come out wherever you are."
Herry stood behind a large tree, trying to keep his breathing controlled. He
could hear her calling out his name. How am I supposed to get out here? Then she
went silent. Herry tried peeking out from behind the tree. He couldn't see her. He
slowly moved back to his old position, and looked forward. There she was.
"Hello, Herry." She raised her blade one more time to finish him off. Suddenly
though there was the sound of something quickly hurtling through the air, knocking
Helen off her feet.
"Herry!" The sound of Jay's voice could be heard.
Helen was lying on the ground wrapped in bolas, struggling to get free. Herry
could now see his team coming into view through the trees, Atlanta heading the
back. All of them had their weapons in hand. They were now only a few yards away
and started to slow down. Herry looked back at Helen, she was gone.
"Where did she go?"
"Careful guys, " cautioned Herry "she is dangerous."
"So I am." Helen called out from the limb of a tree, where she stood. "And
don't forget it." With those final words, she leaped off the tree and straight into a portal she had produced.

"What is going on Cronus?!" Helen burst through the door, scowling at her master.
"Who are those kids?"
"What kids are you talking about?" Cronus turned around to look at Helen.
"There were seven of them, annoying, pesky, young."
"Oh, those ones." Cronus smiled. "I see you have met my friends." He
remarked sarcastically.
"They stopped me from destroying one of them. Who are they?" She
"They are your enemies, they want to stop me from taking what is rightfully
"So you want me to eliminate them?"
"Yes, I want you to destroy them, one by one." Cronus maliciously smiled. "Be
warned though, they have been gifted with talents from their ancient ancestors of
Greek lore."
"Also, which one did you almost destroy?" Asked Cronus with curiousity.
"His name was Herry, he acted as if he knew me." She laughed. "Abnormally strong also."
"Ah yes, Herry. He should be your most despised enemy. Come here, Helen.
Let me jog your memory." He motioned for her to come forth, holding out his hand
to place on her head.
Helen slowly walked forward and placed herself under his hand, closing her
eyes. Cronus set his hand on her hand, transferring his twisted version of her
memories with Herry.
"There you go, young Hebe. Now you know why. This Herry was trying to
stop you from embracing your power, he wanted you to live out your humanity. This
puny human tried to hurt you in your past, while you were still weak. He wants to
stop you."
"I won't let him get in my way." She uttered angrily.
"On another note, please be more respectful of your elders. It is rude to just
barge in here like that."
With a small bowing of her heard, she spoke mildly. "As you wish."
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