Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > You`re the one that I need, I`m the one that you loathe

chapter ten

by XxxFallenAngelXxxx 1 review

it was silly of me to even try to pretend or to get my hopes up.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-12-31 - Updated: 2012-01-01 - 1149 words

Hey there guys, happy new year and all that. Please let me know if you like the chapter, hope you do
Frank`s pov
My former best friend stalks out of the stuffy, badly decorated classroom, slamming the creaky wooden door behind him. Our fair skinned, dirty blonde haired form tutor, Miss. Hill shouts after the raven haired, confusing teenager angrily, her shrill voice stinging my ears. She hurries outside, her ridiculously high healed black shoes clicking irritatingly on the dirty floor, calling after Gerard, her amber eyes dangerously narrowed. The rest of the class bursts into joyful laughter the second the poster covered door clicks shut, everyone cheering that the lesson would be halted, if only for a short time. Hastily made paper airplanes of all different colours are thrown around the room, the slutty, orange girls hurry to get their shiny compact mirrors and lip gloss out. I just sit the silently, ignoring Ray and Bob who try and begin a conversation about last night’s re run of some old shitty comedy, turning my IPod up until it was almost on full blast, blocking everything out.
But the comforting, familiar sounds of raw, heartfelt music, as opposed to the manufactured shit that most of the other students here liked, could not drown out the confused, concerned thoughts that kept running through my twisted mind. Most of them, all if I was being completely honest with myself, were about Gerard. I wondered if he was alright. Why had he run off like that so suddenly? I shouldn`t care, I didn`t want to, but I couldn’t help myself. He would be in huge trouble when the teachers got hold of him, but then trouble had never frightened the pale skinned, vampire look alike boy with the stunning hazel green eyes and luminous skin.
Miss. Hill returns about fifteen minutes later, a look of utter fury on her wrinkled, ugly squashed in face. A pink airplane hits her on the top of her head, and her piggy eyes narrow even more as she glares at the guilty student.
“This is just disgraceful!” she screeches, picking up the crumpled paper and throwing it in the waste paper basket. “I leave the classroom for a few minutes to fetch a silly troublesome boy and come back to my nearly adult students behaving like a packs of wild animals!” she shakes her head in disgust and stalks over to her black, swivel seat at the front of the cramped room.
“In case any of you were wondering,” she begins, her tone a little calmer but no less angry. “Gerard Way, the troublemaker has not been found as of yet. When he has been I shall send him to the principal’s office and he shall be punished accordingly for disrupting my class.” I grin to myself, glad that Gerard had not been found, though angry that Miss. Hill had dubbed him a troublemaker. true, he did not have the most respect for authority, nor did he always listen in lessons, but he was not trouble maker, he just sat there quietly in his own little world, a world that I sadly no longer had any place in, no matter how much I may want to.
Gerard’s pov
“C`mon you bastard!” I grunt as I struggle to open the stubborn, stuck bathroom window, trying to be as quiet as possible. I had been hiding here for ten minutes since I had run out of class, and I had been trying to force the window open for about seven. It was my only way out f this hell hole, outside the window was the path that led to the entrance gate, that the stupid teachers had left open for the gym lesson that was currently taking place on the field. If I could clamber out of the window I could easily run out of the iron gates without being noticed and then I would be free, from the god damn school at least. But not from my own, twisted mind that had a deep love of torturing me. I was never free from myself, never. Not even when I was collapsed on my bed in a heap, barely conscious from consuming so much booze that I only drunk in order to try and escape.
The window finally opens, and I allow myself a brief grin before climbing up onto the ledge, using the old, stained, rusted sinks and pull myself out, hanging in midair for a few seconds before jumping the little way to the ground. Quickly checking that there was no teachers around, I begin to run, my converse clad feet pounding against the concreter pathway. I could taste it, the freedom from the evil prison as I race out of the gates and down the surprisingly empty road, not sure where i was going, just glad to be away.
I traipse around the street corners and small, family run shops that were about a half hour away from the school, minding my own business, one bright blue headphone in my ear, the other dangling down. my phone buzzes in my pocket, and I frown, but curiosity gets the better of me and I answer the incoming call from my brother.
“Gee, where are you!?” Mikey asks me in an impatient voice. He sounded so funny and flustered that I have to bite back a laugh, knowing that wouldn’t help the situation.
“Mikes, chill. God. I`m fine, I`m down by the shops, you know the ones by the old park?” I tell him, as I edge nearer the park, seeing the little toddlers play in the play park where I had used to take Mikey he was younger. This park, with its now rusty swing sets and roundabout was actually where I met Frank Iero for the very first time, when we were both snotty nosed kids with scrapped up knees and big, gap toothed grins. How time changes.
“What are you doing there!? Why did you rush out of class, Bob told me and he and Ray are going fucking mental. You are in such big trouble, Gee.”
I shrug, even though he cannot see it. on the other end of the line, I can hear Mikey sigh.
“Wha happened in class Gee? What made you run out like that? We are all worried about you, even Frank is, though he has no right to be seeing as you have been a total dick to him for months” Frank was worried about me? as in Frank Iero, my ex best fiend and the guy I had been pathetically crushing on for ages. Yeah right. He hated my guts, he didn`t care. I wanted him to, but it was silly of me to even try to pretend or to get my hopes up.
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