Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > ~Auditions~

My Character's Audition.

by KilljoyMinnieIero 1 review

Basically the audition template filled out with my character as an example ;D xo

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance,Humor,Drama - Characters: Ray Toro,Mikey Way,Gerard Way,Frank Iero - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2012-01-02 - Updated: 2012-01-03 - 268 words

Name-Zia Baker
Gender- Female
Age (killjoys are 20ish in this fic)-19
Killjoy Name-Radio Paranoia
Part- Fun Ghoul's girlfriend.
Appearance-Extremely pale skin, short cropped hair with long fringe. Platinum hair ;D excess of black eyeliner, mascara and red lipstick. Green eyes, with a black tinge. Many random tattoos, and a lip piercing. Quite slim. Scar across neck.
.Clothes (Killjoy and Normal)- Killjoy- Green skinny jeans, black+green leather jacket, black+green mask like Party Poisons, Green bandanna, black doc martens. Normal- Misfits hoodie, red skinny jeans, black docs, red bandanna, black belt. Blue+White BMTH tee, black skinny jeans, batman converse, blue bandanna, batman belt. Basically skinny jeans and band tees ;D
Personality-lous, outrageous, funny, smart, slightly insane at times, curious, quite cold but if you get to know her she's super friendly.
Likes-the colour green, the misfits, comic, batman, converse (and incidentally batman converse), loud music, singing, playing guitar, drawing.
Dislikes-homophobes, spiders, enclosed spaces, heights, being alone, the dark.
Back Story- Fun Ghoul found her half dead in one of the Zones. She'd lost her memory, and could only remember a few things like Korse slitting her throat and leaving her in the Zones to die. Basically, since then she's fell in love with Fun Ghoul, and they're going out.
Quirks-quotes shakespeare randomly. Bursts out singing olot. Draws on her arms, where there aren't tattoos. Only eats green skittles, no other colour ;D
Anything Else-British Accent! XD

So yeah, that's my character... And oh! -looks at invisible clipboard and ticks something- she's got the part! :P
Stay beautiful, keep it ugly.
Minnie xo
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