Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > 'Till Death Do Us Part

'Till Death Do Us Part

by ChemicalKissez11 6 reviews

Young love is broken apart when Ryan is tragically killed...But, then again, when has death ever kept anybody apart?

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2011-10-31 - Updated: 2011-11-01 - 527 words

Yep, I’m back, and no I’m not dead!! XD…School’s a pain in my ASS (hate being a sophomore XP), I have like no time to write…actually I’m supposed to be writing an essay right now ahahahha…But enough about me…let’s get it on!!!!!!

Brendon Urie whistled a tuneless song as he avoided random bunches of leaves and foliage. His happy gaze rested on the bright, beautiful moon hanging in the sky, and he took a large breath of cold winter air. He could barely feel the goose bumps pricking his skin, or bushes leaving cuts at his ankles, or even his boot-covered feet sinking into the soft white snow. Nothing could hinder his mood.
Brendon had been seeing Ryan for a couple months now. It had been kept secret, locked away in the shadows. Brendon’s parents would not have approved of the boy- not only was he male (homosexuality was against their strict religion), but he was also poor. Brendon’s posh parents would never accept such a dirty thing into their lives. It was unthinkable. At the time, Brendon was perhaps the most dedicated of the lot. But something about Ryan’s honey eyes, soft brown hair, and angelic voice made Brendon drop all pretense of religion, just for this boy.
Ryan decided earlier that day that he couldn’t stand the secrecy anymore-amongst heated kisses and innocent groping, they decided they should elope together that night, when sleep washed over the tiny town, and they could escape in secret.
Brendon had arrived in a small clearing. The enclosure was buried in a soft layer of snow- it made everything look delicate and breathtakingly beautiful. A lone oak tree sat in the middle, its branches barren and cold. A figure stood under its massive form. Tall, thin, and wispy. Yes, those characteristics belonged to his lovely Ryan. Brendon moved slowly and quietly, so he didn’t startle his frail paramour.
But the figure broke into two when Brendon inched slowly closer.
The younger was now close enough to hear sounds of a struggle. Brendon gasped loudly, and the more built figure whirled around. They held each other’s gaze- his eyes were moss green, and had madness swirling in them- and Brendon cried out as he heard the sickening sound of a knife being plunged into flesh.
There was no time to react. The other figure rushed off into the thick woods and Ryan fell in a heap to the ground. Brendon tripped and got a face full of sharp, icy snow as he made his way towards his angel.
So much blood.
Crimson painted the snow around Ryan as he took shallow, gurgling breaths. Brendon gently wiped the hair away from Ryan’s face as he claimed those lips, one last time, for his own.

Yes, it is short. And yes, this will be continued :D…I just really wanted to post this on Halloween…just so you know, this will be loosely based on Tim Burton’s The Corpse Bride…You will see what I’m talking about later…R&R, and happy Halloween!!!!! :DDDDDDDDDDD
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