Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Die For You


by ilovefrankieieroxx 3 reviews

You feel the things that make a world turn angry red

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama,Horror - Characters: Frank Iero - Warnings: [V] [R] [Y] - Published: 2012-01-18 - Updated: 2012-01-18 - 1088 words

Hey people. Sorry I had to repost the entire story cause Fuckwad had completely fucked it up Sorry it’s been a while I’ve been busy with coursework and I was away at the weekend with my 7 year old cousin and I’ve had no access to the internet so yeah. Anyway title is from Misfits again. This chapter was meant to be merged with the previous but I thought it would be too long then so yeah. Remember to rate and review. Just so you know I’m watching the last part of Scarface as I’m writing it, my aunt got it for me for Christmas so I’m happy

Rosie :)

Die For You
Chapter Three
By Apollonia Corleone
A.K.A: ilovefrankieieroxx

Lewisham, London, England
29th December 2345

Cold stone walls had lines and lines of glass tubes, over 8 feet tall. Filled with gooey blue liquid and inside these tubes were the naked bodies of girls. All hooked up to a ton of wires and machinery

They were sleeping or unconscious. Their lids lying peacefully closed, as soft bubbles escaped from their nostrils and lips as they breathed slowly their tiny ribcages rising and falling. They looked 15 at most. Their underdeveloped breasts, youthful face and their innocent looks showed this.

As soon as Apollonia’s eyes rested onto the one empty tube. Her sapphire orbs darted to a wooden table, on which laid a 13 year old girl, still naked with traces of the blue substance on her flesh. Splinters embedded themselves into her milky skin. Tears escaped from her hazel orbs, stained her makeup free face, as she wept and pleaded. Her blonde hair was matted and lay like a blanket around her head.

A large burly man was thrusting his large pulsating pole of muscle into her over and over, ignoring her pleas for him to stop. The boss raised her arm which suddenly had her .44 Magnum placed inside it. Shooting the man in the head.

His head exploded on the impact of the bullet. Blood splattered the walls, tubes and the girl along with pieces of brain and skull. His decapitated figure fell onto the now screaming girl, whose voice was hoarse and croaky.

Rushing over to the girl, the boss hugged her tightly to her own chest, rocking her slightly side to side whispering soothing words of comfort into her ear. Hearing the creak of one of the steps she placed the girl gently and spun around, gun pointing as she screamed

“STOP RIGHT THERE FRANK ANOTHNY IERO JR!!!!!!” roared the furious boss as she saw him trying to take a fast exit. Seeing the fury that raged in her eyes, he slowly descended the stairs again, biting his lip nervously

“What the FUCK is this Frank huh?” she shouted



Still nothing

“I SAID FUCKING ANSWER ME!!!!!” she cocked the gun.

“…It was a way of getting extra money” he eventually croaked out, of his usually confident mouth

At that point her anger burst and she shot him in the shoulder. Blood poured out of the wound as he cried out in pain onto the floor

“Aw are you in pain?” she calls patronizingly at him “You’re fucking pierce of shit you know that!?” spitting on him she left the room, shutting the door behind her leaving the crumpled figure in darkness with only the soft glow of the tubes as his only source of light

Stumbling out of the dark cellar, still nursing his wound. He managed to meander down the corridor to see a show was on. Girls in indecent clothing dancing in either man’s laps or around floor to ceiling poles.

He saw that Apollonia was at a table at the back, sipping her scotch and smoking as usual, watching the girls with hawk like eyes. Seeing him sitting down next to her she shot him a death glare.

“I never thought I would say this to you Iero but my hatred of you has actually grown.” He bit his lip nervously
“What are you going to do?”
“Do?” her eyes moved his and kept contact with them

Sorry completely wrong moment but me and my friends mum just won an argument with her over whether Boris Johnson (Mayor of London) is amazing. He isn’t.

Winning with political views FTW!!!!!!!


“I’ll tell you what I’ll do.” He cowered slightly in his seat and managed to squeak out
“Are you going to kill me?” At this she let out a loud cold laugh causing several heads to turn in their direction, but then seeing who was talking quickly resumed their gawking not wanting to get involved.

“No I’m not going to kill you Frank, don’t worry” he let out a sigh of relief. It was very rare to make Frank Iero scared and she was the only person he actually feared “No instead I’m going to ban you from employing anymore women under the age of 18 from coming here. I do enjoy going to brothels but not when there are children involved. If I see any child who is a day younger than 18 you’re head is going to get mounted over my fireplace got that?” he stared into those piercing eyes to see she wasn’t joking. He nodded quickly.

“Good, now I’m going to visit Way to see how he is getting along. I won’t hesitate in telling you that I prefer him. He’ll go far. He knows how to treat women.” And with that she took one last sip from her drink, took one last drag on her smoke before stubbing it, getting up and leaving.

Breathing one last sigh of relief Frank got up. Wandering over to his en suite in his office. He managed to extract the bullet from his collar bone and stopped the bleeding.

He did not notice someone was watching him until Freddie spoke “She’s a horrible woman”
“No she just hates my guts” responded Frank, not turning round.
“Why does she hate you so much?”
“I dunno. She always has. I think it’s cause I don’t treat women with a lot of respect which she has a very strong opinion about. If you don’t treat women right, you are in her bad books and it’s very hard to get out of there.”

Sorry it’s short I thought I needed to update before Jane ripped my head off :3

Rosie :)
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