Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I've really been, on a bender and it shows.

Chapter 1

by broken_city_sky 1 review

Gerard, the misfit, has just about had it with his life. School isn't going well and it's all getting to him. Maybe meeting a new friend could help him.. After a hard time at his past school, Fr...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-01-18 - Updated: 2012-01-22 - 576 words

"WHERE ARE YOU GOING FAGGOT?" I heard them shout after me. "I SAID WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU GOING, FAGGOT?!" They shouted again.

"Leave me alone" I whisper, knowing that they won't be able to hear me. My jaw is hurting from the harsh punch Kyler threw against me 5 minutes ago. I hate it when they do this.
It happens regularly though.

I'm currently running away from a group of boys at my school.
I'm scared, like, really scared..

After running for about 2 minutes, my pace slows down. I wish I didn't skip PE all the time now, i'm so unfit. My legs are aching and my heart is beating faster than ever before.

Suddenly, just when I didn't expect it, I felt a sharp kick on the back of my leg.
"Ow" I cried, as I fell to the floor.
"Oi, Gay Way. Did you really think you could outrun us?" Klyer snarled. He was laughing at my rigid body shaking on the roadside. Fuck, my life is over. I closed my eyes, hoping that when I open them this is all just a bad dream.

Sadly, when I open them I know it's real. Kyler kindly reminded me seconds later by lifting my body up. Shit, LIFTING ME UP?! I begin trying to push him away but he's too strong.
Once i'm standing up, I don't know what to do. Again, Kyler kindly reminds me what I should do. "Listen here. I don't know how many fucking times I have to tell you this but go and kill yourself. Look at you. Eyeliner is for girls!" He laughed, getting his thumb and pressing it against my eyes, rubbing away at my eyeliner. "I thought by now you would have learned. No wonder people don't like you. Fucking emo" He spat out. Letting go of me and walking away with his 'gang'

My feet give way on me, and I sit crying to myself on the roadside.

After what feels like hours. I stand up and walk to my bag. I quickly take a short cut home. Finally reaching my house..

I opened the front door and wandered into my kitchen. I really need some coffee.
I went to the coffee cupboard (me and Mikey, my brother, are obsessed with coffee).
My hand reaching up towards the cupboard I notice something. THERE'S NO COFFEE. Oh Mikey's in for it.

I literally ran into the living room.
"Mikey you used all the coffee. Ugh"
"Sorry Gee, mom sa- shit what happened?" He was probably refering to my face, I hadn't bothered looking in the mirror. It can't be that bad, right?
"um, nothing, why?" I replied, trying to make it sound as if I had no idea what he was talking about. "You said they've stopped Gerard! You've got blood down your kneck! Either they've started hurting you again or you have drank someones blood" Mikey said, looking at me with concern.

"It's fine, I promise. I'm gonna take a shower. Kay?" I mumbled while walking out of the room.

After my shower I lay down in bed and started drawing until I got tired.
"Evil vampire zombie thing" I laugh to myself quietly. I shouldn't be talking to myself at the age of 16.

After finishing my drawing, which turned out to be shit, I knocked my lamp off and got into bed. Oh how I look forward to another day at school. Fuck my life.
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