Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > ~Auditions~

Most Results!

by KilljoyMinnieIero 7 reviews

All results but two :P xo

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2012-01-03 - Updated: 2012-01-03 - 206 words

Hey guys! So these are the results for everything apart from the two dracs that turn again the BL/ind and join the Killjoys.... I still need people to audition for them!
Anyway, I might change some things from peoples auditions, and I know one person has two parts, but it fits in with the story really well... So here they are! XD

Fun Ghoul's girlfriend- Zia Baker, aka Radio Paranoia (my character)
Party Poison's love interest- Abbie Baker, aka Velocity Storm (velocity_storm)
Jet Star's girlfriend- Hollie Bareham, aka Artistic Accident (Ccokie_monster)
Kobra Kid's love interest- Mack Evans, aka Misfit Gunner (bloocheese)
Party Poison's jealous ex- Eva Lee, aka Lethal Melody (missfunghoul57)
Radio Paranoia (my character)'s younger sibling- Abbie Baker, aka Velocity Storm (velocity_storm)
A 18 year old found half dead in the Zones- Casey Reid, aka Radiation Diamond (FrankieXIero)
Another gang of Killjoys- Spencer Valez, aka Neon Fox (FrankieXIero). Lexie Shephard, aka Cyanide Star (midnight_star22). Valentine Sweeney, aka Slash Mercury (Mynameisnotimportant). Rose Ashbury, aka Toxic Pistol (BJAisgod).

So yeah, people audition for the good dracs for me!

Also, please review with how people would shorten your killjoy name...
For example, Radio Paranoia- Paranoia.

Stay beautiful, keep it ugly.
Minnie xo
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