Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I've really been, on a bender and it shows.

Chapter 4

by broken_city_sky 1 review

"So this guy.." she starts "You like him?"

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2012-01-25 - Updated: 2012-02-07 - 1079 words

Frank's POV

Did I really just start singing out loud?! I'm shocked I haven't scared Gerard away, with being so snappy and emotional, also singing out loud. Oh dear self, please be normal.

Me and Gerard are on the way to the local store, I know my way home from there. He kindly offered to walk me, how sweet of him!

Once we're there, I take out my earphone and look at Gerard.
"I enjoyed your singing" he winks, smiling at me.
"umfshthanks.." I reply, sounding like a teenage girl getting wet over Justin Bieber. It's not my fault Gerard is so nice to me!

"So, you know where to go from here?" He asks me. Laughing from my response earlier.
"Um yeah, thanks Gerard. Will I see you tomorrow?" I reply, eager to know if he will be at school. He's the only person I know.

"I'm not sure, I have PE first lesson. I could just fake a letter saying i've dislocated my toe or something? That way, I will come in" he laughs to himself.
This kid is smart, i'm going to have to do that sometime, I hate PE.

"Oh, ok. So I might see you tomorrow" I smile, walking towards my street. I only live 2 minutes from here. I stick my earphones in and play some Iron Maiden.

Being the nosey shit I am, I turn around just to see if Gerard has gone.
OH MY GOD, he's just walked into a door in my street, he must live near me!

My brain overflows with happiness that I don't even realise the lampost infront of me untill I walk strait into it.

"FUCK" I scream. That really hurt, fucking hell. I think i've just broke my head.
Still, i'm way too excited that Gerard lives near me. What is it about this guy?

Gerard's POV

Once Frank and I had said our goodbyes, he turned the other way and walked home. THE SAME WAY THAT I LIVE!

I watch him walk down the street. I catch him looking back at me just as I reach my gate, he walks into the lampost, followed by a loud ''FUCK''. That must have hurt. He really is clumsy.

I open my front door to find my mum stood with her arms folded.

"School phoned me, Gerard. Why didn't you go in?" She asks, sounding worried.
"I er, just, you know, I.." I mumble, removing my shoes.
"You're not going anywhere until you tell me Gerard Arthur Way!" She speaks sympathetically. She fucking knows why I skive school. Why is she asking?!
"People are mean and I met some guy anyway, he was new so I talked with him" I shyly reply, literally running to the stairs. I don't even want to know what my mum is going to say.
But, she follows me into my room.

"So this guy.." she starts "You like him?"
"Of course I do" I reply. Why must my parents be so nosey?
"Don't let him get in the way of your school work, Gerard. Relationships come second!" She tells me, walking out my room.

Oh yeah. I'm gay.
And no, I do not have a crush on Frank. I think? He's cute and everything but lets not get ahead of ourselves. Ourselves? Myself. Whatever. I'm talking to myself.. STOP SAYING MYSELF!

I find my sketch book but I don't draw for long. Only 10 minutes I knock my light out and climb into bed. For once, i'm not dreading school tomorrow. If anything, i'm looking forward to it.

---------------7 hours later------------------

"BEEP BEEP BEEP" ughhh. I turn over and stop my alarm. 7am. One of the many reasons I hate school. Maybe if we started at 11am or something my grades would be better. I'm not a morning person. My brain doesn't start functioning properly till atleast 10am- if i'm lucky.

I shove on some clothes, jeans and a hoodie. The usual.
I then have a wash and apply some eyeliner, not too much though. I'm not really in the mood to have the shit kicked out of me later on today.

I walk downstairs and ask my brother Mikey if he's ready to leave, we usually walk to school together.

"5 minutes Gee, i'm just watching the news. More people have been held at gunpoint down town, look!" he points to the TV.
On the TV is a gay couple, obviously, as they're both men, holding hands. That kinda says something, right? One of the men has blonde short hair, and smudged eyeliner. The other has hair similar to me, black, sweepy and quite messy. He aswell looks like he's been crying, but he's not wearing any eyeliner. He needs to though, his eyes look bare.

I watch the news.
This couple were held at gunpoint last night after they had went to the movies.
Fucking hell, Jersey is not the place to be at night if you ask me.

Mikey turns off the TV and walks out the front door with me.
Then I remember Frank.
Today i'll be getting to see him, my only real 'friend' if thats what I can call him. Who cares? He talked to me, so now he is my friend.

I smile to myself and walk along the street with Mikey.

Frank's POV

"Ugh" I moan as I hear my alarm go off.
I stumble out of bed, have a piss and a wash, then shove some clothes on.

I had fun with Gerard yesterday. I hope that we get to hang out at school- we might have a few classes together.

Once i've packed my school bag I walk downstairs, remembering that my mum said she would leave for work at 7am this morning, so i've got the house to myself.

I sit and watch TV for half an hour then set off to school. It's 8:30am

It's frosty outside. Knowing my luck i'll end up freezing to death. I've only got a t-shirt and thin hoodie on. I should really watch the weather forcast.

I reach school within 5 minutes.
I look around, the place is deserted, school must have already started.

Sighing. I take the same route as me and Gerard did yesterday.
Looks like i'll be spending another day at the park. I never really did like school anyway, and turns out school doesn't like me much either. Or should I say, the kids at school don't like me.
Who even cares?!
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