Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I'll Save My Love For The Summer


by MetalMusicHead 0 reviews

Thanks for the views guys:) (Some swearing in this chapter)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2012-01-05 - Updated: 2012-01-05 - 588 words

It takes completely resenting someone to form a friendship.

I threw the ball back at the boys said, and deliberately hit him in the face. It was amusing to watch. Ever since that moment, we spent every spare second trying to sabotage each other. We did have the line that one of us could cross, which was one to one contact, it was completely forbidden. The boy normally had two people with him, one guy who wore glasses and another guy with black hair. They just stood back and watched me and him yell at each other, they threw in sarcastic comments every now and again.

The day before I started my junior year at the catholic school in the town, I had to have dinner with my “family” and some of their neighbours. Personally I really couldn’t care less about it, I would happily stay in my room with Rob Zombie playing but Donna forebode it, saying I was part of their family so I eat with them. Yay. I didn’t want to dress up, so I settled with skinny jeans, hi-top converse and a Nirvana tee. I back combed my hair and put on some eyeliner and mascara. I looked relatively presentable. I had seen what Jessica was wearing before she went to help set the table, lets just say her skirt looked like a belt it was that tiny. How she gets away with that I have no idea. Jessica avoided me like the plague, she only went in the bedroom to sleep and get ready, I claimed it as my own, a sanctuary and a place to plan against the boy next door. I left my pyjama top on the floor the other day and she wrinkled her nose at it, like it was a piece of dog shit on the floor. Petty bitch.

I walked down the stairs, hoping that the neighbours weren’t anti-teenager, or were really posh. I entered the dining room and saw the neighbours. CRAP. It was the ones from next door, the ones with the boy I had grown to loathe. There was only three of them, a middle aged couple and THE boy- whom I was obliged to sit next to because apparently Donna thought we would get along brilliantly. We both sat at the edge of our seats, not interacting in any way. I tried my hardest to ignore the glares I got from Jessica.

After about an hour the adults were sat discussing something uninteresting, the babies were asleep and Jessica was on her phone. Basically me and the boy were left alone. It couldn’t get anymore awkward.

“Wanna get out of here?”, I whispered, nudging him.

“Yeah”, he said, following me up the stairs.

We went into my room, I sat on the floor whilst he looked at my stack of CDs, nodding approvingly every so often.

“You like the Foo Fighters?”, I asked.

“Hell yeah!”, he replied.

“I’m Sammie by the way, I’m starting at that catholic school in the town tomorrow, I’ll be a junior”, it felt the right time to introduce myself.

“I’m Frank, same here. We might have classes together.”

“Ew.”, I said, making a joke.

“By the way, this by no means makes us friends”, he said.

“Good, why would I want to be YOUR friend fuckface?”

“Because I’m sexy”

“Keep dreaming”, I said as I hit him around the head jokingly.

That is where my friendship with Frank Iero started.
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