Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Orphan Re-Write

The next day was a Saturday which meant Gerard didn't have to work and the kids would be at home all day. Gerard phoned his younger brother Mikey and asked him to come round and look after Cameron and Jude. Today they were going to the orphanage.

Frank sat in the car, staring out the window nervously. Gerard noticed "Are you okay Frankie?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine..."

"Look, if you're not ready then we don't have to do this."

"No, please, I'm ready."

Gerard nodded and returned his focus to the road. Frank was biting his lip, deep in thought. Both of them had agreed that since Jessica had been a girl, they'd go to the local all girls orphanage. It was run by nuns, the main one being Sister Alice. They'd already spoken to her on the phone and she seemed extremely nice.

Soon they had arrived at 'St.Judas School for Girls'. Gerard parked the car and the pair of them got out. They were greeted by a very tall woman with pale skin, wearing black and white clothes, not showing her hair. "Hello, I'm Sister Alice." The woman announced "You must be Mr and Mr Way. I believe we spoke on the phone?"

Frank nodded and held out his hand which Sister Alice shook politely "It's so great of you to come here." Sister Alice beamed at them.

Frank laughed awkwardly "I know, finally right?"

"Go on inside, I'll catch up with you." Sister Alice said with a small smile.

Gerard put his arm round Frank and together they walked towards the building. "I don't feel so good..." Frank mumbled.

"You'll be fine once you're inside. And besides, you have no reason to be nervous."

The two of them walked to what seemed to be the main party room and watched as a large group of girls ran around, while nuns tried to keep an eye on everything. Gerard muttered something about needing the bathroom and walked off. Frank stayed and watched the girls playing. None of them caught his eye. But their laughing was contagious and Frank couldn't help but smile.

Suddenly Sister Alice was right behind them "I never get tired of seeing them all play like this."

"I know, it's awesome." Frank went red and looked at her "I'm so sorry we didn't come out here sooner, we kept meaning to..."

"It's okay, it's okay." Sister Alice re-assured him "Adopting an older child is not an easy dicussion to make. Where's your husband?"

"Oh he's in the bathroom."

"Do you think he'll find us or do you wanna go look for him?"

Meanwhile, Gerard had finished using the bathroom and was about to walk back to the room where Frank was when he heard someone upstairs. It was a young girls voice and she was singing "That's the story of... That's the glory of love..."

She had a strange accent but a good singing voice. Gerard wondered why there was a girl upstairs by herself. He walked up the stairs slowly, jumping when two girls ran behind him giggling loudly. But he continued up the stairs until he'd reached the top floor. There was a long corridor, the walls filled with paintings. When Gerard looked closely at each painting, he saw that each one had the same painting style and he realised they must've been done by the same artist.

The singing was coming from a door at the end of the hall. Gerard walked down, getting a little quicker now he wasn't so nervous. He peered through the crack in the door. In the corner of a classroom, he could see the back of a small girl. All he could see from behind was that she had brown hair with hot pink streaks, she was quite small and was rather skinny. Just as he was about to turn away, the girl stopped singing and asked "Hello?"

He could hardly walk away now so he pushed open the door a little and stepped inside "Oh. Hello." The girl started humming the song she had been singing and continued her painting. Gerard walked over to her with confidence and was about to say something when a small pile of paintings caught his eye. He started looking through them "Did you paint these?"


"Wow, they're amazing."

"Thank you." The girl turned to him and smiled sweetly. She had pale skin, a fringe that went across her entire forehead, dark brown eyes, long eye-lashes and pale skin "My name's Jasmine. What's yours?"

"Gerard." He replied, shaking the small girls hand with a small "Is it okay if I take a seat?"

"Of course."

So Gerard grabbed a chair and pulled it up next to Jasmine "So where do you get the ideas for your paintings?"

"They always tell stories." Jasmine told him, continuing to paint the lion on her canvas "This one's about a mother lion who can't find her cubs."

"She's smiling."

"She's dreaming about her babies. It's the only thing that makes her happy."

"I hope she finds them."

Jasmine glanced at him "She will." She picked up her brush and started painting two orangey yellow cubs next to the Mother "They were lost in the jungle and they were so scared. But then they found their Mother asleep under this tree. Now when she wakes up, her dream will have come true. They'll be a family again."

"... That's amazing." Gerard told her "And you came up with that story all by yourself?"

Jasmine nodded and smiled as Frank and Sister Alice walked into the room. Gerard stood up "Hey, I'd like to introduce you. Frank, this is Jasmine and Jasmine, this is my husband Frank."

"Hello," Frank smiled, walking over and holding out his hand to the small girl "It's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too."

"She painted all these paintings." Gerard told him.

Frank looked at them "You painted these? They're amazing? How did you learn so much about art?"

"I've just had a lot of time to practice I guess." Jasmine told him before returning to her painting "It's so boring here."

"It's boring here?" Frank asked with a smile, taking a seat next to Gerard who instantly puth is arm round him "If it's so boring here then why aren't you down at the party?"

"I've never seen the point in it." Jasmine looked at them "Nobody's ever really spoken to me. I guess I'm just different."

"There's nothing wrong with being different, you know."

For the first time Frank noticed what she was wearing. It was a long, gray dress that went down to her ankles with puffy sleeves. It looked like it belonged in the victorian era. Although Frank could understand why people might think she was strange, but Frank didn't care. He thought she was interesting.

"I believe that people should take the bad things that have happened to them in life and turn them into something good." Jasmine said before looking at Frank and Gerard "Don't you agree?"

"I do." Frank replied.

The couple turned to look at Sister Alice who smiled encouragingly at them. Neither of them had to discuss it. They both wanted to adopt Jasmine.

[A/N] - Oh my god, I know not a lot happened this chapter but it had to be that way :3 And also, if you've ever watched the movie then you'll realise a lot of the things the character's say are exactly what they say in the movie. I'm not doing it on purpose but I have watched that movie SO many times that I just can't help but remember every single thing that they say :L Sorry :3
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