Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > You Can't Save Me From This Hell Hole

Give me all your Poison, and Give Me all your Pills

by ShakeyHatred 0 reviews

The guys reactions to Jenn's news, and Jenn gets a surprise when she goes back home.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2012-01-28 - Updated: 2012-01-29 - 673 words


Jenn's P.O.V

I regret every word I said in that coffee shop, during that game. I will never forget the looks on their faces, the way Frank said he cared about me. No one has ever cared about me before, not my aunt, not my uncle, and barely my own parents. Well, dead parents. I was still sobbing into Frank's shoulder when I realized it was almost 5:30. My aunt is going to kill me when I come home late for dinner. She knows, that I know dinner is always at 5:00. Never earlier, never later. I reluctantly pushed away from Frank, apologized to everyone, and walked out the door. I was still wiping tears out of my eyes until I reached my house. A 10 minute walk, that means I'm 40 minutes late. Did she eat without me? Did she forget about me? How will she react? All these thoughts were racing through my mind. My I-Phone was constantly buzzing : Missed Call - Frank, Missed Call - Ray, Missed Call - Tiara, and so on and so on. I slowly opened the front door to my house, and tip toed inside, only to be greeted by a back hand slap across the face. FUCK that hurt!

"HOW DARE YOU BE LATE! YOU KNOW DINNER IS AT 5:00 ALWAYS! YOU HAVE NO FRIENDS, WHY WOULD YOU BE LATE?!" my aunt screamed at me. "I-I-I'm s-s-sorry, I-I wa-as Get-t-ting co-f-f-fee" I sobbed curling up into a ball on the floor. Countless blows to my stomach, bruised and battered face, legs, arms,and my whole torso! My aunt finally left telling me that I shall not receive any dinner, because it's a waste if I am the one eating it. I lay in the living room floor crying my eyes out. I never thought she would get this mad. I know I was late, but she has never hit me before. Now I was bruised and broken lying on the floor sobbing like a 6 year old who lost their mom in the mall!

So give me all your poison and give me all your pills
And give me all your hopeless hearts and make me ill
You're running after something that you'll never kill
If this is what you want than fire at will!

Right now I only had 3 ways out : More cutting, Drugs, Pills, and booze, and suicide. All ways I could leave this hell hole some people call a life. This isn't a life, if I'm going to hell kill me now, instead of making me live through two of them! I woke up the next morning by hearing the front door slam. My aunt was gone. Good. My stomach growled loudly so I made myself some toast and picked at it. I felt fat after. I ate half a toast, for me, that's too much gained weight. I kneeled in front f the toilet, and threw up the half of a toast I ate. I was still starving but I didn't care, I really didn't need that weight. I did not want to go to school today. But alas, if I did not I would get more beats, I just knew it. I went upstairs and showered. I cut 6 deeper, straight lines into my right wrist. I wiped away the blood with a wet towel and slipped my wristbands on. I decided to dress in black, baggy sweatpants with my red converse. I slipped on an oversized Green Day shirt, grabbed my phone and headed to school. I walked slowly to school and arrived...early. "God damn it" I mumbled slouching under my tree. My tree is the one I slouched on, on the first day of school.

Than I saw what I was dreading to see, the guys walking up towards me. with frowns on their usually happy, excited faces. I caused their pain, those frowns are because of me! I feel so bad about what I said. If I made up a lie it could have worked, I could have been somewhat happy...
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