Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > A book and it's Cover

CC- Forever

by lalatherapist16 0 reviews

Sometimes, knowing a lot is good. Not knowing.....not so much.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-01-26 - Updated: 2012-01-26 - 824 words

When I woke up, I heard a heated conversation in the other room. I kept calm, not opening my eyes.

“Come on! I say we ask her to stay with us.” It was about me? Frank sounded like he was about to cry.

“Yeah. The only things keeping here is school and her roommate.” Mikey said, calmer than Frank.

“Guys, she's on scholarship. You know how hard that is. Not to mention she's in AI.” So Mikey had told them that?

“She can go to school online and when we're cone touring she can start in LA.” Frank pleaded. Why did he want me to stay so badly?

There was a huge sigh as someone shifted their weight. “Ask her then. Come on.” I heard them all stand. “I think we should let her sleep a little longer. You were up till what, three?” Gerard was whispering.

They came into the room and a hand touched my shoulder. “CC?” Mikey asked, shaking me slightly. “You alive?” I rolled and fell onto the floor with a gasp.

“I'm awake now.” I groaned, feeling the back of my head for blood. I put up my clueless act and looked at them. “What's goin on?”

“Well, we've been talking and-” Gerard started, getting promptly cut off by Frank.

“Will you stay with us?” he blurted, helping me up next to him.

“What?” I gave him a blank look. “You said you weren't gonna try to kidnap me last night.....” I trailed off, looking around at the smiles.

“He means do you want to come with us.” Gerard smiled, patting my head. “Besides, Frank needs another short person around. He's getting lonely.”

I couldn't come up with a smartass retort about the short thing. Though I knew they were gonna ask me, I was still a little shocked. That, and I'd thought I'd have more time to think it over.

“You guys barely even know me. But, if you want a short stranger touring with you, who am I to say no?” was my response. Well, I shrugged, too.

“No, not just on this tour. Forever.” Frank grabbed my hand. “You'd come back to Cali. with us and go on every tour everywhere.”

“Whoa. Okay, now I gotta think.” I held up my hand. After a moment, I nodded. “Okay, but I have to make some plans before we leave town.”

Arms flew around me, constricting tightly. “Yay!!” Frank yelled in my ear.

“Frank! Down boy! Down!” Ray stood and dragged him off of me.

“Just like my little Scarecrow.” I murmured, dazed. Everyone stared at me. “My dog. HE was barking at a Scarecrow on a farm when I found him as a baby.” I shrugged.

'Oh!'s echoed from everyone. “Well, we leave town Monday. Will that be enough time?” Gerard asked, sitting back.

“Yeah, I just gotta tell my roommate, pack my shit , drop Scarecrow at my aunt's and tell my boss I'm quiting. I can do that in two days.” my voice was, shockingly, not sarcastic.

“Awesome!” Frank beamed at me from Ray's arms. “Ray, put me down!” he struggled.

Ray dropped him with a grin. “Okay. We'll drop you off at yours.” Mikey whipped his phone out of his pocket like it was a gun. “Number?” he asked, handing it to me.

I put my number in and handed it back to him. He did something and a moment later my phone vibrated in my bra. “God!” I yelped, jumping. I dug it out and looked at the screen.

He'd sent me a blank message so I could get his number. I save it to contacts under Mikey Way, do to the fact Mikey and Mikey W were taken by my friends from school.

Oh. My friends. Ouch, they're gonna be pissed. Mass texting time. I sighed and put my phone in my pocket. “Now on Monday you can call us when you're ready.” Mikey said, grinning.

We drove to the small house my friend and I were slumming in. “Ew.” they all said, every nose wrinkling.

“Yeah.” I stood, stretching slightly. “See ya in two days. And I swear, if this is some little joke just for kicks, I will send a swarm of Brown Widows to come eat you all.” I murmured darkly.

Ray laughed. “There's no such thing as a brown widow!”

I raised my eyebrows. “Google it. They're even more venomous then the black widow. Not quite Wander level, but still.” I shrugged. “Google Wanders, too. They're the most venomous spider in the world.”

And, on that note, I left the bus.

Tralalalalalalalalala!!!! Feeling better!! Two things got resolved, yet I still have a shit pile to deal with! Hoping to get another chapter up on this before I eat dinner! My hands are cold!! Tralalalalala!!!!!!

Hugs and Donuts,

PS!! If you haven't read Vampire Game yet (YES THE MANGA!!!) DO IT!!!!!! AND R+R!!!!!! THOSE ARE ORDERS!!!!!!
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