Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Disabled

Friendship, a beautiful thing?

by keelynoelle 0 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2012-02-29 - Updated: 2012-02-29 - 2338 words

Friendship, a beautiful thing?

As soon as I got home my mother set me down on my bed and I watched Micheal glare at me as Mary worried over me.

“Are you in pain? Do you need more ice? How did this happen? Does this often happen? Oh god, Tess are you okay?” My mother ran a hand down my good cheek and I nodded pressing the bag of ice to my face.

“I'm fine, don't worry about me.” I laid down and my mother gave me an awkward hug.

“Okay, if you say so. I have to go to work but Mike will be here if you need anything.” I felt my blood run cold as Mary gave me a kiss and felt my room. I laid there unable to move or breath for that matter and waited for something to happen.

“She will be fine Marry don't worry.” I heard Micheal's deep voice sooth the worried woman and I gulped.

“Okay, call me if anything happens.” The door closed and the longest five minuets of my life began. The door opened to my bedroom and I heard footsteps approach me until I could feel a icy breath on the back of my neck. I didn't dare turn around but I wasn't in control of that.

“I thought you said you wouldn't give her any trouble.” The taller male grab a fist full of my hair and looked me dead in the eyes. I let out a small whimper and I swear I saw him smile at that.

“I'm sorry, I tried to stop the nurse but she wouldn't listen to me.” I tried prying his hand off but it didn't work out so well.

“Tried hard next time, or else this,” He slapped his hand against my cheek and I bit my lip suppressing a cry “This will be half of what you will be getting.”He tossed me back causing me to collide with my headboard and I let out my cry. He slammed the door behind him and I laid there shaking in fear.

For the first time ever I fear for my own life. He would kill me, he wasn't joking. I wondered why he loathed me so much, he never said. Maybe he hated kid, or maybe he just hated me. All I knew is that I had to fight to live each day of my life from here on.

~ ~ ~

“Are you sure you want to do this? I mean you cheek is light purple.” My mother frowned driving me to school today. I nodded shrugging at my purple cheek, I would rather suffer at school then be with Micheal another day.

“I'm fine don't worry about me.” I opened the door once she park in front of the building and I waved at her and she forced a smile and waved back. I entered the building avoiding everyone hoping to stay invisible today. But of course that was impossible for me.

“Tess!” Gerard called from down the hallways and a few people snickered at me. I turned away from everyone and walked away hearing footsteps behind me. I soon broke into a sprint as I ran across the campus having my enemy following behind me. “Tess!” Gerard caught up to me and gave me a hug.

“Get off of me you idiot!” I pushed him away and he rubbed the back of his neck.

“Oh, yea, sorry, forgot about the no touching thing.” He let out a nervous laugh and I just stared at him wondering what he wanted. “You cheek looks better!” He smiled trying to make conversation.

“What the hell do you want?” I dully asked and he stared at me confused.

“Nothing?” The voice matched his expression.

“Why do you follow me?!”

“Oh! Because you're my friend.” He smiled giving me another hug but I stepped away from him.

“Says who?”

“Says I silly girl.” Silly girl? I turned away from him once more and started walking to class. “Wait up!” He called walking behind me and I ignored him the best I could. “I'm starting to get the feeling that you don't like me.”

“Bravo! You finally got the picture!”

“But yesterday you were trying to be nice to me in the nurses office.” I knew I was blushing remembering that and I ran my tongue across my bottom lip and looked at him.

“Pity, I was giving you pity.”

“Liar, L-I-A-R. Liar, liar, pants on fire!” He sang and I tried to remember why I felt bad for him. Oh yea, he had that sad lonely look on his face that reminded him of corny as that sounded.

“It was pity! P-I-T-Y! And from now on I won't be giving you any.” I stuck my nose high up in the air.

“Sounds like someone has a crush.” Gerard whispered into my ear and I shivered in discomfort and a small amount of delight. I jumped away from him and he laughed.

“I'm your dreams!” I barked eyes the strange boy.

“Then I will be sleeping more often.”

“That sounded so corny.”

“Do you like corny?”

“I like you being far away from me.” He shook his head smiling and his arm somehow found its way around my neck and he dragged me to class. I was practically gnawing his arm off when we entered the room and sat down. He pulled it off when I licked it and I scowled at him. “You want my friendship?”

“Yes!” He grinned leaning close to me.

“Then stay away from me, forever.”

“Noppers can't do that!”

“Just do-”

“Miss Evan's, care to tell the whole class what you wish to tell Mr. Way?” The teacher asked and the class turned and looked at me.

“She wanted to say-” Gerard began but I covered his mouth up.

“Nothing! I wanted to say nothing, go back to your boring lecture.” I forced a smile and I felt a tongue cover my hand and I pulled away .”EW!” I yelled wiping my hand off on him.

“Freaky love birds!” Kevin snickered the rest of the prep joining in. I glared at Gerard who grinned at me and I kicked him out of his chair.

“Fuck. You.” I snarled at the teen and Mr. dickhead tapped a ruler against something and prevented me from doing anything else. Even though everyone knew I couldn't do much.

“Detention!” Mr. Thompson yelled at me and I sat back down grumbling to myself as Gerard sat back in his chair and frowned. Stupid Gerard, this was all his fault!

At lunch time I pulled out my phone and dialed my mom numbers hoping she would answer, and she did.

“What's wrong? Not feeling well?” I could hear the concern in her tone and I hoped she didn't tell Micheal about my call.

“No I'm feeling fine I just wanted to let you know that I will be staying after school for a bit.”


“I'm hanging out with my friend.” I lied and to my displeasure I saw Gerard walking in my direction.

“You made a friend? Oh I'm so proud of you!”

“Yea, yea, I got to go. Love you, bye!” I hung up just as Gerard came up right next to me, his normal smile gone.

“Sorry, about earlier.” He had a sad look on his face and his eyes looked meaningful.

“Fuck off, I said I wouldn't give you any more pity so you are shit out of luck kid.” I hissed tossing my bag over my shoulder and marching away and to my surprise he didn't follow after me. Was he finally going to leave me alone? I looked back at him and he stood there frowning down at the ground and that pity part of me called out to him. I turned away before I could open my mouth and kept walking to class.

I didn't talk to Gerard for the rest of the day and I remembered what it was like feeling alone and unwanted. It sucked big time. But by the day ended and I went right to Mr. Thompson's classroom to serve my detention.

“Clean off the desks and push in all the chairs.” He commanded and I mocked him when his back was turned. I cleaned off each desk and pushed in every chair feeling like a maid. “Stack the books on the shelves over there.” He ordered and I obeyed stalking them. Oh how I loathed this teacher, he hated me and you had to be an idiot not to realize it. I was okay with all my other teachers but this guy was my mortal enemy.

I looked out the window of the classroom and spotted a group of jocks walking off school grounds looking happy and smug. Something gave me a bad feeling about there faces, maybe they just beat a nerd to death. Poor kid, I sighed cleaning the whole classroom before I was able to leave.

“Have a good day, dickhead.” I muttered the last part and walked out the door and I was about to leave when I spotted a black object in the distance and I watch it for a minuet. It moved around and I feared it was a wild animal.

Being the idiot, I was I strolled over to it and saw that the object was a figure, and the figure was Gerard. The kid the jocks had beaten up was him.

He had stopped rolling around and was now just barely breathing right. I rushed over to him the pity side of me getting out.

“Hey, Gerard you okay?” I asked sitting down next to him and facing his body to me. He groaned and I saw two large gashes both bleeding badly, one on his forehead and the other on his lip. I opened my backpack and pulled out a handkerchief, (when you are bullied for as long as I have you carry these things around), and tried to wipe up some of the blood away but it kept pouring out. “Hey! Hey Gerard!” I shook him a bit and he winced and opened an eyes looking up at me his eyes showing he was in complete pain. “What happened?”

“Do I really need to explain?” His voice sounded horse and he wince as I touched his busted lip.

“Sorry,” I said and I saw a smile form on his face and he chuckled lightly. “What? What's so funny?” He shook his head continuing to laugh.

“You were acting like a total bad ass at lunch, and now you are an open book.” I wanted to hit him but I was afraid it would make his cuts (that had finally stopped bleeding) open up once more. “I got you figured out now Tess.” I covered his face with the bloody cloth and he pulled it off and waved it in my face. “Souvenir.”

“Creeper!” I snatched it away from him.

“Oh then you want to carry my blood with you always? How sweet, I never knew you were so romantic.”

“Fuck off.” I threw the damned thing but it didn't go far. Stupid light fabric making me look even weaker then I already was.

“Hey Tess,”


“I can see past that sour look.” Gerard slowly sat up biting his lip to hold back a moan. He faced me with a half smile and I brushed the grass out of his hair.

“Oh yea? Then what is there past my mean face Gerard?”

“Gee!” He yelled and I gave him a blank look. “Call me Gee, Gerard is to formal.” He complained and I rolled my eyes.

“Okay then Gee what is past my sour face?”

“Sadness.” My finger twitched and he stared into my eyes but I looked away. “See, I knew it.” His smile went away and has face showed kindness.

“Yea right...” I mumbled and he shook his head not liking how I denied it.

“Depression is a bitch I know, it won't get any better unless you confront it.”

“You aren't a fucking therapist don't tell me how to deal with my life!”

“So you are upset.” Shit! “Why?” I grabbed my bag and stood up but I felt a hand grab mine and I stopped. “Tess.”

“Because life it hard! Being raised with just your mom is shitty! Being a freak is a living hell! Because M-” I cut myself off not daring to tell him about Micheal.


“Because you won't Mind your own business!” I shouted and I watched his hand slide off and rest at his side. God I needed to grow a back bone!

“You don't have to go through it alone. If you want to open up to me I'll be here, okay?” He formed a slight smile and I did a half nod. He slowly rose from and winced and I stepped closer to him, the helpful me stepping out.

“Can you walk home?” I asked as he nodded.

“I'll manage I'm not that far away from my house.”

“Do you want me to walk you home?” Shut up pity Tess! I mentally slapped myself across the face and Gerard smiled and nodded and I held back a groan. Gerard grabbed my wrist and pulled me along. His walk was a bit off, he wasn't limping but he also wobbling slightly.

“Are you a schizo or something? I mean one moment you are hating my guts and then the next you are being nice.” Gerard looked at me and I glared.

“Like you aren't the same. You are acting like a jock one second and then you have this feel sorry for me look.”

“I do not act like a jock! I put on my sad face so I can get what I want.”

“Well not anymore, from now one that sad face isn't going to work on me.” He grinned wickedly as if my words were a challenge.

“We'll just see about that.”
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