Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Time Shattered

Singing, Pranking, and Magwingflese

by femaleprongslet 1 review

The Maruaders sing a little song, and what the hell is Magwinglfese?

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst - Characters: Harry, James, Lily, Sirius, Other - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2006-06-20 - Updated: 2006-06-21 - 1383 words

Chapter 3

Singing and Pranking and Magwingflese

"Moooonyyyyyy!" whispered John. "Mooooooooooooonnyyyyyyyyyyy!"

"What do you want it's like... 3 AM!", he replied.

"You gotta help me. I wanna wake up James and Sirius and Wormy! Now HELP!" he explained as flipped the matress dumping Remus unceremoniously on the stone floor.

"Ow!" he winced with a sharp intake of breath. "Don't do that anymore!"

"I wont if you just help me!" said John.

Remus and Harry were preparing the prank. When they were finished, they silently celebrated with some deep bows and imagined applause then went down to the common room to add some more surprises.

Everyone thought it hilarious when a sopping wet James, Sirius, and Peter left their dormitory. What they didn't know was that there was more to come. As soon as the three boys got to the bottom of the stairs, phase two commenced, but they didn't know yet what would happen. When they dried off and dressed and sat at the Gryffindor table, they had no idea it would happen. All of a sudden, the three boys were on top of the teachers table singing to a muggle song, Java Jive.

( A:all, J:james, S:sirius, P:peter)

A: doom ba da ba doom ba da ba doom ba da ba da ba da ba

doom ba da ba doom ba da ba doom ba da ba da ba da ba,

J: i love coffee, i love tea,

i love the java jive and it loves me,

S: coffee and tea and the java and me,

P: a cuppa cuppa cuppa cuppa cup, BOY.

J: i love java sweet and hot

P: whoops Mr. Moto i'm a coffee pot

S: shoot me the pot and i'll pour me a shot,

P: a cuppa cuppa cuppa cuppa cup.

(same time)

S&P: oooh; J: oh slip me a slug from that wonderful mug,

and i'll cut a rug till i'm snug in a jug,

a slice of onion and a raw one.

S&P: draw one

P:(really low)waitor, waitor, percolator

A: i love coffee i love tea,

i love the java jive and it loves me

coffee and tea, and the java and me

P: a cuppa cuppa cuppa cuppa cup, BOY.

P: boston beans

(j and s are in high nasaly voices)

J&S: soy beans

P: i said the little bitty green beans

J&S: cabbage and greens

(same time)

J&S: ooh ah oooh aaah P:you know that im not keen about a bean

unless it is a cheery coffee bean

J:(high,girly voice)Talk it boy

J: (all voices are normal again) i love java, sweet and hot

whooops Mr. Moto im a coffee pot

you shoot me the pot and ill pour me a shot

P: a cuppa cuppa cuppa dat zam ba zoh

S: (woman's voice)oooh

slip me a slug

from that wonderful mug and

ill cut a rug till im snug in a jug

drop your nickel in my pot (really low) joe.

A: ( girly) takin it slow

waitor waitor percolator

i love coffee and tea

i love the java jive and it loves me

coffee and tea and the java and me

J: (deep voice) yeah

A: a cuppa cuppa cuppa cup. boooooy!

When the boys were finished singing, their skin changed to the teacup pattern that was used in the Staff room, and steam poured out of their ears. This made the occupants of the Great Hall laugh even more. The 3 boys stormed out of the hall.

In Transfiguration...

"Pay Attention Mr. Evans!", chastised Professor McGonagall. "Your NEWT's are coming up in 4 months and we haven't even finished reviewing first year transfigurations! This is very important towards your future!"

Harry started laughing at the irony of the statement.

"MR EVANS! PAY ATTENTION AND STOP THAT INFERNAL LAUGHING!" McGonagall was on the end of her leash. She finally just told him to see her after class and continued with her lesson with occasional glances at Harry to make him pay attention.

When class ended Harry found himself walking up to the professor's desk. McGonagall had only been teaching for a year or two in this time and she still had a relatively hard time keeping her classes under control. "Mr. Evans, I would like to know why you find it so easy to slack off in your NEWT year by not paying attention?"

"I'm sorry professor but its just a little boring since I already know all this stuff. I finished it a few months ago actually. I always found transfiguration to be easy ror me."

"Well lets just test this shall we?" McGonagall questioned. She fired questions about the theory at him ans he answered them perfectly and without hesitation. After the question, she tested him on all the spells they would learn throughout the end of the year. After sucessfully changing a desk into a bird then to a pig anf back to a desk, She started doing spells that were above NEWT level, transfigurations he would only learn in the Auror Academy. He passed with flying colors. McGonagall gave him a chance

to test out of the class, but he would still take his NEWTs.


Harry was sitting in the common room doing his homewor for Inter-beings Languages. They were currently learning Magwingflese ( pronunciation: magic wing fleas). Birds, hippogriffs, thestrals, pegasi (plural pegasus), and any other animal with wings besides phoenixes could converse in it. Harry was distracted from conjugating 'fly' when Lily came into Gryffindor tower. She walked with a purpose over to the table where he was sitting with his ENGLISH to MAGWINGFLESE Dictionary.

"Harry?" she asked when she sat at his table in the corner of the room. "Can we talk? It's important."

Harry's was apprehensive. Did she know? 'That was really fast. Only one week in the past and I already blew my cover!', Harry thought worriedly.

When they got to the Room of Requirement, Lily seemed anxious. "I'm just waiting for Remus...He should have been waiting her for us." Lily explained.

"Sorry I'm late." apologized the marauder. "I had a run-in with Filch. That bloddy cat just kept following me. They probably thought I was up to something."

"Well we asked you to come here so we could ask you something..."

Harry tensed. He was extremely relieved when Lily blurted..."Willyouhelpuswiththeclassesyoutestedoutof?"

"It would really help us with our NEWTs. We know you have your own to be getting on with but we would really appreciate the extra help." Remus explained more calmly. Harry was so relieved that they didn't know his secret that he said yes. He really didn't mind. He hadn't really made any friends in this era yet besides the mutual respect between him and the Marauders. Besides the fact that Harry only had about one class a day, he was swimming in free time. Plus he had already taken his NEWTs back in his time. He was just posing as a student.

After similiar performances in Defense Against the Dark Arts, Divination and Herbology, Harry had a very open schedule. He was free from four classes that he didn't need and was only still taking Astronomy, Inter-beings Languages, Charms, Arithmancy, Potions, and Care of Magical Creatures. What unnerved Harry was that Lily was in all of these classes with him. He knew his mother was smart from stories Remus and Sirius told him, but would she be suspicious of him? He did look exactly like James. Plus the fact that he just appeared in the middle of the grounds covered in blood, sweat, and in the middle of the year. Having all of these classes with her, he was bound to slip up sometime or other.

In fact Harry slipped up the very next day. He needed to ask Lily for a spare quill and he almost called her 'Mum'. He saved himself, though, by saying..." Mmmmm...something smells good!" Harry mentally blanched at the poor save. ' Couldnt' I have come up with something better than mmm? ' Harry thought wildly to himself.

Between all of the research trying to find a way home, homework, the prank war, and tutoring Remus and Lily, Harry was in for a tiring month.

Hope you like chapter 3 of, TIME SHATTERED!
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