Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Saving Grace


by BJAisgod 0 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2012-01-02 - Updated: 2012-01-03 - 1498 words

Gerard's P.O.V

After the 'big announcement,' we all dispersed and went back to doing whatever we were doing before. Well, me and Mikey weren't doing quite the same thing but anyway.
I took his hand and led him straight to the back of the bus, the look on Franks face lingering in my mind. He just looked so...helpless; it made my stomach churn uncomfortably. Why wasn't he happy? He should be happy, he'll make a great dad. Maybe that's it, maybe he thinks he won't be a good dad.
Maybe he's in love with someone else, like maybe, you?!
But he isn't, he can't be. He loves Jamia, he's said it countless times before.
Ever heard of a lie?
It wasn't a lie! I could see it in his eyes.
He's a good liar.
Fuck off, he-
'Gee?' Mikey questioned, a slightly amused tone to his voice. I was dragged out of my inner squabble, looking straight into Mikey's honey brown eyes. They still never fail to make my heart flutter.
'Sorry Mikes, I kinda zoned out. So, what was up with Frank?' Mikey's slight smile faded at that inevitable question.
'What?' I asked, 'Mikey, what is it? What?' 
'Its not that bad, Gee,' Mikey began, me giving him a disbelieving look, 'it's just...oh, fuck it, Gee, Frank's in love with you. He has been for ages, you just couldn't see it. I know Ray told you before and I know he denied it but its true Gerard. You saw the look on his face, he doesn't want a kid, not now at least. He's scared, he just...I don't know, but he loves you.' 
I just stared at Mikey. My heart was fluttering and it most certainly wasn't because of Mikey's eyes this time. Panic was filling me and when I really thought about it, it all made sense. He'd been a little more distant for a while now, especially since I'd gotten together with Mikey-despite the current situation, just thinking that sent a jolt of electricity down my spine-and I could swear I could feel him looking at me but when I looked at him, he'd look away. And now Jamia was pregnant. Just when I thought everything was going okay, I find out my best friends in love with me and his wife's pregnant. I sighed audibly. Mikey gave me a sympathetic look before enveloping me in a hug. I leaned into the touch, resting my head on his bony chest as he rapped his arms around my waist. 
I don't know how long we sat there for, just soaking up each other presence, neither of us finding speech or movement necessary until Mikey broke the silence.
'Gee?' he asked quietly.
'Hhmm?' I replied.
'You won't leave me for Frank, will you?' I leapt out of his touch, looking him straight in the eyes.
'I have already told you, Michael, that I am. Not. Going. To. Leave. You. Okay? You are my brother and my lover and I couldn't live without you now shut up and kiss me.' My words caused Mikey to smile his crooked smile at me, making my heart melt. He leant forward and placed his lips on mine, my eyes fluttering closed as I familiar electricity ran through me. Forget Frank, forget Jamia, forget everyone and everything because all I ever want to feel is Mikey's lips on mine.


Still Gerard's P.O.V

All I can see is the top of the bus as it rocks slowly down the road toward our next venue, though my thoughts are far away from there. I'm thinking of Mikey and Frank, thinking of what to do about my best friend loving me, thinking about what would happen if word of mine and Mikeys relationship got out. I was worried. People would freak; they wouldn't understand, I don't think even Ray or Frank understand. It is a bit.....weird, I guess, but it's not to me. It feels right. I don't see whats so wrong with it. If you love someone, you love them. And things like this don't happen often; I've never actually met anyone else who has been I love with their sibling. As right as it feels when I'm with him, I know other people just couldn't except us. We're gay AND incestuous, double whammy.
I lay there, consumed by my thoughts until I hear a timid, muffled sob come from the front of the bus.  I stay completely still, listening for the noise again when I hear it again. Somebody is definitely crying.
I lean over and climb out of my bunk as silently as I can and walk towards the front of the bus. I peer around the corner and see Frank, sat on the sofa with his knees up to his chest and his eyes shut tight. My heart pangs as he makes another quiet sob and whimpers.
'Frank?' I whisper. He doesn't move.
'Frankie?' I say again. His head whips up and he looks at me, his startling hazely-brown eyes wide and bloodshot, displaying shock and sadness and.....pain. I scan my brain for reasons why he would by crying like this and find only two: he's in love with me and his wife's pregnant. My heart sinks at the thought that I am what caused my best friend so much pain.
'G-G-Gerard-d?' he stutters, voice barely louder than a whisper.
'Oh Frankie,' I say, rushing forward, siting next to him and enveloping him in my arms. He immediately stiffens at the touch but soon leans into me and begins to sob again, clutching my pyjama shirt with his hands.
I sit there, holding his shaking body for ages until he eventually calms, leaning gently against, my arms snaked round his back.
'I-I'm s-s-sorry G-Gee,' he says, not moving his head from my chest.
'Hey, you don't have to be sorry Frankie. There's nothing for you to be sorry for.' He sighs against me and I can sense what he's thinking. I lean down and place a feather light kiss to the top of his head.
'I know,' I whisper. Frank stiffens against me.
'Y-You kn-know what G-Gee?'
'I know you love me. I know you're in love with me,' I state blankly, not wanting to hurt Frank more. He scrambles out of my touch and slides down the couch away from me.
'G-Gerard, I-I don't think, I mean-I just..l...I don't really know..that. I didn't w-want you to know Gerard, I really, I....I'm sorry.' His stuttered words made my heart ache. His bottom lip was trembling and his eyes were beginning to water again, avoiding my gaze at all costs.
'Frank, you don't have to be sorry, it's okay,' I say, carefully edging my way towards him. I put a comforting arm around his shoulders and see him visibly cringe at the touch. He looks up at me and I give him what I hope is a comforting smile as my heart does Olympic level gymnastics inside my chest . Before I could speak or even move, Franks lips were on mine, heavy, forceful and passionate. It took my brain a few seconds to register what has happening before I tried to gently push him away. He wasn't budging so I pushed him harder, causing him to fall back on the couch, tears beginning to leak from his eyes.
'Frank, I'm sorry. It's just, Mikey would'n- Frank! Frank please!' My stomach clenched as I watched my sobbing best friend run away from me and lock himself in the bathroom, leaving the front of the bus silent except for his muffled sobs.
I just sat there, staring at where Frank had been for a couple of minutes before Mikey came out, looking sleepy, his eyes droopy and his hair messy.
'I heard someone slam the bathroom door,' his said as he made his way over to me, stopping abruptly at the sight of my facial expression.
'Gee? What's wrong?' he said sitting down next to me wearing his worried expression.
'I kinda told F-Frank I know he....loves me and he-he-'
'Ssshhh,' Mikey hushed, placing a gentle finger my lips and taking me in his arms as I began to sob, Mikey muttering comforting words in my ear. 
We stay there for a while, me crying as Mikey remained solid and comforting next to me, fingers tracing gentle patterns on my back; that was until Mikey stiffened and poked my side.
'Gerard,' he said, voice shaking but stern, 'Gerard, look.' I reluctantly pulled away and looked to where Mikey was pointing, towards the toilet. My heart started pounding in my chest as my stomach twisted painfully.
There was a deep red substance leaking slightly from under the door.
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