Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Only Hope for Me Is You

Hold Me Tight

by anotherMCRcrazedfan 1 review

One more chapter left. :))

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2012-01-18 - Updated: 2012-01-19 - 951 words - Complete

I sat in the corner of a small room, cringing every time the doctor put the needle back through Gerard’s arm. He had to get a few stitches where he had been cut. My crying had stopped a few minutes ago, but my worries hadn’t. I really wanted my mom to be okay. She didn’t deserve the hell she’s gone through with that man. I don’t even want to call him my father anymore because he wasn't, and he never was. He was just some ass hole who beat the shit out of me and my mom.

I put my head in my hands, trying not to start crying again. My mom had been in surgery for almost an hour now, and no one has came to tell me how it’s going. I was getting really irritated with the staff here. It took them almost 45 minutes to get Gerard into a room to see a doctor.

“Baby?” I heard. I looked up to see Gerard looking at me. The doctor had finished stitching him up and was wrapping his arm in gauze. “Every thing's going to be fine.” He stood up, putting on a shirt that the hospital had given him since his was torn and covered in blood. He walked over to me, running his thumb along my broken lip. I stood up and wrapped my arms around him.

Soon we were back in the waiting room, listening to the faint sound of the TV on the other side of the room. My hand found it’s way into Gerard’s, intertwining our fingers together. I leaned over to him and lay my head down on his shoulder. Gerard placed his lips on my forehead, comforting me. I couldn’t even imagine what he was thinking. So much shit had gone on our entire relationship, all of it revolving around my ex father. Now that he was forever gone, it felt like this weight had been lifted off of me. But it was replaced by the fact that, somewhere in this hospital, my mother was lying on an operating table, trying to stay alive.

I looked up every time the doors opened, hoping it was for me. Hoping it was a doctor coming to tell me that my mother was going to be just fine. But another hour passed with nothing. I looked up at the clock. It was telling me that it was just passed midnight, and that we had been here for almost three hours.

“Here’s your sandwich,” Gerard said, handing me a tray. He had went down to the cafeteria to get us some food, the both of us starving.

“Thanks baby.” I unwrapped my sandwich, the smell of peanut butter and jelly surrounding me. I looked up just as Mikey and Alicia came through the sliding doors.

“You guys okay?” Mikey asked, sitting down across from us. I shook my head.

“Yea, I’ve got some stitches, and Frank’s got a busted lip, but we’re fine.” Gerard said, taking another bite of his sandwich.

“We still haven’t heard anything about mom though...” Alicia got up and sat next to me, putting her arm around my shoulder.

Mikey leaned over, placing his hand on my knee. “I’m sure everything will be okay.”

“I know, but I’ve just got this sinking feeling that it’s not going to be okay,” I stumbled getting my words out without crying, but I failed.

“Mr... Iero?” a man said, saying my name wrong, but right now I didn’t care.

“Yes?” I stood up.

“Your mother’s out of surgery. We’ve managed to stop the bleeding, although it wasn’t easy. She’s resting now. But you may go up and see her.” I thanked the doctor before he left. I turned around and ran right into the arms of Gerard. I rushed upstairs to her room, not even bothering with the elevator. Gerard struggled to keep up behind me. I stopped when I saw the room number she was in. My heart started pounding.

“It’s okay hunny. Come on,” Gerard grabbed my hand, and he walked into the room together. I walked in slowly, afraid of what I might see.

“Mom...?” She opened her eyes, smiling when she saw me. I sat down in the chair next to the bed. She grabbed my hand, kissing it.

“My sweet boys...” she said, looking between me and Gerard who was behind me. “I’m so sorry, for all of this. I should have told you a long time ago, Frankie. I never though it would get this far. I’m so stupid...”

“No, mom. You made a mistake. You can’t blame yourself for this.” I told her.

“Yes, it is my fault. If I hadn’t...” She trailed off. I wiped a tear from her eye.

“You don’t have to worry about him anymore. He’s gone. Forever.”

two days later

“What’s happening?!” I screamed as I tried to get passed the doctors. They held me back, forcing me down the hall. I fought and kicked and screamed. Deep down I knew what was happening. She was dying, and they couldn’t do anything to stop it.

I sat there, listening as they worked on her, trying to keep her alive. Just then Gerard came running through the doors. He sat down beside me, pulling me into his arms. I cried, and cried into his shoulder. It seemed like forever that we sat there. I could hear the faint beep of her heart monitor, going up and down, faster and slower. And then, it stopped.
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