Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I've really been, on a bender and it shows.

Chapter 5

by broken_city_sky 0 reviews

"I can't wait, till I get home, to pass the time in my room alone"

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2012-02-07 - Updated: 2012-02-07 - 1084 words

ok, sorry it took so long to update so here it is. I'm just wondering if I should carry on with this or start another fic. I'm not too sure if anyones reading it anymore. Let me know though, review, it would mean olot. Also any ideas that you would like to see added, I'll happily add them. xo

Gerard's POV

As I walk into form, I hear people shouting things at me.

"FAG!" someone shouts. "FUCK OFF OUT OF HERE, EMO'' another adds.
I wish Frank hadn't asked me to come in today.

Once form is finished, I head over to the gym.

"Sir, i've dislocated my toe. I have a note" I tell to my PE teacher.
"Again? Hmm, you're so clumsy Gerard. Right, you can sit in my office, I want you to write up every part of the body that you can think of. Think you can do that?" He smiles at me.
I like my PE teacher, he's very understanding, unlike most teachers.

I follow him into his office and sit down, taking a pen from my bag.

I do as my teacher asked. After an hour I was told to leave for break.

Frank probably had to do PE, so i'll wait outside the changing rooms for him.

-10 minutes later-

Its clearly obvious Frank didn't come in today. I mean, I would have seen him.
On a happier note, I know how to exit the school without being caught. See, I am good for some things!

Before I know it, i'd jumped the school gates and was running down the street to the park.
It only took me 5 minutes to get there.

As I approach the gates, I notice somebody sitting on the swings where me and Frank had spent all yesterday at. Its probably best that I avoid them. So I do, I go in the kids area and sit on top of the slide.

Being the nosey bitch I am, I turn around to look at the body on the swing. Small, Skinny, wearing a Misfits hoodie..Frank. It's got to be.

Frank's POV

I swing myself on the swing, as you would.
Just sat here, thinking about everything. My new home, my new school..all without dad. I wish he was here to tell me everything would be ok. He must be so far away now, it's been almost a year since he left me and mum. And to think, he wouldn't have left if he didn't have to put up with me. I really did used to be an inconsiderate prick.

I can't believe how much i've changed. From how I used to never be alone, i'd spend every day with Jake, my ex boyfriend. And these days, even my own mother didn't talk to me much. I've been so depressed, I haven't eaten much- i've actually lost a stone. Which isn't good, because I wasn't healthy to start with.

My whole life has been ruined. I've lost my dad, probably forever. And Jake, FOREVER. The only time i'd see him would be in heaven..and knowing my luck, God will send me to Hell.

Then remembering back when dad was around, I was never really happy. About 3 years ago I was diagnosed with depression, I don't know why..the doctors don't know why. I mean, I had a pretty good life.
My parents had plenty of money, I had a perfect boyfriend and great school grades. But the only thing I was really living for was myself. Not my family, not my boyfriend, not anyone. And i'm still yet waiting to find myself, to find who I am. As far as i'm concerned, i'm an unhealthy, sad, emo, cunt, loser. My dad told me that just before he left me and my mum.

I watch as somebody enters the park, he looks like Gerard but i'm sure i'm imagining that because I really do wish he was here. Forgetting the fact i've only known him a day, I feel like he understands me. And I know he does, I mean, he's so much like me. But i'm sure he has many friends he'd rather see...Probably a girlfriend as well.

I stick my music player on shuffle. Adam's Song begins to play..
"The choice was mine I didn't think enough. I'm too depressed, to go on, you'll be sorry when i'm gone" I sing to myself. Missing the next line realising a tear was pouring down my face "16 just held such better days" I continued. Staring at the scars on my wrists, those ugly things were always staring right back at me. Reminiding me of who I really was, how much of an idiot I was. How i'd even failed at trying to end my own life..

I sob quietly to myself, not wanting that dude to think i'm a weirdo or anything, even though I am. I wipe my tears away and close my eyes.
"I can't wait, till I get home, to pass the time in my room alone" I laugh along to the song. Its so ironic that this song was created, its just how i'm feeling.

"FRANK!" My head snaps up "FRANK!" I hear again.
Gerard is standing in front of me. He looks confused, probably because i'm sat crying to myself.

I lower my head, trying to ignore him. He's going to start laughing at me, I can tell. Who wouldn't? I'm a fuck up.

I then feel a cold object touch my chin, making me jump slightly. I look up to see that Gerard is staring at me. His hand, cupping my chin, making me face him.

I look up into his eyes, forgetting everything bad thats ever happened. They're so peacefull, just there, looking right at me. I slowly stand up, bringing him with me since he was kind of crouching down before. Once i'm upright, i'm closer to Gerard than i'd intended. He's a bit taller than me. And I can feel his heart thudding against my chest, I then again, look into his eyes.

"Please don't look at me with those eyes, please don't hint that you're capable of lies"
"I dread the thought of our very first kiss, a target that i'm probably gonna miss" he smiles, his breath lingering over my lips.
"Blink 182" I laugh, feeling slighty awkward but perfect at the same time.
He giggles and pulles me into a hug. I hug back, resting my head by his collarbone..
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