Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Time Shattered

Trunks, Letters, and Anguish

by femaleprongslet 2 reviews

Harry's things are delivered, along with a not so happy letter.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst - Characters: Harry, James, Lily - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2006-06-20 - Updated: 2006-06-21 - 1778 words

Chapter 4

Trunks, Letters, and Anguish

A distant voice sounded in Harry's ear. Harry tried to understand it, but it was too far away. It was growing faintly louder by the second. "Harry...Harry...Harry...Harry...HARRY EVANS! GET UP NOW OR WE'LL BE LATE TO INTER-BEINGS LANGUAGES!"

Lily Evans was irked. She didn't finish her charms essay, woke late, missed breakfast, then came down to see Harry asleep on the couch in the common room. She also didn't like the fact that Harry hadn't slept in his dorm. And how did they have the same last. name. The odds of 2 unrelated wizards having the same last name are about as slim as a muggle having a magical child. Lily was very wary of the new Gryffindor seventh year, and what better way to find out secrets than finding them through friendship. Lily had decided she would be the boy's friend, and if he didn't tell her on his own, she would confront him.

Harry was bored. He had a free period today, before lunch. He decided to go up to his dormitory. Harry laid on his bed and closed his eyes. He was drifting off to sleep when something large and heavy landed on his bed. The startled boy whipped out his wand and sta up like a bolt of lightening. When he saw his trunk he was stunned. It was impossible! How could they get his trunk into the past?

The answer only took a second. Dumbledore. Still wary that it could be a trap, Harry backed away from the trunk with his wand at the ready. He cast the alohomora spell, then a levitating charm on the lid to open it. It was his trunk. Harry slowly walked up to it. He finally decide to rifle through the trunk. Harry found several letters in the trunk. One was from Ginny, Ron, Luna, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, and a letter from Dumbledore. He read that one first. It read:

Dear Harry,

I find your current location, or rather, time, to be currently unknown. A long while ago, I created a spell to make objects travel through time to the destination of a certain person. I thought you might need your trunk with all of your possessions in it. I also wanted to let you know that I may have a way to get you back to your proper time. If you are in the past this will work perfectly. Write me a letter telling me the precise date in the past you are in, and leave it in the 'spot'. Once I know when you are at, it will only be a matter of time until I can bring you back. I also bear some sad news for you. Miss Granger's life was taken at the battle, mere minutes after you disappeared. Voldemort killed her. Ginevra and Ronald Weasley, along with Remus Lupin were gravely injured, and I must warn you that they might not make it. I also regret to inform you that Nymphadora Tonks, and Professors McGonagall, Hagrid, and Snape were also killed. Grawp is fine and he will be taking over Hagrid's gamekeeping duties. I hate to be the one to inform you of this but I feel I must, for I know how you hate not knowing. Other than that we did not have any other casualties though some aurors were capture by Voldemort, thankfully none were Order members. You know how much more knowledge and dueling skills we have. I wanted to let you know one more thing, Harry. Do not let these deaths change you. Let it out. Do not bottle it up like you did when Sirius first died. Use it to remind you of what needs to be done.

Albus Percival Wulfic Brian Dumbledore

P.S. I just realized how I got the tip about the sevenths (1). Leave me some subtle clues to the location of the first I found. I was looking at them when I recognized the handwriting. It was yours. Well, I have a letter to check for.


Harry wanted to scream. He wanted to cry. He wanted to smash something. He settled for conjured busts of Tom Riddle. Harry smashed and smashed, the reparo'd so he could smash some more. 'IT'S ALL MY FAULT! ' Harry thought to himself. "WHY I BROUGHT A TIME TURNER TO A BATTLE IS BEYOND ME! I JUST GOT MY BEST FRIEND KILLED! MY OTHER BEST FRIEND, AND THE LOVE OF MY LIFE IN CRITICAL CONDITION! I HATE VOLDEMORT! WHY COULDN'T I JUST BE NORMAL? WHY DID THAT WORM HAVE TO BETRAY MY PARENTS? WHY DID I HAVE TO SURVIVE THAT KILLING CURSE, AND WHY COULDN'T I JUST HAVE DIED WITH MY PARENTS!", Harry screamed himself hoarse. He screamed again, " WHY?", then broke down into heart-rending sobs. He never noticed a certain red-head come and put a comforting around his shoulder.

Lily Evans was sitting in the common room. She had a free hour before lunch, so she decided to finish her essay that was soon due. Lily was startled from her charms text when she heard screaming coming from the boy's dormitories. She ran up the stairs and stopped outside the Seventh year's door. She was shocked at what she heard. She opened the door in time to see Harry Evans scream 'WHY?", and break down sobbing. Lily was in a daze. She had never heard someone so anguished. It broke her heart to think that she was just being friends with the boy to sate her own curiosity. Lily made up her mind right then and there. She would really be his friend and she would start with calming him down. Lily walked over to him slowly and uncertainly. She draped an arm around the shoulders of the defeated-looking boy. Lily's heart went out for the boy. Harry sat there sobbing for several minutes before he realized the red-head comforting him. "Ginny?", He asked.


Lily heard the small weak voice from the boy in her arms. She looked at him. His eyes were no longer the vibrant and energizing green that reminded her of her own. The eyes of the boy were dull and lifeless, with no happiness dancing about. Lily had taken off his glasses when he had started to calm and now he couldn't see a snitch. "No, it's Lily. Who's Ginny?" , she answered, curiously.

"Sorry Lily, I thought you were Ginny. You kinda look alike. She's my girlfriend right now."

"Do you want to tell me what happened?", Lily asked concernedly.

"Not yet."

The mother and son sat on the floor of the dormitory, Harry in Lily's arms, drawing as much comfort from her as he could.

"I thought you said your mom home schooled you?"

"Huh?" asked Harry, thoroughly confused.

"When you were yelling, you were asking why your parents had to die. You told James you were home schooled by your mum."

Harry mentally groaned. He had made a real mess of things. He faked some coughs and sniffles to but himself some time to make something up. "My parents died when I was one, but I was home schooled by my adoptive mother. She pretty much was my mum.", Harry lied smoothly. ' Not the truth, but not a whole lie.' Harry thought to himself.

"What was her name?"

'Hmmm", Harry pondered, ' Lily, Petunia,' "Lilac. Her name was Lilac Evans." Harry mentally patted himself on the back for the quick thinking. He had decided to try to stay as much to the truth as possible.

"Where'd you get the scar?"

"Car crash. It was the one that killed my parents."

"Oh, are you muggleborn?" Lily asked, now getting excited.

"My mum was a muggleborn, but my dad was a pureblood. I didn't even know about magic until I got a letter from Beauxbatons. I didn't really want to go to a big school. It was usually just me & mum."

Lily was getting even more confused by the minute. Just who exactly was Harry Evans? Lily was absorbed in her thoughts when Harry started to talk.

"Hermione and Ron were my first real friends. There was an attack right before I got here. That's why I was so hurt. The portkey was set for a certain time. It went off right when I was dueling. Hermione was killed by Tom Riddle. He murdered her, and almost killed Ron. Ginny too. She's the love of my life. I can't imagine it without her. They might not make it."

"They'll be fine. I'm certain of it.", Lily whispered to the boy in her arms. "It'll be fine."

Lily levitated the exhausted from into his bed. Lily sat there stroking his head. Just as he was about to drift asleep, James burst into the dorm.

"Evans! What are you doing with my girlfriend!" Harry was bewildered. How would he know that they were alone together? Harry wondered until he saw a familiar piece of parchment in James' pocket. The Marauders Map. Harry looked at his watch. They had missed lunch, and the rest of their classes. He and Lily would be in so much trouble! Harry noticed James' growing fury and realized he had not answered and had sat there thinking the whole time. Harry went over to his trunk, which Lily had moved to the foot of his bed to make room for him. He grabbed the letter, discreetly performing an editing charm. It would make anything that would draw conclusions of time travel, and handed it over to James. James looked annoyed at the piece of parchment, wondering how it could explain. His eyes widened as he read the note. Apparently some of his friends had died. Hermione, Minnie, Rube, Sev, and Nymph. Then Ron, Ginny, and Remmy had been badly injured. James looked over at the fellow gryffindor. That's when he noticed the tear-stained face, the red and puffy eyes, and the melancholy feel in the room. James lowered his eyes. He can't believe he had been about to beat the kid to a pulp.

He had thought nothing of it when she hadn't shown for lunch but after lessons and no sign of his Lily, he had been worried out of his mind.

A quick peek at the map had shown something he was shocked and livid to see. Lily in his dorm with a someone named 'Harry Potter'.

A/N. I was going to continue with this chapter, but it came time for me to watch my fave disney channel original movie 'the color of friendship'. plus i thought it would make a good cliffie!

(1) seventhscodename for the horcruxes

Kisses, Stephy
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