Categories > Original > Drama > Where Are You?

Shopping With Dee

by CarsynTMB 0 reviews

:) Title says it all...

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2012-01-22 - Updated: 2012-01-23 - 456 words

I woke up to the sound of a soft knock on the front door. "Huh?" My eyes slowly fluttered open. I slowly stood up off the sofa, and walked to answer the door. "Natalia! Oh my God it's been so long dear!!!" "Dee! Well.. it's been... two weeks?" "Oh I know but that's still too long hun!!!" I smiled at her way off cheering me up. She let out her loud laugh. "So, are you ready to go?" "Just a sec... I need my purse." "Oh no you don't sweetie. I'm buying." "Oh Dee, you don't have to do tha-" She raised her finger to stop the argument. "No discussion." I felt well embarrassed. "Well... alright..." "Common! Car's runnin'!" I smiled, and walked outside, locking the door behind me. Dee opened the car door for me, and I climbed into her truck. I waited for her to get into the driver's side. After Dee got into the truck, she looked at me, and excitingly clapped her hands together. "Ready Freddy?" I smiled. I haven't heard anyone say that since I was in third grade. "Oh yeah." "Then let's drive this big truck!" I laughed as she pulled out of the short, gravel driveway. "Music?" I nodded. "You can DJ Natalia." "I'm no DJ... but I know my radio stations." I turned the radio channel to country, and settled for my favorite song, "Picture". Dee started tapping her fingers on the steering wheel. I looked out of the big, square window and wonder if Sean could feel the relaxation I can.

When we got to the baby store, Dee took out her truck keys from the ignition. She sighed happily, and looked at me. "Ready for the best day of... ever?!?!" I laughed and allowed a big nod. We got out of the truck, and walked into the huge store. When I say huge, I mean unnecessarily large. "Holy bajeebas. Just... woah." I nodded, and realized my jaw was hanging open. A woman who obviously works here came up to us. "Hi what can I help ya with?" I tried not to laugh, because she sounds just like Sarah Palin. "Um... yeah we're looking for stuff for baby girls..." I nodded as Dee said that. "Ok follow me. Anything in particular you're lookin' for today?" We both shook our heads. "Ok then..." We walked into the clothes section, and started flipping through rack after rack of onesies. I heard Dee gasp and scuff over to me. "Isn't this the cutest... just... oh my God." It is pretty cute. It's a little yellow dress with white daisies on it. "I'm getting this for Rosy." I smiled and gave her a hug. "Thank you Dee." "Don't mention it Nat."
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