Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I'll Save My Love For The Summer


by MetalMusicHead 0 reviews

Double post, think I'll post another too, just cuz this ones short

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero - Published: 2012-01-30 - Updated: 2012-01-30 - 260 words

“What?!” I snapped at Donna. I am allowed to be annoyed at her, she just killed of my chance at finding out if Frank likes be back, its not fair.

“Your mum asked me to…”

“No! If its from or about her I don’t give a crap!”

“Well in that case you can go then” she said, turning to one of her many gossip magazines. I turned towards the window at the back, hoping to see Frank sat waiting for me to come back. He wasn’t. I stormed into the communal bedroom, thankfully Jess had left, I flung my phone at the wall, my tears were dominant, they ran down my face, each one a piece of my heart twisting and shattering, my life is so shit and there is nothing anyone can do to change it. I grabbed my make up case, my mind rearing. I pulled out the sharpener and stared at it intently for five minutes or so, making my choice.

“What the fuck Sammie?!” I asked myself, putting the sharpener back and throwing my case across the room, as if it had the plague. I made the mistake once and it nearly killed me, as if I’m going to do it again, I’m not that naive.

I retreated over to my phone that lay pathetically by the
wall, the screen was a little cracked but other than that it was fine.

“muV nite @ mine?” I text Frank.

“Cant, @ G’s” he replied. Great, things are already awkward. Tonight is going to drag.
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