Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Time Shattered

This Means war!!!

by femaleprongslet 1 review

Harry gets into a prank war with The Marauders!

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst - Characters: Harry, James, Lily, Sirius, Other - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2006-06-20 - Updated: 2006-06-21 - 1115 words

Chapter 2


Later in the Marauders dorm...

The four boys conjured some squashy orange armchairs by the fire and Remus slammed the door to the Maruaders dorm shut . "Ok, what was that?", he asked no one in particular.

"I'm not really too sure." said James.

"Well isn't it obvious?", asked Peter. "Prongs' son came from the future and has to stay here until time catches up to him."

Everyone just looked at Peter in shock that he actually payed attention to something for once. They also were stunned at the ridiculously stupid explanationhe came up with. They gaped at him for a good few minutes until he got their attention.

"GUYS! Quit staring at me. I can be smart sometimes!", he said

The other three boys shared a look and busted up laughing.

"I think that kid lost a little too much blood!", gasped Remus.

"Like that could actually happen!", chirped Padfoot.;

"That... is...the...stupidest...thing I...have ever...heard from your...mouth...Wormtail!", James Potter said in between laughs.

"Thanks Pads. You guys are really great friends.", Peter said to him before skulking for the rest of the night. The rest of them got him out of his bad mood with a pillow fight that lasted well into the night. It was only stopped when a livid Professor McGonnagall came into the dormitory.

"DETENTION! On the first Hogsmeade weekend of second term! And on Valentine's Day no less! That is so not fair!", Sirius complained loudly on his way to the Great Hall.

"Well at least the prank on the new kid is all ready.", added Moony.

"Are you sure this is a good idea? I mean he doesn't know anything about us and he wouldn't know that it was just a little friendly laugh," added James who wasn't feeling right about pranking the boy.

"Prongs," soothed Padfoot, "don't worry. It'll be fine. What could possibly go wrong.?"

Little did he know, was that everything was about to go wrong.

Harry Potter entered the Great Hall. He immediately went to the Gryffindor table, like Albus had suggested. He wanted Harry to keep with his routine, which included taking the same classes. Unfortunatley, Dumbledore wouldn't let Harry drop Divination.

"Please Professor!", Harry had begged. "I hate divination! All Trelawney does is predict my death for the whole class to see, and she always gets it wrong anyways!"

He sat at the end of the table away from everyone else. He didn't really know anyone in this time. He helped himself to a bit of toast while McGonagall handed out the timetables. "Here is your class schedule Mr. Evans".

Harry and Albus had decided to stick with Harry's alias for his protection, as it was dangerous with Voldemort gaining power. He was sticking with the story that he was home schooled.

A group of boys walked up to Harry and sat down.

"You don't mind, do you?", asked Harry's father.

"No, of course not. Go right on ahead.", Harry replied.

"I haven't seen you around here. What year are you in?", questioned Remus. If Harry knew one thing it was that the Marauders were definately curious about the unfamiliar boy.

"I'm in my seventh year. My mom home schooled me." Harry said.

"Where do you live?" asked Sirius

"I live in Little Whinging", supplied Harry rather quickly.

"How come you came here?" asked Peter

"I wanted to see what a magical university was like. I guess I got sick of sitting at home with my Aunt and uncle all the time." Harry said scathingly. All except Remus failed to notice the boy's hand twitch just towards his wand, just begging for a reason to hex the traitor.

"Well I guess you pass. I thought that you would be a real git to tell the truth." said Padfoot.

"Gee. Thanks. You know, I don't even know your names. I'm Harry Evans, but you can all me Harry." said Harry.

:Nice to meet you Harry. I'm James Potter, that loser is Sirius Bla-"

"HEY!", interrupted Sirius.

"Black, that's remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew.", fiished James and being so rudely interrupted.

"Whats up." said Harry. All he recieved was confused stares.

"Means what are you doing." He clarified.

"Oh." everyone replied.

The Marauders were excitedly waiting for the prank to be set off.

That was when Dumbledore stood up. "Good morning students. I would like to properly welcome a new student today. Let us try to make him feel welcome, shall we?" and with that a four loud bangs were heard throughout the Great Hall. The Marauders were sitting at their table with smug looks on their faces. What they didn't realize was, the prank was on them.

When the Marauders had been eating, Hary noticed them pull their wands out under the table. Harry suspected they were trying to prank him so he cast a backfiring charm. Harry smirked at the same time the Marauders did.

When the smoke cleared the whole student body was amazed. At the Gryffindor table, the Marauders sat in little white outfits with funny little white hats and blue skin. When they realized that the charm had taken effect on them, instead of John, the dropped their looks and quickly left the hall. Harry and all the other students were still laughing. No one had ever successfully pranked the Marauders.

Harry calmed down and decided to go after them and apologize. It was after all his father, godfather, and friend he had pranked. He couldn't actually care less about Wormtail, but he had to pretend to like him so the other 3/4 of the Marauders wouldn't get even more wary of him. But they did have it coming.

Harry jogged out of the hall and caught up with them.

"Hey, I just didn't want to get pranked so I used a backfiring charm. Sorry."

"We'll forgive you on one condition.", said Sirius

"Name it."

"Teach us that charm." said James.

"Done. The charm is remeo and you give a small sharp jab.", said John

"Now, do you think you could change us back now?" whined Peter.

"Hmmm... I could... but I just don't want to yet. see ya in Transfig!" And with that, Harry walked off towards first hour Potions.

"Man..." said Padfoot. "We gotta watch our backs with that guy."

"Yeah but this means one thing.", said James.

"An what is that, asked Remus.

"My dear Moony," supplied Sirius, "This mean WAR!"

A/N- I really hoped you liked this chapter and I would like to say "PLEASE check out my other story! It is my first one and it isn't nearly as succesful as my others!" Thanks!

Kisses, Stephy
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