Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > You`re the one that I need, I`m the one that you loathe

chapter nine

by XxxFallenAngelXxxx 3 reviews

“Was it something to do with Frank?”

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-12-22 - Updated: 2011-12-22 - 931 words

Hey there guys, I think that I got this up a little bit quicker than last time. I hope you like it, please let me know if you do. Xoxodakota
Gerard`s pov
It was too loud, everything was too loud. It was way too fucking loud. The noise from the passing work and school traffic hurt my poor, poor ears so badly thatI felt they would explode, along with my aching head. Mikey is walking along beside me, looking far too happy and upbeat for a school morning, it wasn`t normal or healthy to be that alert at this unearthly hour. The small white pain pills I had swallowed earlier were already beginning to wear off, and the pain instead of getting better was getting worse. Much, much worse. I groan in pain and clutch my aching head with my hand, earning myself a sympathetic look from my younger brother.
“No offence Gee-“
“Mikes, when you say no offence to somebody, chances are they are most likely gonna be pretty fucking offended!” I snap at him without meaning too, feeling instantly mean and guilty. I smile apologetically at him and motion for him to go on with my free hand.
“But why do you drink so much if you’re only going to make yourself sick. I mean, it thought that you had stopped all of that a few months ago.” He says the last part sadly, fiddling with the ends of his perfectly straightened hair, tucking a few stray silky strands out of his way.
I sigh and say noting, feeling increasingly worse, something that wasn`t due to the effects of the alcohol. I had promised Mikey that I wasn`t ever going to go near the stuff again, after I came in complety wrecked about two months ago, bleeding from where i had gotten into a really bad fight with some Homophobic dickhead. And I had tried to keep my promise to him; I hated knowing I had disappointed my brother, yet again.
“What happened yesterday anyway, Gee?” Mikey asks his calm voice full of concern for me. Concern I knew that I didn’t deserve.
After a few minutes of walking slowly down the street in an uncomfortable silence he speaks again, after giving up on an answer. I hope that h was going to drop the conversation, but I was unlucky.
“Was it something to do with Frank?” he asks innocently, yet I can see the deep interest and slight knowing gleam in his eyes.
“N-NO!” I yell, a little too loudly to sound calm and honest.
“Liar!” Mikey spits at me, hitting me lightly on the shoulder with his black and red backpack, before running off down the street ahead of me, ignoring my irritated curses at his skinny little back.

I take a deep breath to try and calm myself before entering the dismal school building actually on time for once, my converse clad feet dragging on the wooden floor. I slowly make my way to my form room, one that I sadly had to share with Frank, the guy I patheticly had a huge crush on that I ignored in hopes that it would go away. I slowly make my way along the long corridor with the bright poster covered walls designed to try and get people to be encouraged to out litter in the bin and to join Math and science appreciation club. I climb the wooden stairs slowly, wobbling a little unstably but somehow managing not to trip and fall flat on my far too pale face. Thank God. That would be all I needed.
“Hey, Gerard. You alright man?” Ray, my `fro supporting, music loving friend asks me, catching me up just outside the classroom.
“Mm…fine. “ I say in a blank voice, entering the brightly decorated room with my head bowed, raven hair doing an excellent job of hiding my face.
“Really?” He asks, not taking the hint that I didn`t want to talk to him, or anyone else for that matter.
“Yes, why?”
“Well, because you look like shit dude. Your hair is like everywhere and your eyes are all puffy and bloodshot. And you have a huge fucking hangover.”
“Wow. Thanks, you really know how to make a guy feel better about himself, Ray.” I say in the most sarcastic voice I can manage, and dumping my bag on my desk I sit down.
“Yeah, I know. it`s a gift.” He sits down next to me, and I groan quietly, not wanting to hurt his feelings but not in the mood to talk or listen either.
Finally getting the message he turns away from me, mumbling something to Bob who was next to him about me being “so damn stubborn and childish”.
“Hey Gerard.” Oh great. I look up form my desk at the sandy haired Bob, wishing that he would vanish or at least suddenly not be able to speak.
“I`ve just been talking with Frank and-“
“Look, I ain`t interested in anything to do with that midget, got it?!” I snap and get to my feet, ignoring the death glare I get form my teacher and storm out of the room, a split second before the bell rung.
As I leave I can feel everyone staring at me, including the stunningly beautiful, brown eyed boy that I used to call my best friend. I sigh and slam the door behind me, and run down the empty hallway, ignoring the shouting of my name after me, needing to get away.
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