Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Professors Make The Best Machmakers!

Operation: Get-Lily-Evens-and-James-Potter-together-before-we-all-loose-our-sanity-or-what-is-left-of-it

by Master_Of_Disaster 0 reviews

The Hogwarts Professors have HAD IT! This is Lily's and James' finnal year at school, and the teachers are Hell bent on getting them together if it is the last thing they do, and Albus has even sta...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor - Characters: James, Lily - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2006-06-22 - Updated: 2006-06-23 - 900 words

Disclaimer: Talk to J.K! I own nothing but the people you don't recognise.

CHAPTER 2: Operation: Get-Lily-Evens-and-James-Potter-together-before-we-all-loose-our-sanity-or-what-is-left-of-it

The next day at breakfast, we find the subjects of last night's discussion seated at the Griffendor Tabel:


/Halfway down the Griffendor Table


Sirius Black was disturbed.

Well, not really. He was actually in a relatively sain state of mind...

"Padfoot? Why are you putting mustard in your pumpkin juice?"

...Though that was debatable. But that wasn't the point. The point was, something was off about the Professors today...

"Padfoot? Are you with us?" Sirius turned slowly to face Remus, who had addressed him.

"Yeah... I was just thinking-" Remus and James both spat out what they were eating in unison, causing many people to stare.

"YOU WERE /THINKING/?" They both exclaimed.

"Owl the Daily Prophet!" James cried.

"Everyone run!" agreed Remus. "It's a sign of the Apocalypse as we know-"

"Hey! I do think!" Sirius stated indignantly.

James and Remus exchanged doubtful looks.

"Now as I was saying/!" Sirius continued, with the air of wounded pride. "I was just thinking that there is something /strange about the Professors this morning. I just can't figure out what it is... did Professor Slughorn get a haircut? Or perhaps Minnie got a new hat? Or-"

He was again interrupted, only this time by a loud /Whoop!-/ing noise that came from the Head Table.

Remus tuned out his friend's rambling in favor of glancing at the Staff Table to see what the ruckus was, and what Sirius was going on about.He did a double take.

"Moony," he heard James say solemnly.

"Yes?" Remus asked, in similar tones.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but are our teachers /cackling/?" James asked, incredulously.

Remus considered for a moment, before responding, "yes. I belive they are, Prongs."

"Oh." James slumped in his seat after a moment. "Why do I feel like I'm doomed?"

"Probably because you are, Prongsie!" stated Sirius cheerfully, reaching over, and grabbing a kipper off James' plate.

"Should I run?" James asked seriously (A/N: If you'll pardon the pun).

Sirius scoffed. "They're /Professors/, Prongsie. You should know by now that running is futile."

James Potter groaned, and banged his head hard on the tabel. /Thump/. Repeatedly.


/At the same time at the end of the Griffendor Table, closest to the Head Table


Natasha Merrina frowned as she leaned over to speak to her best friends Lily Evans, Aurora Gildings, and Sasha Ternfeild.

"Guys, why do our teachers look so... er, whats the word for it-"

"-/Evil/?" supplied Aurora. The others nodded in agreement.

As if to prove the point, a loud /Whoop!-/ing call was heard from the Head Table. Lily and her friends looked up in alarm to see all the Proffesors present staring gleefully at the Griffendor Table.

"Did Professor Hyphianne just /whoop/?" asked Aurora blankly.

"And why are they looking this way? I bet they're looking at the Marauders/," Lily muttered, pronouncing the name /Marauders with distain. Her friends all rolled their eyes.

"Don't try to play that, Lily. You so like James Potter!" giggled Sasha, the bubbly member of the group.

"I do not! He is the world's biggest prat! His head is so /swollen/-" Lily ranted, but Natasha, forgetting about her Professor's strangeness for the moment, smiled slyly.

"Correction, his head used to be big. He has really gotten over himself during the summer. Besides, he's ultra cute, and so into you, my dear Lilykins!" The girls all giggled over this, and Lily sulked. A loud /thump-/ing noise got their attention.

Looking around, they saw that the source of the noise was originating from the boy they had just been discussing. They watched as he knocked his forehead on the table, while the two other Marauders looked on sympathetically."See, Lily," said Natasha cheerfully. "He even looks cute when he's thumping his head aganced a table!"

Lily's only responce to this was an exsasperated noise in the back of her throat.


/Not so far away at the Head Table


Albus cackled.

He really couldn't help it. He was going to solve 2 out of his 3 annoyances very, very soon.

He was so excited he had the audacity to cackle again, and popped a Lemon Drop in his mouth for good measure.

Albus nearly cackled a third time, but refrained from doing so as he noticed the odd looks the Proffesors were receiving from the student population.


...Unfortunately, not everyone had such restraint.

Albus looked around exasperatedly at the other Professors, who were all giving the excitable Orlanda looks of amusement. Albus sighed as he figured that she had been the one to make the /Whoop!-/ing noise.

How/ immature/.

Albus suddenly heard a dull, repeated Thump echoing threw the Great Hall.

It turned out to be James Potter, banging his head on the tabletop. Albus couldn't help but notice that Lily Evans was glaring at him as he did so.

The sight was far to amusing to ignore.

He cackled again.

Yes. This was going to be /fun/.

There is Chapter 2! Doesn't have to much action. Just builds up the insanity of it all. Read and Review please! Hope you all like! I will post again when people have reviewed, and have let me know that someone is reading it, and that I am not typing to myself... which would be rather pathetic.
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