Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I'll Save My Love For The Summer


by MetalMusicHead 0 reviews

Last chapter was really short, so I thought, might as well update again \m/

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2012-01-05 - Updated: 2012-01-05 - 844 words


Friends who are girls. Never thought I’d want one. I suppose she isn’t my friend, she’s the bitch who lives next door that I am obliged to “look after” at the big scary American high school; how joyous. Sammie is actually alright, like a dude. Or asexual. Its weird, Sammie is okay for a psycho bitch out to get me. I only put up with her is because she likes some of the same music and is friends with Mikey and Gerard. I think that Gerard is only friends with her to stare at her tits.

My alarm beeped, it was bang on 8am, half an hour before I had to walk Sammie to school. Christ.

I threw on my uniform. Where the hell had the summer gone?


I looked long and hard at my reflection. I looked like such a nerd. Or a jesus freak. Either way, I looked like a complete douche. I miss private school, you wear your own clothes. I went and sat at the table to eat some pop tarts, Jessica was sat on her phone, as usual, looking like a complete whore. I raised an eyebrow, I opened my mouth to make a snide remark when the door knocked.

“You better hurry douchebag, don’t want to make your boyfriend late” she said, smirking. I flipped her off while no one was looking and ran for the door. Frank looked so much younger in his pin-neat uniform.

“Aw! Look at little Fwankie!”, I said

“Fuck off. Anyway, you ready for your first day at slag central?” he said.

“Couldn’t be anymore ready. I said as I shoved him out of the way. We continued pushing and shoving until I knocked Frank into a bush.

“Someones getting frisky!”, he said, raising an eyebrow.

“With you? Pfft, I’d rather bang Jessica!”, I didn’t mean that to sound so wrong.

“Ew! Lesbian!”, he proceded to run down the street yelling: “Lesbian”

I had to retaliate, I chased him (he was short, it wasn’t difficult”and jumped on his back, knocking him flat over, I kissed him on the side of the mouth quickly, it was barely a kiss, it didn't mean anything.

“Hows that for a lesbian?”, I said, realising I had just kissed someone I don’t like, even as a friend.

“Ew! Cooties!”, he said, wiping his face furiously.

“Don’t tell me that was your first kiss”

“No…”, he said suspiciously.

“Oh my god! That was your first kiss! Well, I’m honoured!”

“It was my cheek and pft, that wasn’t my first kiss.”, he said looking worried.

“Your mum doesn’t count”

“Fuck off!”, he said, storming off.

“Hey, I didn’t mean it, I’m sorry”

“Its alright.”

“What time is it?”, I asked.


“What time does school start?”

“FUCK! RUN!”, he yelled as we began running, pushing and shoving like before.

I had just got out of 3rd period, I had dinner then lunch. So far so good. The lesson I had just had was math, with Frank, it wasn’t that hard, I mostly copied of the nerd next to me. My first lesson was RE, with a nun, so it was taken really seriously, I just kept to myself, Mikey and Gerard were sat across the room pulling funny faces at me, when Nun wasn’t looking I threw a piece of gum at them. Yeah they ate it, I almost heaved. It was used gum.

Me and Frank had ran a bit because apparently the dinner queues took forever. I had got slightly infront but as far as I knew Frank was right behind me.

As far as I knew.

I heard (presumably) a jock say: “Watch where you are going you fucking emo faggot. I turned and saw jocks shoving past us, and Frank frozen in the hall way, with red hair and a red uniform. They poured a fucking smoothie on him. I walked right up to the jocks who had done it; I stood right in front of them.

“Who the fuck do you think you are?”, I asked, slapping the front jock hard. He just shook it off and laughed dauntingly.

“Well look here, the midget fag has a girlfriend! How cute is this guys. Emo bitch comes to the rescue!”, he said as he grabbed my arm and twisted it round. I kneed him hard in the ballsack.

He doubled over swearing violently. One of his friends shoved me against the wall, knocking the wind out of me.

“Mess with one of us and we’ll kill you, its time you learn the rules emo bitch”, he whispered then moved away with the head jock. Some how I wasn’t feeling my new nickname. How much of a prick could they get? Thinking they know me, douchebags.

I turned and grabbed Franks hand, running for the fields, where there was an exit.

First day of school: complete failiure.
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