Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Maybe Memories



Bert moves, and meets Gerard at school

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2012-02-29 - Updated: 2012-03-01 - 535 words

Bert McCracken looked down at his beat up DC shoes, he had just moved to New JErsey, from Utah, to get away from the Morman church. He was on his own, and had rented a place, even thou he was around the poverty line.
He walked into Bellville High, and pushed his blond hair out of his face. He topped in the front office, and looked at the secretary.
"Can I help you, son?" She asked.
"Uh, my name is Robert McCracken, and I'm new."
"Ah, yes. Here is your schedule," She said, handing Bert a schedule.
He looked down at the schedule: English 12-Room 207
He walked to the 200 block, and went to room 207.
"Uh, hi."
"Ah, Mr. McCracken, we were just getting ready to talk about the summer novel, I expect you got one?"
"No, sir. I just moved."
"Well, I think you can share with Mr. Way in that corner."
The boy with black long hair, and a Misfits shirt lifted his head.
"Hey, I'm Bert."
"Gerard," the boy said, handing Bert the summer novel.
Gerard was sketching in his notebook. The teacher rambled on about mythology, and a book on Japanese horror films from the 1970s.
"How do Japanese horror films tie in with English?" Bert asked.
"Dunno," Gerard shrugged, as he finished his drawing.
"" Bert said, looking over Gerard's shoulder.
Gerard finally realized Bert was looking over his shoulder, and quickly covered up his drawing.
"Dude, its not bad. You don't need to hide it! Hell, its amazing"
Gerard smiled. "Bert?"
"Do you wanna come to my house after school?"
"Sure, I live on my own, so yeah, I don't mind."
After the morning was over, Gerard went to lunch, and found Bert.
"Hi, Gerard."
Gerard started eating his lunch, then paled.
"Gerard? Are you OK?"
Gerard slowly put down his pizza, then took a swig of milk. He looked at the date: 2/8/95, the date today was 2/18/1995.
"Dude, you just drank expired milk, you're gonna get sick."
"No, I never get sick."
About 3 hours later, school was over, and Bert was waiting for Gerard.
He saw Gerard coming, and looked at him.
"Gerard? Dude, you look horrible."
"Bert...I dun't feel so guud..." Gerad groaned.
"...Shouldn't have drunk that expired milk, man."
Gerard groaned, as he felt the hallway swirl.
Mikey walked over. "Dude, you look like you're gonna puke."
"I think I am going to puke!"
They walked to thier house, and Gerard raced for the bushes, and started to violently heave.
"Hey, kid. Is he gonna be OK?" Bert asked.
"Dunno, but my name's Mikey."
"I'm Bert."
"Bert..." Gerard moaned, "I don't feel so good..."
"I know, just go inside and lie down."
Miky and Bert watched as Gerard stumbled into the house.
Gerard's mom looked at him, "Gerard hunnny? You feeling OK?"
"I think I'm sick."
Gerard groaned as the living room spun.
She looked at him, "Go lie down."
"Okay...I'm gonna go lie....lie...." he trailed off, and then fell on his hands and knees, puking up the expired milk.
New story, I wanted Bert to be a good guy, because he always is the jerk in stories:P xo Jules
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