Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I'll Save My Love For The Summer


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Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-01-30 - Updated: 2012-01-30 - 1094 words

“Sammie!” I heard coming from upstairs, not in the mood to talk, I put my headphones in on full blast and began to read a book.

“Knock it off!” Jessica grumbled from her bed, Donna’s high-pitched shouting was quite clearly going through her. I enjoy her pain. I pointed my finger to my ears and mimed “I can’t hear you”, she slammed her laptop down, stormed over to me and ripped the headphones out of my ears; it felt like she had ripped my ears out too.

“Jesus christ you man-beast” I muttered under my breath.

“Get the fuck up there so she’ll stop shouting you little shit!” she hissed, yanking me up and shoved me out of the room.

“Coming” I yelled, hoping I didn’t sound as aggravated as I felt.

“Oh and if you call me a man-beast again I’ll break your jaw!” Jessica hissed.


I walked into the kitchen where Uncle John was holding the
phone out to me. Its about time she got into contact with me.

“Its for you” he said, passing me the phone and herding masses of children out of the kitchen.

“Hello” I said, to make sure it was my Mum.

“Sammie baby! How is it sweetheart?” she asked, using her happy voice. That means that there is something going on.

“Its alright.”

“Have you made any new friends?”

“A few”

“Well that’s good! What about Jessica? She’s around your age”

“Jessica’s…interesting” I replied. I hope that interesting meant a psychotic bitch.

“Well that’s good. Now I have something important to tell you!” she said, beginning to sound nervous, it would be BIG news.

“Go on…”

“Err well, Ryan and I are…err…how can I put this? Err, we’re having a baby” she said, barely louder than a whisper. What. The. Fuck? The second I’m out of the country she’s in a relationship and knocked up? Not cool.

“What the hell?!” I asked, trying to make sense of the situation.

“Me and Ryan are expecting a baby” she said, sounding more confident.

“Why the hell would you get pregnant when you have one daughter due to get married in a couple of months and one teenage daughter in a foreign country?! I didn’t even know you were seeing someone!”

“I’m sure I mentioned him!”

“No you haven’t! Because this is the first time you’ve thought to pick up the phone since I got here a month and a half ago!”


“Can I just get something straight?! You send your daughter into a foreign country with a family that are pretty much strangers, then the second I’m gone you get knocked up? Correct me if I am wrong but that is not the way life works at all!” I yelled, noticing Donna and John stood in the doorway, disturbed by the sudden yelling. I ignored their existence.

“There’s something else honey” she sighed.

“What now?!” I growled.

“I’m three months on” she whispered.

“How long have you known?” I asked, squeezing the phone.

“Two months”

“WHAT?!” I screamed.

“Look honey, I wanted to tell you but I knew this is how you would react so…”

“So what?!” I cut her off, “You can get me out of the country and tell me when the baby is born? Or maybe not even then!”

“I would have told you before then!”

“Lets face it mum, you wouldn’t. I know you!”

“Don’t you dare tell me what I would and would not do! You’ll love it when you come back, having a younger sibling! You might be able to come and visit when it’s born too!” she said, trying to make some shitty amends.

“Fuck that! I’d rather stay here then go and join your new picture perfect family! I don’t want anything to do with your baby! It’s just going to end up an over achieving super child, everything you wish you had with me!” I said, starting to cry. I’m not even a quarter of the way through of the time I have to stay here and she’s already moved on. Replaced me.

“Don’t swear at me like that young lady! I will say when you will come and visit because I am your mother and you will do as I say.”

“Not anymore. You don’t give a shit about me, with your new life and everything, you’ll have forgotten me by next week! I’m not going back there, it’s a prison instead of a home! I’d rather life in New Jersey for my life and that’s my fucking decision!” I screamed, Donna tutting at my language and John looked sympathetic.

“Swear at me again and you’ll be on the next flight home! And your home is where I tell you it…”

“Oh go fuck yourself!” I said, hanging up. I wiped my tears and slammed the phone onto the counter. Instead of barging out of the kitchen and facing the wrath of Jessica, I ran out of the back door and onto the lawn that I began to occupy a lot, last time was when I met Frank. I sobbed into my hands, letting my emotions morph into tears.

I feel so betrayed, she doesn’t miss me and doesn’t care about me, she’s gotten pregnant and practically kicked me out, why would I go back there, what reason do I have?! I heard a rustling, I turned to the bushes and saw Frank dangling over the fence.

“I’m not going to get mauled by horny teenage girls am I?” he asked, causing me to grin slightly.

“No” I chocked. Once he managed to get over the fence he sat beside me, I leant on him as he put his arm around me, not asking for an explanation as to why I was in such a state. I looked up, wanting to see his eyes, they are my greatest comfort. He was looking down on me, it seemed that we are thinking the same thing, our heads began to move closer and closer together.

“SAMANTHA!” Donna called from the kitchen window, causing us to jump away from each other quickly.

“See you” I said awkwardly, as I walked into the house. Suddenly I was completely depressed because I have admitted to myself that I am falling in love with Frank Iero. Hard and fast.
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